
You take my life, I fail to die

Alexander after finally managing to die tries to overcome past scars and prevent new ones while exploring a new world. Now fully lacking the ability to die but given the ability to obtain great strength he does his best to move forward.

selixfureth · Others
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14 Chs


Much to Jean's shock Rogue was the one to open the door and hesitantly step in but before either could ask a single question Alexander snapped his fingers bringing their attention to him.

Then under Rogue's shocked gaze he smiled in a relax manner, pointed one of his fingers up and said "I know. Restraint!" Which caused Rogue to hesitantly approach him.

Jean while confused didn't really know what to do so she stayed silent and watched as Rogue took off a glove and held her hand out which Alexander grabbed while saying "If you think it's smart undo restraint and keep this knowledge if not then give me another kiss~" 

Now Jean couldn't hold back her curiosity "Are you really Rogue? I can't hear your thoughts...and he can touch you!?" 

Watching as she was clearly getting more and more on edge Alexander intervened "Jean you're powerful so please take things slowly. I'll tell you everything needed as many times as needed as long as it ensures that everything goes well♡" 

Thanks to her new abilities and experiences Rogue noticed the gentleness in his voice. Gentleness that wasn't directed at her, thus she moved Alexander slightly, locked eyes with Jean and jealously kissed him.

Again retreating from her extremely alluring lips after reciprocating the kiss he clicked his tongue playfully "Tch tch tch already fell Anna?♡" 

"Yes and you already told me about the Uchiha so...s-so don't go trying to sleep with just anyone...♡" That confused Alexander and Jean. For different reasons but neither of them questioned it further.

With a deep breath he grabbed Rogue's hand and started speaking "Okay so Jean if we wanted to gain your trust out of nowhere is there something me and Rogue can say or ask? 

Those words made Jean realize that his abilities had to he far more advanced then she previously thought "Are....can you travel through time?" 

Now with every skill and ability at its peak he answered "Kind of yes. So please answer, there are enemies to deal with."

A slight sense of fear rose within her but looking at Rogue practically clinging to this completely "new" person she sighed and told them a secret of hers "I-I have a secret hideout under the lake..."

"Thank you, Marvel Girl~" The teasing tone didn't seem to bother Rogue which he was extremely thankful for "Now then Rogue any idea how much time we have? Jean any idea if it's possible for anyone else to know about your hideout? Our enemy is super sneaky and intelligent."

"I usually died in the evening at around 8....regardless of where I went." -Rogue

Jean was very obviously bothered realizing that Rogue had been suffering even more than usually but bit her lip and answered the question she was asked "....There should be no way for anyone else to know. I go there rarely, in the middle of the night and I use my abilities to hide myself which is something that not even the Professor knows about. I know that not even cameras or other telepaths will see me."

Alexander tried comforting Rogue by kissing her hand an action that caused Rogue to smile "Have you had any training session with Xavier since the first idea of the lake hideout or your hiding ability?" 

Noticing the implication of his words Jean clearly felt unsettled but again looking at Rogue she chose to trust him "You better explain what you mean by that after we deal with everything....but no. Both are really new. My next training session is a week from now."

"Good. Now then I should go...how do you feel about that, Anna?" He knew he needed to not only because of the important information but also because he didn't want her to suffer.

Rogue didn't seem to like the idea however "Will you kiss me and hold my hand again...or will you pretend not to know next time?" The intensity in her eyes as well as her tone was honestly extremely interesting to Alexander which caused him to place his hands on both of her cheeks.

"I think we should give this whole thing a bit more time but I can promise to not forget. Something you want me to say to you to make it obvious that I know and remember?" Again Jean felt awkward but remembering that she won't have any idea what happened this specific "time" she immediately let go of a lot of her usual walls.

"Rogue, Alexander....can I have a kiss too?" That hit both of them hard but neither of them moved immediately "Hold my hand and whisper "Maybe mine" in that seductive tone of yours...o-or just call my yours....♡"

As practice Alexander pulled her close and whispered "May-be mine~?♡" He enjoyed the feeling of her melting into his embrace for a while before asking her "So Rogue...kisses for Jean?" 

