
Chapter 34: Peace Conferece II

3rd pov

In a room where the Dacian-Rumeli War Peace Conference is taking place.

Republic and Allied Kingdom diplomats were supporting Dacia while the Empire was trying to ensure that Rumelia did not cease to exist.

"Our War was for the Liberation of the peoples of the Continent, who were being exploited, abused, and slaughtered by Rumelia! Not only that but also to respond to Rumeli's aggression towards Dacia!" Said Minister of Foreign Affairs of Dacia Daniel Abul, being the representative of Dacia at that Peace Conference.

Daniel Abul was using the Cloak of Morality to make the War of Dacia even more fair, even if he didn't need it, it was good to act, just so that Imperium Daciae looks good in the Newspapers.

"While we can understand that, Mr.Abul, we hope that Dacia makes a fair treaty towards Rumelia because even if it was a Just War, we hope that Dacia doesn't want to annex all of Rumelia or anything like that" said Imperial Diplomat Friedrich Von Leistner, while he fixed his glasses.

"Well, Gentlemen, let's begin the Peace Talks" Said the Allied Kingdom's Diplomat, Sir Thomson, as he sighed.

Daniel nodded seriously, he then handed it to the Rumeli Revolutionary Government Diplomat, Erhun Yanki, who began to read the Documents involving the demands of the Imperium Daciae.

"Mr.Abul...what Dacia is demanding is quite severe" Erhun Yanki said as he looked at Daniel with a serious look, but there was sweat falling from his forehead.

The Peace Treaty proposed by Dacia involved from the Annexation of the Territories of the Continent by Dacia, together with the Island of Cyprus and Constantinul, together with a small part of Anatolia (following a little of the Megali Idea).

Furthermore, Dacia also demanded the Liberation of the Territories surrounding the Old Kingdom of Jerusalem, which would be restored and be in a Personal Union with the Imperium Daciae, along with the creation of other Nations that would be under Dacia's "Protection".

In addition, Dacia demanded to also pay War Reparations above 3 Billion Pounds, and have the Border between the countries be fully demilitarized on the Rumeli Side, the same for the Arbemanian Nation that Dacia demanded to be created in the region of Eastern Rumelia, they'll be under Dacian "protection" too.

In addition, the Rumeli Army would be limited to 75,000 Men, without being able to have Armored Forces, Aior Magic Force, in addition to also limiting the size of the Rumeli Navy entirely.

The Treaty also stipulated that Dacia could have Garrisons and occupy certain industrial areas for a while until the Debt was paid, in addition to having 3 Permanent Garrisons in their Capital, basically, making them Dacia's Puppet.

"Don't worry Mister Yanki, Dacia is willing to negotiate the terms of the Peace Treaty" Said Daniel as he looked at Erhun Yanki with a calm smile on his face.

With that, several hours would pass, with Daniel Abul and Erhun Yanki negotiating the terms of the Peace Treaty, but since Rumelia only had the Empire as an ally in this, Rumelia,, unfortunately had to accept most of the terms of the Peace Treaty.

Their only 2 victories were in limiting the Army, which went from 75,000 to 125,000, in addition to decreasing the Debt to 1.5 Billion Pounds.

After that, on January 27, 1921, the Treaty of Bucharest was signed, putting an end to the Dacian-Rumeli War.

The Imperium Daciae got the Territories it claimed, as well as being able to create and restore the Kingdom of Jerusalem, which is in a Personal Union with the now Dacian Imperial Family, as well as getting War Reparations.

The Imperium now only needed to focus on the Puppet States that would be created by them, both for leadership and to ensure that the Region's Oil reserves were under the control of the Dacian Imperial Family.

A Military March will be held to commemorate the Dacian Victory over Rumelia, after which there will be 3 days of Mourning for the Combatants who fought against the Rumeli Tyranny, whether Dacian Soldiers or Slavic or Hellenic Rebels.

As for the Slavic and Hellenic Peoples, the Imperium was negotiating with the former Leaders of Rebel Cells and Organizations who had fought against Magna Rumeli, while most were Pro-Dacia, there were some who were a little reluctant to accept being under the Sovereignty of the Imperium, but they were willing to negotiate because of the Respect they had for the Dacians, who had saved them from the Rumeli, which was what the Central Government needed.

The Central Government would propose more autonomy for the provinces that would be created, in addition to respecting local cultures, unlike the Rumeli who had no respect for local cultures, the Central Government will also use the advantage that the Hellenic and Slavic Peoples are Orthodox to aid in the assimilation of the Territories.

Dacia's hands in the future would be full, but if all goes as per Ferdinand's Plans, his Imperium Daciae will live for over a thousand years.

In the Temporary "Palace" Rumeli.

Ex-Sultan Osman VI, along with the Harem Consorts and his children, in addition to the Janizara Guard Captain, were all lined up against a wall, with their arms tied and a cloth over their mouths to prevent them from screaming.

"Your Majesty, Ex-Sultan, I am very sorry for this, but you betrayed Rumelia, and put her in an endless abyss, now our Republican Government has the job of ensuring that the Nation survives, and for that, we will have to get rid of the old ..." Said Evrim Pasha, Leader of the Rumeli Revolutionary Government as he looked at everyone from afar.

Some soldiers wearing Blue Rumeli Uniforms had their rifles pointed at the people who were lined up on the wall, these men were the Soldiers who participated in the Coup d'état, they will become a Paramilitary Force serving the New Government, the Rumeli Blue Guard.

"May Allah give you the rest you deserve...goodbye, Your Majesty" Said Evrim Pasha to all who would be executed, he, along with other Pashas who were there, took off their hats in respect to those who will be executed.

The Blue Guard Officer then gave the order and with that, the Blue Guard Rumeli fired without an ounce of mercy, after which they lowered their rifles.

'May Allah forgive us' Thought Evrim Pasha as he closed his eyes and sighed heavily.