
Young Aedan

À young boy with supernatural strength, born into a village terrorized by a dragon, trains with an elderly warrior to master his gift and defeat the beast. They run through the forest, with the master stressing the importance of control and mental strength as well as physical might. The boy pledges not to fail the village or his teacher.

Daoist3jp7wm · Action
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

As the dragon turns its attention back to him, Aedan takes a deep breath and focuses his energy on his sword. The air around him begins to shimmer and warp, as if he were seeing the world through a heat haze. He channels his magic into the blade, infusing it with the power of the air itself. The dragon's eyes widen in recognition, but it's too late; Aedan launches himself forward, his sword slicing through the air with deadly precision.

The enchanted blade connects with the dragon's scaled hide, and a deafening crack echoes through the cavern. The dragon roars in pain, its massive body shuddering from the impact. Aedan pulls his sword free, stepping back to avoid the dragon's thrashing claws. The wound on its side gapes wider, the foul-smelling liquid now pouring forth in a steady stream.

Heart pounding, Aedan surveys the dragon's form once more. The dragon's scales are impenetrable to most weapons, but it has a vulnerable spot: the glands that secrete the poisonous fluid that flows through its veins. If he can strike those glands, the dragon will be weakened, and perhaps even mortal.

Steeling himself, Aedan charges the dragon, dodging its claws and teeth with dizzying speed. The ground shakes as the mighty beast thrashes about, but Aedan remains focused on his target. He leaps high into the air, twisting his body mid-flight to position himself behind the dragon's massive head. His sword flashes through the air, striking true. There is a sickening thud as it connects with the dragon's neck, and a spray of foul-smelling fluid covers Aedan's face.

The dragon roars in agony, thrashing about wildly. Aedan lands on the ground, his heart pounding in his chest. He knows that he must deliver the killing blow quickly, before the dragon can turn its attention back to him. He sheathes his sword and takes a step back, assessing the situation. The dragon's movements have become erratic, its breath coming in ragged gasps. It is weakening.

Aedan reaches out with his senses, feeling the flow of magic within himself and the world around him. He focuses on the dragon, searching for its heart, its weak spot. As he does so, the air around him begins to shimmer and shudder, as if it were alive with energy. He draws on this power, channeling it through his body and into his hands. His fingers tingle with a strange warmth, and he feels a surge of strength course through him. He stabs the dragon finally, feeling the blade sink deep into its scaled hide. The beast roars in pain, shaking the cavern with the force of its lungs. Aedan leaps back, narrowly avoiding being crushed by the dragon's thrashing tail. He was relieved and happy that the dragon was hurt. He knew that he had to strike again, quickly and decisively, before the dragon could recover. He drew his sword and charged once more, dodging the dragon's claws and teeth with superhuman agility. The battle raged on for what seemed like an eternity, but Aedan never faltered. He struck again and again, his blows growing more powerful with each passing moment. The dragon collapsed and died. its lifeblood pouring from a mortal wound.

The villagers cheered, their relief palpable as they surrounded Aedan, hailing him as a hero. But Aedan knew that his victory had come at a cost. He had unleashed a power within himself that was both thrilling and terrifying, and he knew that he must learn to control it if he were to survive the days and years to come.

As the villagers tended to their wounded and began the task of rebuilding their homes, Aedan withdrew to a quiet clearing on the outskirts of the village. There, he sat cross-legged on the ground, his sword resting across his knees. He closed his eyes and focused once more on his magic, trying to understand the power that coursed through his veins. He could feel it, like a wild beast trapped inside him, yearning for release. He knew that he must find a way to harness this power, to master it, before it mastered him.

Days turned into weeks, and Aedan spent every waking moment training. He honed his swordsmanship, learning to move with the grace of a dancer and the strength of a titan. He practiced meditation, learning to control his thoughts and emotions, to calm the storm raging within him. And he studied ancient tomes, searching for clues about the nature of his magic and the dragon or beast that he must destroy.

As he trained, Aedan began to understand that his magic was not unique to him alone. There were others like him scattered throughout the world, born with powers that set them apart from ordinary men and women. They were known as Aesir, named after the gods of their ancestors. It was their duty to protect the world from the creatures that threatened it, to stand against the darkness and defend the light.

News of Aedan's victory over the dragon spread swiftly, and soon word reached him that another village far to the south was being terrorized by a fearsome wyrm. Aedan knew that he must go and help them. He bid farewell to his newfound friends in the village and set out on his quest, determined to rid the world of the evil that plagued it.