"...yeah." Rogue spoke somewhat hesitantly while now walking towards Jean "Sorry Jean...I umm...well...you already know but I thought that you were a stuck up bitch. But I know better now...you're awesome.." Her downcast tone functioned as heavy contrast for her actions as she quite passionately started kissing Jean.

Alexander not wanting to be left out walked next to them and started adjusting their hands. He carefully grabbed one of Jean's hands and placed it on Rogue's waist and seeing nothing except appreciation he continued. 

First by in turn taking one of Rogue's hands slightly adjusting it from Jean's shoulder to behind her neck. A move that he copied with Jean's free hand before moving onto Rogue's last free one.

He gently guided it lower and lower while constantly paying attention to both of their reactions. When he saw that his actions only made their kisses more heated he stopped hesitating and put Rogue's hand onto Jean's quite attractive ass.

Alexander then stepped to the side and held his own chin as if he was a wise sage "Un un that's a good look."

Those words were followed by the sight of both of them getting even more into it which he took as his que to leave.

Yet before he could take his second step he felt two hands grabbing at his shirt "Umm? I'm joining?" Those were the last words of Alexander(R.I.P)...because he was immediately busy. 

Being turned and immediately feeling Rogue's familiar lips against his was unexpectedly arousing, even more so when she started simultaneously using her tongue for the kiss and pulling Jean in as well.

Her dominant actions made Jean extremely shy but Alexander saw it as a funny challenge. Thus as Rogue was back to kissing Jean he pulled them apart and into his arms. Then before they could do anything he kept switching, kissing them one after another while touching them more and more provocatively.

It didn't take long for both of them to start "relaxing" in his arms which is when he spoke "Shame that only I'll remember this...would prefer if both of you could too..♡" after those words he tried using "that" energy that he didn't understand to make them feel pleasure.

"Mmmhhgg~♡" -Rogue

"Hhhnngggg~!" -Jean

With both of their knees buckling Alexander hurriedly caught them and set the energy back to gray "Oh~ Great success~♡"

Both Jean and Rogue were overtaken by shock but snapped out of it as Alexander's sad words rang out "Last kisses before I go?♡" 

This time he didn't notice his own tone or feelings but both Rogue and Jean did, which lead to them looking at each other before sharing a small kiss. They both then looked at him.

"Next time call me Dr. Grey and say that its about time. I will understand...♡" -Jean

"Just say "My Anna", okay?♡" -Rogue

He didn't catch onto their intentions but had no intentions of questioning them either so he nodded while smiling lightly. 

In response Rogue got closer to him while Jean went in for an immediate kiss. It was still kind of amateurish but the amount of dedication he felt from it was intoxicating.

As he started feeling a bit too aroused Rogue's movements really messed him up. She pulled Jean away and pushed her down while kissing Alexander even more passionately then before.

Jean after being pushed down saw a large bulge that she timidly approached eventually rubbing her own face against it more and more with her butt wiggling about.

"Ah~ I guess you're really enjoying this~♡" Jean's oddly calm and seductive words functioned as the perfect signal to stop.

Alexander grabbed both of them by their chins, pulled Jean up and smiled bitterly "Let's continue after we deal with the enemies and can all remember this okay?♡"

They both of course understood how difficult things would be for him if he was the only one to know so they relented and gave him one last kiss each before allowing him to get up.

Once he did so he decided to let them in on his current plan "I intend to spend a lot of time training. I promise I won't forget but there will be times that I won't come to see either of you...is that okay?♡"

Jean knew that she wouldn't even know that he exists so she turned her gaze to Rogue who was clearly against the idea. She opened her mouth to speak many times but eventually through tears she smiled and said "Come back soon please~♡"

"Of course♡" Knowing how much trust this required from Rogue he gave her another kiss and then playfully looked at both of them "I'm really possessive ya know~♡" Before swiftly killing himself.