

She refuses to tell him what she feels, so she writes to him. She writes everything he can't handle, everything he can't know. She barely knows him. All she knows is the passion that took control of her ever since she met him.

Mathilde_Le_Clech · Teen
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60 Chs

November 23rd

- The reconnection worked.

- It's nice to read. And sleeping with you always echoes in my head.

- That will be the next step.

- Are you afraid of me?

- Not at all. And you?

- A tiny bit.

- Why?

- I can't answer.

- It doesn't bother me as long as it doesn't take precedence over your desire.

- The desire grows every time. I would like to share other things with you, but I can't help but get undressed.

- It's still neat, and rare, as a relationship, which doesn't stop us from trying to do something else, on occasion.

- I'll miss you when I'm in a relationship.

- Me, too.

- I want to sleep with you, peacefully and just simply.

- It would be my pleasure.

- You're always so nice to me… It's pleasant, even if I don't think I deserve it.

- If I am, it is because you deserve it, and that makes me feel good, too.

- So, I still hope we do each other a lot of good.