
Chapter 11: The Legionnaires' Attack

3rd Pov

In Os, the capital of the Grand Duchy of Dacia, peace looked like it was about to grace this beautiful city, which was in a mess because of the struggles between the Legionnaires against the Communists and Socialists, so everyone breathed a sigh of relief when both sides of suddenly stopped attacking each other.

But few knew what was really about to happen, in one of the neighborhoods of Os, which had several families and people related to the Dacian Socialist Party, would become one of several targets of the Legionnaires in Os.

Veronica Kiritescu was returning home after she had the meeting with the Dacian Red Coalition, she needed later along with the rest of the Dacian Socialist Party Leadership to prepare the Red Guard for when they attacked the Legionnaires.

When she arrived at her house, she saw a child of a maximum of 1-year-old, who had the same eyes and hair color as hers, being cared for by a 40-year-old woman who had red hair, freckles on her cheeks, and green eyes, a little overweight.

''Comrade Kiritescu'' Said the woman while focusing on Veronica, she then saluted Veronica while she had a serious face.

''Comrade Olaru, thank you for taking care of my son'' Veronica said as she had a smile on her face as she walked over to her son and picked him up, and hugged him tightly.

''I just did my duty comrade, I'm going, because I need to prepare my husband's lunch'' Olaru said as he took her bag and said goodbye before leaving.

''So Marku, how have you been? Did you behave well? I know you did it~~ '' Veronica said as she hugged her affectionately while kissing her son's left cheek non-stop.

While Veronica was busy petting her son, Olaru was walking home when suddenly she was grabbed by some Legionnaires, she tried to scream but one of the Legionnaires had a hand on her mouth so she wouldn't make any noise.

''Bianca Olaru, member of the Dacian Socialist Party, wife of Filip Olaru, 40 years old, and mother of a boy called Ciodaru, a young man using a wheelchair who is very intelligent, but because of his physical condition he was unable to enter the Academy of Arts in Os' ' Said Valeriu as he stepped out of the shadows and looked seriously at the woman who was being grabbed by the Legionnaires.

He takes from his uniform pocket a photo of a young man in a courtyard of a house, sitting with his back to a tree and with an act on his lap.

''We're keeping an eye on him and your husband, now, you're going to tell us where all the Socialist and Communist Party Leaders you know live or...a very unfortunate thing will happen to both of them,'' Valeriu said the most. as serious as possible while looking Bianca in the eyes to let her know she wasn't kidding.

Tears began to well up in Bianca's eyes as she nodded, causing the legionnaire who had a hand over her mouth to take it away, she then began to blurt out, afraid that something would happen to her family.

When Valeriu received all he needed, he beckoned to a legionnaire who quickly grabbed a knife and slashed Olaru's neck, the legionnaires holding her threw the corpse to the ground and looked to Valeriu for orders.

''Get the boys ready, let's attack these Red Scum as soon as possible, the longer they live, the more they can corrupt our dear Dacia.'' Said Valeriu seriously as he took a Cabian Cigarette from one of his uniform bags and started to smoke.

The legionnaires nodded and ran as fast as they could to warn the others so they could start the attack against the Socialists and Communists, all of whom were part of the attack wanting nothing more than to see the blood of the Reds dripping onto the ground.

When everyone was ready, Valeriu gave the order to attack, the Legionnaires didn't waste time and started to invade houses, and attack all the targets they had received, not giving anyone time to retreat.

Veronica, who had put Marku to sleep, started hearing the sounds of gunshots and screams, she got scared and quickly went to her office, where she took a revolver that she had kept and went to her son's room to protect him.

She pointed the revolver towards the bedroom door after putting Marku in a safe place, she heard the door being broken into downstairs and the noise of movement, Veronica took a deep breath as she just waited for someone to open the door so she could shoot.

She didn't take long, because soon the door was broken into and she started shooting, she saw a legionnaire fall before the next thing she saw were two legionnaires with rifles pointing at her, not giving her time to do anything before receiving several shots.

The legionnaires quickly entered the room and started to search everything before they heard the noise of a child's cry, causing them to search with more determination.

''Brother, I found the child!''

The other legionnaire looks at the child who had been crying for a while before speaking.

