
You take my life, I fail to die

Alexander after finally managing to die tries to overcome past scars and prevent new ones while exploring a new world. Now fully lacking the ability to die but given the ability to obtain great strength he does his best to move forward.

selixfureth · Others
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14 Chs


To both Alexander and Rogue it was immediately evident who had spoken, Mister Sinister.

For her it was due to remembering him and for him simply because he held the age old human ability of connecting the dots.

"Grr!" -Laura

"Plan, Alexander?" -Jean

"..." -Rogue

Seeing that Sinister had failed to stop Jean and that Laura was clearly able to move slightly Alexander looked over to Rogue.

Who, no surprise, could clearly move at least slightly and seemingly wanted to use Susanoo based off of how her eyes glowed and spun but he signaled with his eyes for her to not do so.

Instead he did, and as he was slowly surrounded by ethereal black bones, he felt the effects of Sinister's telekinesis swiftly wearing down 'So that's how he stopped me from killing myself...'

In the process of fully forming his Susanoo Alexander felt clear but extremely well hidden shock from Sinister.

So he decided to try annoying him while simultaneously hinting to knowledge that he himself probably "shouldn't have"

He started by turning around and locking eyes with Sinister before then scoffing and talking in an annoyed yet also a somewhat teasing tone of voice "Heh~! We truly may be children compared to you Mister fossil...but you do know that we're adults, right? A bit late for your usual pedo behavior, no?"

Alexander then readied his knife by lifting his hand upto his chest and then lazily pointing it towards Sinister, an action that was copied by his Susanoo that was now fully in it's armored form.

However the intent behind the knives was very different. Where the Susanoo fully represented Alexander's will and desire to kill not only Sinister but even the distant and hidden Nathaniel, as well as everything he represented, his own knife reflected his readiness to kill himself regardless of how.

As the two of them entered a very short staring contest both Rogue and Laura managed to get out of the telekinesis that had been holding them yet none of them interfered.

Each of them took a moment to admire the rather impressive sight of Alexander and his Susanoo seemingly shielding them from the mysterious enemy of theirs.

Of course they didn't really need protection. They were all quite strong and their abilities set them quite close in power level, at least currently.

In fact at that moment Rogue was the most powerful one of the bunch, yet despite that they all appreciated the gesture and stayed back.

Not only because of the simple fact that none of them would remember this or be able to really help but also because it felt extremely nice.

They had all in one way or another gotten used to standing upto danger, being feared, protecting others, etc and thanks to that they had forgotten what it felt like to have others protect and/or stand up for them.

But that was all quickly replaced by sadness and worry as Sinister simply disappeared, reappearing directly infront of Alexander inside of his Susanoo.

What Alexander didn't know was that when his Susanoo's blade had pointed at Sinister, the old clone had felt a chill that started slowly rising to fear and trepidation, so he had decided to ignore his usual theatrics and simply dispose of the threat.

What followed that was of course teleportation and a punch to Alexander's chest which managed to in turn surprise them both.

Alexander hadn't expected the generally calm and arrogant Sinister to act as such but due to his senses and skills he managed to dissipate a lot of the force, thus surprising Sinister because his punch was meant to kill.

However even if the punch didn't achieve its desired effect, it was by no means weak which was evident by the fact that the target of it recoiled and coughed out blood through gritted teeth.

Regardless of the pain Alexander remained calm and mostly unbothered but took mental note of the fact that nearly all of his ribs were broken, some even piercing into his trachea before fully shattering and thus blocking his ability to breathe.

Ignoring all that he focused to prevent himself from coughing or puking and accepted the fact that he was very much on the clock now, because he felt his lungs actively filling with blood while his obstructed trachea created an uncomfortable feeling of pressure.

At that moment a lot of different things happened at once some of which allowed Alexander to learn a lot.

First of all just his calmness shocked Sinister which allowed to Alexander reach out and touch him, obviously immediately activating Hell: Decay, to the max which in turn lead to the second thing.

Decay at its current "level" was practically useless. Sure it started to eat at Sinister but after making some miniscule progress it was directly countered and made completely ineffective by Sinister's healing speed/ability.

Sure he didn't plan to rely on it because as soon as he had remembered the whole cloning situation, Alexander had decided to thoroughly get rid of Nathaniel through Sinister, yet it was still valuable information for future references.

