
The Most Important Question

Mrs Kim:

"Hello, Ahyeon. I'm Mrs Kim. I'll be your interviewer for today. Take a seat, won't you?"

Ahyeon took a seat in front of Mrs Kim.

Ahyeon squirmed a little in her chair out of nervousness. Mrs Kim noticed and smiled.

Mrs Kim:

"Haha, don't be nervous. You're actually the first one who's nervous!"

Ahyeon felt relieved a little as she handed Mrs Kim her resumé. She was quite surprised when Mrs Kim pushed it away lightly.

Mrs Kim:

"We're doing this differently. Since there are many people behind you, we'll just ask you questions and choose 5 finalists for our boss to decide."


"Oh... I see."

Ahyeon put her resumé on her lap.

Mrs Kim:

"Now, I'll begin asking questions. First question."

Mrs Kim asked Ahyeon a few questions. Ahyeon answered them and elaborated on her points. Mrs Kim was satisfied with the answers she received.

Mrs Kim:

"Final question. This is the most important question. Answer this question correctly and you have a high chance on getting the job. You have to be completely honest, so think wisely about your answer."

Ahyeon felt herself getting nervous again, maybe even more nervous than before.

Mrs Kim:

"Are you a fan of AB?"

Ahyeon felt herself die on the inside. She felt like this was some sort of trick question. She was about to say she was a fan, but then she retraced Mrs Kim's words. "You have to be completely honest." She sighed deeply before she answered.


"No, I'm not a fan of AB."

A wide grin spread across Mrs Kim's face.

Mrs Kim:

"Finally! You've passed the interview. Please come back on Saturday for Mr Min to make the final decision."

"What?" Ahyeon's eyes were as wide as saucepans. She'd been accepted this easily? Wow.


"Uh...Okay then. Hope to see you around, Mrs Kim."

Mrs Kim:

"Same here."

They shook hands and Ahyeon left.

Ahyeon did her "happy dance" on the way out into her car. She was very excited!

Hi! This is chapter 4. Sorry if this was short hee hee. There will be a new chapter today or tomorrow. Thank you for your support!

qing_kancreators' thoughts