
Youjo Senki: The Dacian Prince

After dying in an accident and having the famous Isekai, Adam finds himself in the body of the Crown Prince of the Grand Duchy of Dacia in the world of Youjo Senki. Now he's on a mission to strengthen the country, ensuring it can survive against The Empire and win the World War...as well as dealing with a certain extremely powerful and dangerous Loli. I Don't Own Anything.

PowerMan579 · Others
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73 Chs

Chapter 26: Dacian-Rumeli War II

3rd Pov

At 27 kilometers from Iovaspol City, which was under the Domain of Magna Rumeli, some Dacian Magical and Armored Forces were advancing to take it, as it would be a vital point for the Dacian Advance.

In addition to 3 Battalions of Royal Dacian Mages and the Armored Force, he also had several trucks carrying Infantry Soldiers, which would help in the rapid taking of the City.

"Attention all Companies! Get ready to advance at full speed, we are going to attack the Key Points of the City so that the allied troops can take the city faster" Said one of the Commanders while using his magic equipment to communicate with every Mage who was flying in the skies with him.

"Understood!" Said all the Mages as they readied the thrusters and went at full speed.

After a long time flying at full speed, they managed to reach the city, so they started preparing their Magic Rifles.

"W-Wait...Commanders, are we going to attack without giving a Diplomatic Warning first? Wouldn't that be against the Laws of War?" Asked one of the Mages while looking at his superiors, who had loaded Rifles.

"Soldier, if we send a Diplomatic Warning it will only make the enemy ready, moreover, History is written by the victors, our Fatherland is who will win this Crusade against the Pagans... In the end, they will remain the bad ones. " Said one of the Commanders in an authoritative and serious tone as he pointed his Magic Rifle toward the Rumeli Garrison in the city.

Hearing this, the Mage fell silent and just nodded before pointing his Magic Rifle at the Rumeli Garrison, just waiting for the order to fire.

"Attention all 1st Company! Use Explosive Magic against Pagan Garrison!" Said an officer as his Magic Rifle started to glow, as well as the others' Rifles.

"Ready.....aim...FIRE" shouted a 1 Company Commander as he squeezed the trigger.

With that, several Explosion Spells were fired at Iovaspol's Rumeli Garrison.

With Company 1 managing to complete its objective, the other Companies began to do theirs, advancing quickly into the City.

Chaos was happening in Iovaspol, with several Civilians running and screaming while the Rumeli Soldiers were all confused, after all their Garrison had suddenly exploded.

"What happened?! The damn Rebels did this?!" Asked a Rumeli Officer while he took his revolver and looked around, waiting for an attack.

"No Sir! Looks like it was Dacian Mages! We're being attacked!" Shouted one of the Soldiers as he looked up at the sky.

"WHAT?! THIS IS AGAINST THE INTERNATIONAL LAWS OF WAR! THEY CAN-" the Officer was screaming indignantly and angrily before being shot in the neck and falling to the ground.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" Shouted a Rumeli soldier as he desperately tried to fire at the flying Dacian Mages.

But even if they tried to fight back against the Dacian Mages, it was of no use, it only made the now weak defense of the city focus on the Mages, while the Armored Forces were advancing and closing in on the city.

Soon the "battle" would turn into a massacre against the Rumeli Forces, the same was happening in the nearby cities by the other Dacian Troops.

But further inland from Magna Rumeli, the Hellenic and Slavic rebellions were increasing even more in Numbers and Aggressiveness thanks to the advancing Dacians.

The Rebels were wreaking havoc on the Rumeli Supply Lines, requiring more troops to protect the Supplies.

"Death to Rumelia!" A woman screamed as she stabbed several a Rumeli soldier, while in the background shots, screams and explosions could be heard.

In the Hellenic city of Arsta, the Rebel Organization known as the "Children of Arsta", which was always focused on carrying out terrorist attacks against Rumeli Authorities, has staged a complete uprising since the Dacians' Declaration of War.

"Sergios! I need more ammo!" He yelled a Man while standing behind a wall and gripping his Rifle tightly, shielding himself from the Rumeli Soldiers' fire.

"Here" Said a young man as he handed the man some ammunition that was in his bag before focusing on shooting the Rumeli using his revolver.

"We need to keep advancing, the Leader of these Bastards is hiding in the Garrison as a Coward." Said a woman as she reloaded her rifle before continuing to fire at the Rumeli.

"There are many, we won't make it alone, Apostolia!" Sergios said as he continued shooting non-stop at the Rumeli, with some shots hitting the enemies.

"Reinforcements are already on the way, we just have to hold out a little longer" Apostolia said while crouching, protecting herself from the Rumeli soldiers' shots.

The gunfire kept happening, as well as Chaos in the city of Arsta, the Rumeli Soldiers were not able to hold their positions in the City, while the Rebels were advancing without stopping, wanting nothing more than the Blood of the Rumeli being spilled on the ground, wanting nothing more than revenge for the Rumeli's Years of Abuse against Arsta.

Some rebels threw grenades against certain Rumeli positions, others stayed from afar shooting with their rifles, but there were also those who advanced with and attacked the Rumeli using bayonets or normal knives they had picked up.

"That's not right... this is Hell" Said a Rumeli Soldier crouching down with his hands on his head, Arsta had become for him the very definition of Hell, with all the chaos, death, screams, and bodies that were on the ground.

He soon heard a click, causing him to look up, his eyes meeting those of an Arstanian who was aiming the Rifle at him.

"W-wait! I surrender-" Private Rumeli soon had his head blown off, while the Arstanian man just reloaded his rifle.

"No" was the only word that came out of Arstaniano's mouth as his gaze was icy cold.

The Rumeli was retreating further and further until they were surrounded by the Rumeli Garrison, desperately trying to defend themselves against the vengeful Arstanians.

"Your Excellency! We're surrounded, we can't hold out much longer!" Said an Officer to Pasha while waiting for the next orders with a worried look.

"Shit shit shit shit shit" Pasha said several times while biting his fingernails with worry, he tried to find some solution but unfortunately he couldn't.

"Damn it.... RAISE THE WHITE FLAG, WE WILL SURRENDER" Shouted Pasha while looking at the Officer, who nodded at his words and ran to raise the white flag.

'Damn it... if I'm not executed by the Rebels, clearly I will be by the Sultan' Thought the Pasha while praying to Allah, asking him to be spared by the Rebels or at least have a Painless Death.

Right at the top of the Rumeli Garrison, soldiers raised a white flag and waved it, as a sign of surrender to the Rebel Forces in Arsta.

"THE PAGANS SURRENDER" Shouted one of the Rebels as he reloaded his Rifle.

"YES, WE DID IT" The rebels in Arsta began to roar in victory upon seeing the White Flag.

"Aha! Sergios, are you seeing this?! We won!" Apostolia shouted while she had a big smile on her face when she saw the flag, but she didn't get a response from her friend, which made her look to the side.

"Sergios?" Apostolia asked again before looking at Sergios who was sitting with his back to a wall of a house.

"Uff....I saw it" Sergios said while taking a deep breath while holding his stomach.

"Sergios?! You idiot, why didn't you say you were shot?!" Apostolia shouted as she ran towards Sergios while she kept calling for a doctor.