
Journey Starts...Part I

"Daddy, I want you to book me a ticket for Japan a day before my birthday. Anna is going there for her work and I want to spend my day with her."

"Princess, where are you going to stay???"

"Ahh...Don't worry about that, I will share the room with Anna."

"You both can stay at our villa in Japan, I will tell the servants over there to make the arrangements."

"It's ok Daddy...her company has already made the arrangements about her stay and I am going there only for few days. So don't bother about my stay. I just need your help with the tickets."

"Ok fine princess, will call you after making the booking. Pa loves you, take care of yourself and Anna." Mr. Xu hangs up the call and informs his secretary to book the tickets for Susan.

(Mr. Xu is the CEO of one of the top most corporate companies in UK and Susan is the only treasure he has. Susan lost her Mother in an early stage and from then Mr. Xu have made sure to give her everything before she could ask for. In short she is a pampered kid. Mr. Xu, takes Anna as her second daughter from the time she meet Susan. They act more like sisters and Mr. Xu treasures their friendship a lot.)

"See, all sorted...Now let's sort out my birthday dress...Shall we???" Susan smiles at Anna and starts the car.

It's been four hours and both the friends were dead tried with the shopping. Thus decides to drive back home.

"Ahh...I am gonna die...My feet is killing me....Anna dumps herself on sofa just after walking inside the house and throws her heels on the other side of the room."

"Darling, it's your turn to prepare the dinner...", Susan mocks at Anna while grabbing a seat next to her.

"Seriously....Is this the reward you gonna give me for spending whole four hours with you in selecting your dress..." Anna screams at Susan, wishing in her heart if she can somehow get skipped today from cooking.

"Fine...Let's just order it for today...." Susan replies to her and starts ordering food.

Done...Now lets get freshen up before the food arrives.

Both walks up to their room for a quick shower.

After 15 minutes.

Door Bell Rings...

Anna opens the door and collects the food delivery, rushes to the kitchen to grab the plates and make the dinner table ready.

"Susan...food is here....come fast...I am starving..." Anna keeps screaming till could see Susan standing next to her.

After finishing their dinner. Both lie down on the sofa and starts watching TV.

"Anna...I am going to miss you..." Susan speaks up in a low voice realizing that Anna will be leaving in another day and not sure how long she will be in Japan.

Anna hugs her tightly releasing the same feeling in her heart.

Susan could sense Anna's emotion level getting hiked to a level where they might get tsunami in their house (Anna is very bad at crying...She can fill up whole bucket once she starts...:P) and realizing the same she tried to change the topic in a second.

"Hey, lets start packing your luggage...you have office tomorrow and then you will be leaving the other day...Lets sort it out today itself..." Susan drags Anna to her room.

She open her wardrobe and starts selecting the dresses while speaking to herself. "OK, these once for office...these once when I am there...and these once for when there is some emergencies" Susan giggles up at the last option (**With emergency Susan meant, Anna to find her love in Japan and wanted her to wear those selected dresses for her date. Anna have never been in any relation before due to heart-break fear. She has avoided getting into one and turned down all the talented guys after getting proposed. Susan have tried playing cupid n several times, but failed. She was hoping for Anna to get someone in Japan.)

Anna didn't gave a thought to Susan words as she was super tired due to shopping and was half asleep already. Taking the advantage of the Anna's situation, Susan quickly places the third option dresses first in the suitcase piling it up with the causal wears and then the formal skirts and trousers for official purpose.

She locks the suitcase and places it back in its original position and helps Anna to change her dress into comfortable clothes. After helping her out, she gets Anna to the bed again and tugs the blanket on her. Susan walks on the other side of the bed and calmly lies down next to Anna.

Anna gets scared of darkness and get lonely very easily. This was the reason Susan made sure she is never left alone at night and while sleeping at least the bed light is on.

Hello Lovely Readers... I am trying my best to cover multiple chapters in a day...Please help me with your comments which will keep me motivate and correct myself if going wrong somewhere...

This is the first time I am writing a novel and publishing to such a larger audience.

Your comments will help me further...:)

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