

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT Hehehehe... Power! What exactly is power? Is it the feeling you get when you're in control of almost everything and anything? Or the ability to foresee the future and you know– change it! Yes! I am an advocate of change. Quote me anywhere. And as we all know, change can never take place without POWER!!! I, Ren Dick, am the strongest. I alone with bring about change in this world with my power! But every great man has a past he wants nothing to do with. That doesn't matter now! Why? Because I am the strongest. In this world, the weak are to left to suffer and the strong to oppress. I feel like the Robinson Crusoe of our time. I shall be the saving grace of the world! And yes, I, shall defeat the demon queen. Yes, you heard me right. Not king but queen and make her submit to my power! Doing that would give me extreme power so I can stand strong beside the weak. To end their suffering and pain. During my journey, I recruited a lot of minions so the story– my story doesn't lose its taste and exquisiteness. Hehehehe, get ready to be amazed. Join me and my minions in this wonderful quest to change the world with my power! Yes, my POWER! |Additional tags: SMUT|

Smutty_Hoshi · Fantasy
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20 Chs


"Bossu, I don't want to train," whined Mistaike when I finally got their attention. Buddy didn't say anything. Cunta kept trying to bribe me with money.

I was determined to be firm in my decision. We were going to train whether they liked it or not. My way or the highway.

No in-between.

They all retired to bed with sulking faces. Yes, I rented two rooms for the four of us. Hopefully, later on in life, I'll be rich enough to buy us our very own house.

Cunta and Mistaike shared a room. And Birdynn and I were to do the same. I wasn't comfortable, honestly.

Once the two of us were inside I decided to lock the door. I had just turned the key to make sure I had secured the lock when I heard some whimpering behind me. Of course, it was Birdynn.

Was she unhappy that we were going to spend… share a room for the night? There was no shame in asking her, "Do you want to sleep in separate rooms?" I asked her in a very concerned voice. She shook her head in disagreement.

But to be on the safer side I slept on the floor… again while she had the whole bed to herself. I am a strong advocate of equity and not equality. This had nothing with her being a woman too.

The next morning I woke up with aches all over my body… again.

And again Cunta healed me, "Let's get to business," I said in a firm voice after breakfast to the three girls.

As if they had planned it together, all three lost their enthusiasm at the same time. I couldn't help but sigh at them, "We have to become the strongest guild so we can defeat the demon queen. Don't you want to defeat her… the evil queen?" I asked, hoping for a 'yes, we want '. But what I got was the complete opposite.

None of them even signified interest. "Yes Bossu," came the only reply and that was from Mistaike. Being a leader was tough and mentally draining. Almost immediately an idea popped into my head. "Anyone who trains the most gets to be my cum dump for the day," I said feeling embarrassed at myself.

The enthusiasm that had left all of them miraculously returned. The spark in their eyes lightened up like never before.

How shameless could they be?

"Would you still allow me to be your cum dump?" Cunta asked in her usual shy manner.

I nodded. At least, if that would motivate her I was down for it.

I had planned on helping Birdynn learn how to use her power to maximum strength. And if possible learn a fighting style. That would be very helpful to me. "Birdynn can you learn a fighting style?" I asked her.

She nodded, "I'll learn the Kata no Shippo one," she said without thinking as if she had planned it out for a while now. I have her the go-ahead.

As for Cunta, I wanted her to be confident while casting spells. She was such a strong witch I couldn't help but lament the fact that she had communication problems and anxiety problems too. She was also a skilled sword wielder.

Such a waste of talent.

"Cunta you're such a marvelous person," I praised her from the bottom of my heart then proceeded to offer her a challenge, "I want you to offer help to a hundred people that you don't know," I said. She began to shake.

I gave her a pat on her head, "You can do it," I reassured her. She nodded, "I'll do it," she said.

Mistaike stared at me, "You can't tell me what to do," she sneered. I smiled at her, "You don't know how to change your elements at will, do you?" I asked.

She frowned, "It's because I'm not in any contract with a master. If I had a master I'd be able to," she barked at me.

Master? "Can I become your master?" I asked her.

Her eyes widened in excitement. It almost felt like she had been waiting for those exact words to come out of my lips.

She shook her head vigorously, "The process isn't that hard. You just have to conquer my soul and heart," she told me.

I nodded, "So what's my part?" I asked her. She grabbed my hand and led me deep into the forests.

Oh, I forgot to say that we had settled in a village surrounded by forests. It was a perfect training ground for each of them.

I wondered how the training would go.