
You Stole My Heart, And I Stole Yours

******* Updates will be when I have time, may become more often once summer hits and I'm off of school ******* Jameson Cooperation: A international car company. (Brianna's sister is the heiress of the company)  B. J Empire: A national insurance company, soon to be international. (Brianna is the CEO of the company)  Harrison Cooperation: a shopping mall international company. (Silvia is the heiress of the company)  Jay's Empire: a billion dollar international company for shopping malls and hotels. (Jason is the CEO of the company)  Brianna Jameson, a CEO of a new company. She is from a wealthy family and was the heiress. She didn't want to rely on her family, she always wanted to be independent. She gave up her spot to her younger, less mature twin sister and left to go start up her own company called B. J Empire.  Jason Jay, a CEO of an international company (Jay's Empire). The exact opposite of Jenna. He is chill and relaxed and a total playboy. But he has yet to find his first genuine lover.  **Volume One: Brianna and Jason ** Learn about Brianna and Jason, including how they first met, what they do for a living, and meet Jason's family. Go with Brianna and Silvia as live and move in Los Angeles to expand Brianna's company into something bigger.  **Volume Two: First Everything** There is always a first to everything in life. Travel with Brianna and Jason as they experience the first part of their relationship and having some jealous girl, following the couple and waiting for the right time to expose them to the public eye. It is unbelievable who the culprit is.  **Volume Three: Playing Detective** Follow Brianna and Jason as they dig deeper into the case. Help them find clues to help lead the couple to the culprit, the mastermind behind the little scheme. Will the two find all they need to prove Brianna's assumptions and will they bring the culprit to an end, or will the culprit live another day in the open.  *************  “Bri baby, what are you doing- aaachooo - this early?” Silvia asked with a sneeze, interrupting her in the middle and a few sniffles in between. “I’m pretty sure Jason has plans to kill me after what I did to him yesterday. I want to be wide awake for when he does so I can hopefully get it on camera and post it on social media.” “If he is going to kill you, then how can you post it.” “Well, that is going to be your job. I am going to send you where the phone is so you can post it for me.” Brianna said matter-of-factly. She turned around to look at her sick friend who was sitting in the bed, “How do I look?” She asked flashing a charming smile and dramatically flipped her hair. “If you are going to be dying… why does it matter about your appearance?” “Well, if this is going to be going on social media, then I am going to need my last impression worthwhile.” Silvia rolled her eyes, “Well, you look great Bri.” She yawned. “Now rest. Keep your phone on because when I send you the location, I am going to need you to wait for Jason and then go to the location to post the video.” Brianna explained and Silvia nodded her head. “Bye bestie.” Brianna said, turning around and walking out the door.

Miss_Pokerface · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Stuck In His Office Part 1

Brianna stood there giving him a face saying, 'how is that any better?'

"Now that I think about it, it might be worse…" Jason thought, pursing his lips with a hum and looked back at her with a smile, "anyway my Bri, are you ready to go?"

She shook her head, locking her hands in front of her. She was not ready. If it was going to be worse than death, who would be ready?

"Well, we are going. I am a busy man, and I cannot be late for my meeting." Jason instructed while taking her arms and pulling her out the door.

"Wait, wait, wait, I have papers to fill out and I simply can't just ignore them!" Brianna quickly spoke, trying to think of ways to get herself out of the mess that she got herself in.

"Can't Silvia just do it?" He asked, opening up the car door and ushering her in it."

She shook her head, crossing her arms standing outside the car door with him, "I will not let my ill friend do that. One, that is rude, and two, she will mess everything up." Brianna said matter-of-factly.

Jason rolled his eyes, "you can do it tomorrow."

"No, I can't!"

"Yes, you can." Jason chuckled, taking her arm and dragging her in. Once they both were seated in the car, he closed the door behind him and turned towards her. He reached his hands forward as he tried to buckle up her seat belt, but with her black silhouettes, she kicked him in his manhood.

He whimpered and covered his hands over the area. The impact was big and uncomfortable.

She smiled in content. 'Ha! He wants to take me to his evil lair, I will make sure he will not be able to reproduce.' Thought Brianna. This was her plan. If he wants to make sure her day will be worse than death, she will make sure his day is the same. Two could play this game.


After a half an hour, the two made it to Jason's company building.

Jason was the first one to exit the car, and he held the door open for Brianna to come out.

Brianna sat there like a stuck up princess with her head held high, arms crossed, and her leg crossed over the other one. She would not listen to him. Brianna had papers she needed to finish and with him kidnapping her, she wasn't able to do it.

Jason thought for a moment, then he thought of an idea. A mischievous smirk found its way onto his face and looked down at Brianna. "My Bri, I bought you chocolate ice cream. It is in my office melting, if you don't want it to melt completely "

Not allowing Jason to finish his sentence, Brianna was already gone and climbing her way to his office. He couldn't hold in his laughter. Was his girlfriend really that idiotic? What happened to, 'if a stranger tells you to go somewhere for something that you want, don't listen to them! It's not always good. Or was she never taught that?' He asked himself before going and following her up to his office.

In the office, Brianna spotted a tub of chocolate ice cream sitting on his desk with a perfectly clean spoon next to it. She smiled brightly and ran to it while Jason stood at the door watching her, keeping his smirk.

Opening the tub, she instantly felt a surge of anger through her. Her eyebrows furrowed and eyes narrowed.

Brianna spun around on her heel to face him. "..." holding the cardboard tub of empty ice cream, her hands crushed it and she threw it at him.

His eyes widened in shock, and he quickly crouched, dodging the hit.

Before he could look up, the spoon was already flying through the air, and the scoop part hit him flat on the noise.

"Ow." He mumbled, rubbing his nose. Standing up and straightening his suit, he looked up at her and asked, "What was that for?"

"For lying to be about the ice cream."

"So you throw the tub and the spoon at me!?"

She nodded, "next time you will learn."

"My girlfriend is a meanie." He mumbled as he walked over to his desk and sat down at it while clicking his mouse to his computer a few times.

"Can I sit down?" She asked with a complaint in her voice.

Jason had asked to remove all his chairs from his office so Brianna could suffer like he did.

Jason shook his head,

"Humph, fine." She mumbled and walked over, sitting on the smooth dark brown wood.

He looked up at her with a face saying, 'are you serious?'

She nodded with her innocent smile.

"Get off my desk, Bri." He demanded with a stern voice.

She shook her head.

'She is now acting like a child.' He thought to himself.

She was annoying him, and she liked it. But he did not.

"Bri, I'm serious."

"I know you are."

"Why are you doing this?"

"To express my love." She beamed sarcastically.

He looked up at her from his computer with a sigh.

"Fine, I need to go to a meeting anyway." He huffed, standing up and turned off his computer, then he walked over to his door. Before leaving, he looked over his shoulder at her, "Oh and Bri, if you're thinking of leaving, just know I have bodyguards all around this building."

With that, he left.

She looked around and sat down in his chair.

"What should I do…" her eyes wandered around and stopped at his computer that was in front of her. It was asking to be played with.

"It shouldn't be any harm if I played a few games on his computer. After all, he never said I couldn't." She thought out loud.

Looking for the power button on the computer. When it turned on, she needed a password.

You know, while I was writing this story, it was snowing outside, which makes no sense.

Two days ago, me and my mom were walking in our bikinis and today I'm walking around in a winter coat.

Canada's weather is annoying and so confusing.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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