

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT Hehehehe... Power! What exactly is power? Is it the feeling you get when you're in control of almost everything and anything? Or the ability to foresee the future and you know– change it! Yes! I am an advocate of change. Quote me anywhere. And as we all know, change can never take place without POWER!!! I, Ren Dick, am the strongest. I alone with bring about change in this world with my power! But every great man has a past he wants nothing to do with. That doesn't matter now! Why? Because I am the strongest. In this world, the weak are to left to suffer and the strong to oppress. I feel like the Robinson Crusoe of our time. I shall be the saving grace of the world! And yes, I, shall defeat the demon queen. Yes, you heard me right. Not king but queen and make her submit to my power! Doing that would give me extreme power so I can stand strong beside the weak. To end their suffering and pain. During my journey, I recruited a lot of minions so the story– my story doesn't lose its taste and exquisiteness. Hehehehe, get ready to be amazed. Join me and my minions in this wonderful quest to change the world with my power! Yes, my POWER! |Additional tags: SMUT|

Smutty_Hoshi · Fantasy
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20 Chs

An Elemental dragon's contract

The more we got lost in the forest, the more I felt scared and oblivious to what Mistaike was planning. She was a dragon and of course, when necessary could fly out of any mess she would put herself into.

But, I was a human. A human I tell you. Aside from the fact that I am the strongest man alive. I still have weaknesses. Real-life weaknesses.

I'm scared of the dark. I'm scared of being alone. I'm scared of having to eat foods I don't have an affinity for. Yes, that's what makes me human.

"Bossu, this is the right spot," she said as she stopped abruptly. We were in the middle of the forest. Precisely.

She began to hover around me, "I get to be with Bossu. I get to be with Bossu alone," she screamed and transformed into her dragon self.

She was breathtakingly beautiful. Her scales were a blend of different colors. It was like the blessed palette of Leonardo Da Vinci. A perfect work of art.

"Bossu," her voice sounded huskier. Maybe it was due to the fact that she was in her dragon form, "Stretch out your hand," she commanded me.

I had no choice but to comply. Like, she didn't tell me to kill someone else. Even as the strongest man alive, I had to apply wisdom and do as I was told at times.

I stretched my right hand out and she immediately slashed it through with her claw. I screamed in pain and suddenly everything turned blank.

Then I saw myself naked in a dark room. Everywhere was black. Away from me, about a few meters apart stood Mistaike.

She was in her human form and also stark naked.

The next moment she was standing in front of me. I didn't know whether I should have been scared or cried. It all happened in a minute.

She then grabbed my face in the middle of her palms and placed a kiss on my forehead. I didn't know what that meant but just as I had entered the dark room I left back to the real world.

This time Mistaike was no longer in her dragon form. She was staring at me from above. I was laying flat on the ground, "We are done," she said with the biggest smile on her face, "I'm your property now," she added.

I frowned. "Property?" I asked.

She nodded, "You see, look at your palm for a moment," she said.

I raised my right palm up in the sky and looked at it. There was a crest engraved in it. So I was really the master of Mistaike. Wow, I exclaimed.

She began to giggle, "You have access to forty percent of my power and you can do anything with and to my body," she said.

I had a hunch that that last part wasn't necessary. "Let's go home," I told her as I got up from the ground. I dusted the dirt away from my clothing.

She transformed back into a dragon again and flew us out of the forest. So I was really the master of an elemental dragon. What an achievement.

We soon arrived at the inn and met Birdynn and Cunta. They looked more cheerful than usual. I decided to ask them about their day.

I was in to hear some drama.