
Chapter 1: Evelyn's treasure

Long time ago in a less populated village. There lived a young belle named Evelyn.

Evelyn is the only girl amongst five brothers.

People often call her young Evelyn because she is the youngest.

Evelyn lives with her grandma and her five brothers.

One day Evelyn found a silver coin on her way to the river to fetch water for her grandma.

She was very happy that she found a silver coin. She claims it's her treasure and the gods gifted it to her for her good behavior.

Evelyn was a well mannered girl no doubt.

When she bent down to fill her pot with water the silver coin fell into the water.

Unknown to her she walked home with a joyful heart that she had found a treasure.

Evelyn got home very early unlike other days

Her grandmother was surprised to see her return early. She knew something was up.

Normally Evelyn delays errand because she feels she should be pampered. She often complains that she is the last born and she should not be the one to fetch water or do the dishes.

"Why have you returned early from the stream today. Is everything okay?"

"Surely grams. Everything is okay. She smiled. I found a treasure".

Matthew her second brother laughed on hearing that she found a treasure.

She reached her pocket to take the silver coin out.

Evelyn smiling face turned into a gloomy face.

"Did you not say everything is okay just now?

"Yes but I can't seem to find my little treasure.

Before her grandmother could say jackpot she dashed for the door and off to the river she went.

Evelyn ran fast like she was been chased by a monster.

She jumped into the river. To her surprise she started sinking. It dawned on her now that she could not swim.

"Shall I die here like this. She thought as the water covered her up.

The loud screams and cries woke her up.

She coughed out water and sneezed many times.

"Who brought me home". She thought.

She sat up on her bed.

Evelyn walked downstairs.

"You're alive!... Her grandmother hugged her

"I know you can't die like a chicken. Matthew said.

"You have been asleep for 26hours. I must say you're a strong girl. Tijeras her oldest brother said.

"Twenty-six hours!!! Her jaw dropped in surprise. "Why didn't you wake me up... She said and run to the stream again.

"Where are you going to now?" Grandma asked.

"Oh well, granny. Is it not crystal clear that our little sister is out of her mind. She claims she found a treasure in the river. So pirates go on a wasteful trip on big waters. Matthew said and sipped his cold tea. He is one big weirdo. He loves his food cold even his coffee.

"I shall not rest till I find mine silver coin,the gods had gifted it to me. She said as she approached the river.

She stood in the shallow part of the water and after three hours of ransacking the area she saw a weird looking man holding something in his hand. Something familiar.

The silver coin.

She rushed to meet him.

"Sir, that's mine. It's my silver coin.

"Your silver coin. How is it yours?

"Because I found it over there.

"Young lady. This silver coin is not yours but mine but if you ask nicely I shall give it to you.

She looked around before saying anything.

Evelyn sighed.

"Okay. Please can you give me the silver coin.

"Say it three times.

She tried not to complain. She would have walk away and leave him to eat his coin but she wanted to prove Matthew wrong.

"Please can you give me the silver coin.

"Please can you give me the silver coin.

Please can you give me the silver coin.

The man smiled.

"Here you go.

She collected it with force and eyed him rudely. After that she took to her heels.


"Matthew!!! She called out to him.

She dropped on the table.

Matthew laughed hard.

"Little sister,this is just a coin. It's not a treasure.

"You'll not change my mind. It's my treasure and I'm keeping it.

This is a super short story with only one chapter. Enjoy.

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