''Let's take the child, he will make a good addition to the Youth Legionnaires'' With that decided, both legionnaires prepared to leave, with one shouldering his rifle as he carried the child, the other also shouldering his rifle and taking it. the dead fellow legionnaire so that he might receive a proper burial.

The shooting noises continued for some time as some houses were invaded, followed by screams and cries before more shots were heard, when everything was finished, the legionnaires left in a hurry, climbing on the carts that were waiting for them, and fled the scene.

What was left behind was a massacre, several houses were invaded, with some on fire, bodies strewn, with the walls of some places having the symbol of Communism painted in blood.

The Legionnaires managed to carry out most of their plans, with most of the Socialist and Communist leaders being killed along with their families, with only a few children being taken away to be indoctrinated into the Legionary Youth.

After this was done, several Legionnaires attacked the Communist and Socialist Party headquarters in Os, destroying or looting everything, then setting fire to the headquarters afterward as they fled.

Such news soon reached the ears of the Dacian Government, which decided to turn a blind eye to it, while the newspapers wasted no time and began to report on what became known as ''The Massacre of Os''.

The National Legionnaire Party denied any accusations of their involvement in the attacks that took place, with Arthur Iordanescu claiming that the militias and groups that did this were independent groups, that no one in the National Legionnaire Party had any idea what these groups were up to.

Obviously, the Communists and Socialists did not believe this, so they gathered as many Red Guards as they could and began to attack the legionnaires in groups, which escalated to several fights in the city causing the police to intervene.

While such violence was taking place, the Legionnaires began to propagandize in Os and in cities, towns, and villages, so that they might have a chance of winning or getting as many seats as possible in Parliament.

Arthur also took the opportunity to threaten the small right-wing parties, with the majority merging with the Legionnaires or else making a forced Coalition under the command of the Legionnaires.

Several countries on the continent were watching what would happen to Dacia, mainly 3 countries, the Empire, the Republic, and the Russy Federation.

Currently in Berlun, capital of the Empire.

Several men in Imperial High-Rank military uniforms were currently talking about the situation in Dacia, which could be a blessing or a problem.

''The situation in Dacia could give us an opportunity that would be horrible if we let it go'' Said a man sitting in a chair while smoking a Cabian Cigar, he had a big mustache and short hair, this was Brigadier-General Kurt von Rudersdorf.

''Yes, we could get an ally that, even if it is underdeveloped, would help a lot in future conflicts'' Said a thin man, with short hair and who had his eyes closed, he was stroking his chin thoughtfully, this was Brigadier-General Hans von Zettour.

''Yes, even if they don't help by sending soldiers, they could help us with supplies or, if they don't want to join us, at least a Non-Aggression Pact we could get,'' said Rudersdorf as he smoked his cigar.

''That's clear, if things flow as we thought they would, plus this kind of matter is best handled by the Foreign Office, after all, we're just military people,'' Zettour said as he crossed his arms, with Rudersdorf nodding in agreement.

In Parisii, the capital of the François Republic.

In an office we can see a man who had a mustache, a blue Republican military uniform, with his cap resting on a hat rack, he was looking at the newspapers with a calm look, this man was Major-General Pierre-Michel de Lugo, Deputy-Minister of the Ministry of Defense and of the Republican Armed Forces.

''Hmmm, that could be a short-term problem.'' De Lugo said to himself before dropping the paper on his desk in his office.

'But in the end, it doesn't matter, Liberals or Monarchists, as long as they become allies of the Republic, it doesn't matter which of the two commands the Dacian Government.' He thought of Lugo as he walked over to where he kept his expensive drinks and grabbed one to drink.

In Moskva, the capital of the Russy Federation.

A man was in the office drinking some tea before stamping some documents which had pictures of some people, these people were being sentenced either to Gulags or to Executions.

The man who was stamping was none other than Josef Dzhugashvili, a new leader of the Russian Federation after dealing with political opponents, who have been very busy because supporters of his former rival have been rebelling, along with several royalists who have tried to re-establish the Tsardom.

Josef Dzhugashvili picked up after stamping several papers a newspaper that talked about the political situation in Dacia, when he read what happened to the Dacian Communists and Socialists, he didn't show any hint of anger or anything like that.

''Hmpf, I didn't have much faith in those idiots, it's a good thing we didn't invest much in them'' Josef said as he threw the newspaper into the fireplace in his office.

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