
You will be there right?

Shiro_Yuko · Realistic
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 : Loser

"uhhhh our lil nerdy guy is crying"

"quit crying dude no one wants to look at your ugly face"

"you should've just die"

Kyou head keeps facing down, his face is covered in tears. His eyes and nose is redish as he crying nonstop for 30 minutes. With care he slowly grab his ragged notebook. Satoshi Kyou, he looks at his name written on the book with a disgusting look. Can i be someone else? why should i be me? the questions running in his head. But he's yet to get the answer perhaps he never will. Kyou sits alone in his classroom. the time had passed the school hour. Sky outside is cloudy as if it was about to rain anytime. With a trembling leg he stands up.

Kyou had been bullied for as long as he could remember. It seemed like every day, someone was calling him names, pushing him around, or tripping him in the hallways. He tried his best to ignore it, to just keep his head down and get through the day, but it was getting harder and harder to do.

"Maybe he was right, I-I should've just... die"

He step out of the class and reach for the staircase. He made his way to the rooftop of the school.He had climbed up there to escape the bullies, to get away from the taunts and the insults. But as he stood there, looking out over the city, he felt a sense of hopelessness wash over him.

"you should've just die" the words flash over him again

"I'm tired of this...."

He thought about all the times he had been humiliated, all the times he had been made to feel like he wasn't good enough. He thought about how lonely he was, how isolated he felt from the rest of the world. And in that moment, he made a decision.

He was going to jump.

He took a step forward, his heart racing with fear and anticipation. But just as he was about to leap off the edge of the building, a sudden gust of wind knocked him off balance. He stumbled backwards and fell to the ground, hitting the concrete with a sickening thud.

For a moment, he lay there, dazed and disoriented. But as he began to pick himself up, he noticed a piece of paper floating towards him. It fluttered down and landed at his feet, and he reached out to grab it.

"Let's save life with organs donation"

He put no interest on the paper. Without thinking he tears apart the paper. "like i would care". He looked at the place where he used to stand. "I'll do this thing next time, I'm too tired to do stupid things"

It was a raining heavily that day and Kyou had left his umbrella at home. As he walked back to his apartment, he could feel the raindrops soaking through his shirt and into his skin. He was shivering and his teeth were chattering, but he knew he had to keep going.

Finally, he reached the front of his apartment building, but he hesitated to go inside. He didn't want to track water all over the carpet, so he stood in front of the door, debating what to do.

After a few minutes, he decided he couldn't stand outside in the rain anymore. He pushed open the door and quickly ran inside, leaving a trail of water behind him. He felt embarrassed and awkward, but he knew he had no choice.

"I'm home". As he expected there's no answer. He knew that no one will be there for him. He lives in a small apartment with his parents. Even so, his parents never made their time for him. They lefted him with a huge amount of money so he could live by himself.As he walks he noticed that they lefted an anvelop for him at the kitchen table. "Money again? i don't even need this".

He enters his room and head to his bed. He collapsed onto his bed, not caring that his wet clothes were making a mess of his sheets. He lay there for a moment, feeling sorry for himself. "Why did I just not jump off earlier?" regrets filling his voices. He put his hand on the chest. Badump badump, he can feels the beat of his heart with his hand. The poster he found earlier flash over his head. "Organs eh.."

He took out his phone and started searching. He read articles and watched videos, learning more and more about the process. He discovered that anyone could be a donor, regardless of age or health status. He found out that there was a huge need for donors, and that every person who signed up could potentially save multiple lives.

As he read more and more, he felt a sense of purpose welling up inside him. He had always felt like he didn't have much to offer the world, but maybe this was his chance to make a difference. Maybe he could be the reason someone else got a second chance at life.

He made a decision then and there. He was going to sign up to be an organ donor. It was a small thing, maybe, but it was something he could do to make a difference.

[please fills the form with your information]

Satoshi Kyou, Male, 16 y/o, Blood type O

[Thank you for your cooperation, we hope to see you at the hospital by 10 a.m. tomorrow]

"Heh.. I couldn't believe that shortening your life will be this easy"

He knew that being a donor wouldn't solve all the problems in the world, but it was a start. It was something he could do, something tangible and real. And as he lay back down on his bed, still soaking wet, he felt a sense of peace. Maybe the rain had been worth it after all.