Third of all the girls seemed not only sad, worried and furious, especially Jean who was much to Alexander's shock beginning to literally glow. But on top of all that they seemed surprised at how he discarded pain and natural human reflexes despite still very much having the body of a relatively ordinary human.

Fourth and final thing that he managed to learn in that instant was the fact that it would take quite a lot more to fully learn how to kill Sinister, let alone Nathaniel who could be nearly anywhere in the vast universe.

As Alexander started thinking about how to proceed, Sinister finally threw another attack at him after realizing that his telekinesis still wouldn't work.

But even that attack, another punch, failed because Alexander had been ready for it this time 'Honestly pathetic that I've gotten so rusty' being all that remained in his thoughts as he watched the large fist fly past his face.

In his previous life and in his earlier years of it when he pursued perfection, he had remained untouched in combat.

Be it bare handed, with knives, random street scrap, guns, whatever. Whatever had been used Alexander due to his skill had remained untouched.

Part of it could be contributed to his fantastic senses and intuition maybe even his unnatural ability to simply not die but in reality most of it was due to his mindset and battle IQ.

Pursuit of perfection, careful calculations, simple yet effective plans and the desire to stand above all, to reach the peak and only hear silence. That was what lead him to being untouchable.

As he dodged Sinister's third, fourth and fifth punch he felt those previously discarded things slowly starting to rise up only to be partially quelled by an interesting set of words that had been directed at him in the past.

Watching the sixth punch going directly for his head those words from the past echoed in his head: I don't care who you are but if you want my help...I need to know who you will be...when no one can stop you

Thus he smiled 'Still don't have an answer' and twisted his body to dodge, completely ignoring the pain and damage that such an action would cause.

Yet his body could no longer follow his will which lead to Mister Sinister's fist directly demolishing and tearing through half of his head, killing him instantly.

Alexander immediately saw the familiar sight of the same forest he had gotten used to and sighed "Hhh...I guess I'll only be meeting that fucker...at least for a couple days..."

Feeling somewhat annoyed and sad he used everything at his disposal to reach the front door of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters while avoiding and hiding from everyone.

Once there he began looking around, trying to find any cameras and/or microphones while simultaneously blabbering about random things.

"Hmm wonder when Sinister will show up...will I have time to prepare everything?" Alexander's goal was to try and bait Mister Sinister to show up while also genuinely looking for any of his spy devices.

Because if it was possible to make him show up he intended to learn how to kill Nathaniel without bothering any of his lovers becausethe process might be quite extensive.

He felt quite tortured by the memory of Rogue who, from her, perspective had just been struggling to try fixing things for an unknown amount of times, as well as his memories of Laura who was likely currently in the process of cutting herself yet he tried to ignore it all and simply go for their enemy.

Sure there was also a possibility that Sinister would, instead of taking the bait, pop up and simply go for Rogue who seemed to be his main target but he found it to be quite unlikely.

Still he prepared for it by internally counting while continuing to not only look for any of Sinister's things but also by still blabbering and remaining vigilant.

Eventually right before Alexander was going to kill himself, Sinister showed up immediately using his telekinesis, yet before he could even speak he was grabbed by a black bony arm.

Alexander had decided to try and keep Sinister restrained until he either learned what he wanted to know or until he himself needed to die for whatever reason.

And following that choice he willed his Susanoo, that hadn't even fully formed yet, to grab Mister Sinister but it wasn't exactly good enough.

Sure he managed to hold Sinister for a while. Long enough for him to even let a small smile creep onto his face because it seemed that the energy from Susanoo blocked Sinister's teleportation but then his target suddenly changed, becoming far smaller before reappearing within Susanoo.

This time however Sinister was clearly surprised and seemingly slightly fearful as he immediately threw a punch at Alexander despite his current size being smaller.

In response Alexander allowed his face to be overtaken by a proud mocking smile as he dodged the punch and backed away.

That managed to again shock his prey and as such he took the mockery even further by saying "Now now, Mister child predator, no need to get so rowdy~" which showed not only the intended mockery but also the deep hatred that Alexander had tried to hide and restrain.

Hatred that was further hghlighted by his tilted head, twisted smile and spinning/glowing Mangekyou Sharingan.

Spent some days writing other stories, reading, etc so haven't updated this story. Sorry about that.

Also might be my current mindset but this chapter feels lackluster to me. Hope you enjoy it nonetheless and if you didn't or found mistakes do point them out.

selixfurethcreators' thoughts