
You shouldn’t have stayed

A tale of a vampire prince called zila who just turned 18 and was given the liberty to leave the palace for the first time as per his request He explored the kingdom and was less thrilled by anything till he caught sight of a beautiful lady and ended up stalking her He tried to get rid of this new obsession as he knows his father will never accept this alignment but he still went on and built a loving relationship with Bianca, a beautiful lady who was very pretty. He also had a friend/cousin who was secretly in love with his sister and was trying his best not to show it When darkness dawned on zila and he had to suffer for his wrong choices, there was no one there to save him from his fate And this led to a great loss. Who will it be Embark on this lovely novel : you shouldn’t have stayed

Just_Angel_the_God · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Chapter two


Yan chi drank everything and sat at the chair next to him.

"Hello baby what you up to." A pretty lady made her presence known.

Yan chi turned his head to see his girl amarachi (ama for short) "Ama when did you come." He said as he approached her, he embraced her and smelled her, he sigh in satisfaction his favorite smell.

"Well we have training this afternoon and I need to see my boyfriend." She smiled sheepishly.

He leaned over and captured her lips as he gently kissed her salvaging the taste.

"Someone has been breaking the rules huh." ama smirked.

"No I would never, what do you mean?." Yan chi said.

"You just drank human blood baby and I tasted it while we made out." Ama said.

Unknown to them the king's second adviser and wizard heard ama and was about to enter the room to punish Yan chi for breaking the rules because he wasn't a direct royal but immediately he heard yan chi say.

"It was Zila, he had some and he gave it to me." Yan chi said as he rapped his hands around her waist.

The wizard was pissed, this boy is too notorious he headed towards zila's room.

Zila was looking out his window when jazzer the wizard entered.

"Where's it?." Jazzer said as he searched the whole place.

"Where's what?." Zila turned to the wizard as he asked feeling less concerned.

"The human blood!." The wizard said.

Zila stared at him for a while "it somewhere around."

"How did you conceal the smell." Jazzer said

"I didn't." he shrugged.

"You can't fool me Zila I have watched you grow and I know you more than you know yourself." Jazzer said but he knew Zila never lied he was just frustrated.

Zila turned to the window and sat there "So was the witch right then?."

Jazzer was caught off guard, he saw pain in zila's eye so he approached him and touched his head "There are something's that are beyond our control but you should know your father is trying his best to protect you." he said "So stop making things hard for him you've done nothing but destroy and disobey rules, why would you give Yan chi human blood and now he told someone else even if you want to take it your a royal so you can but Yan chi isn't, giving that to him means defying the king."

"I didn't give it to him, he came here and drank off my cup and I see nothing wrong with that we are all vampires after all and that's how we survive." He said feeling disgusted about the way they care for these weak humans.

"Hmmm stop being a rebellious child." jazzer said as he stared at the door feeling someone's presence he vanished.

Knock! knock!

"Come in." Zila said in an angry tone.

Zila's mom came in as she sat on the bed and looked at her son "Come sit with mommy."

He hesitated for a while but eventually walked towards her after all he was mommy's boy, he sat down resting his head on his mom's lap "Why are you here mom."

"Your sister told me she saw you leaving the king's chambers upset so I came to see my boy." His mom smiled lovingly at him.

Zila looked at his mom and smiled softly "Your so sweet mom, how did you meet that evil man."

The queen chuckled "He's not evil he just appears tough but he isn't trust me."

"Oh you think so." Zila chuckled in disbelief.

"Yes my dear I know so, when my brother found your dad he was almost dead he looked so vulnerable he was in a disheartening state all does blood stain and tears I can never forget we were looking for a place to stay and blend in with humans as we were sent out of our own kingdom because our parents betrayed our rulers, we weren't even aware there were vampires here too till we met the king

Your dad has lived for many years, he has made a lot of mistakes too he's just trying to ensure it doesn't affect any of his kids especially you."

"He only cares about those stupid humans mom, only them, he has never been a father to me, he has been dishonest to me he had punished me like I was a servant or a mere human I will not spare those stupid humans, they took my life away from me." Zila said as he smirked devilishly.

"Don't say that my boy humans have nothing to do with what happens to you just try to be patient with your father my boy and follow all his rules and that blood you stored at the freezer get rid of it." The queen said softly.

"How did you know mom? jazzer wasn't even able to find it he kept saying I concealed the smell." Zila asked in surprise.

"I concealed the smell in this room, I know you are a naughty boy and you would break this particular rule... after all I taught you everything you know and I'm your mom so I know you more than jazzer claims to." She smiled softly as she pat his hair.

"Who's that." Zila said as he picked up a smell.

Immediately a servant entered the prince room.

"Good day your highness." The servant greeted the queen.

"Good day." She replied.

He turned over to the prince "it's training time my prince and your presence is requested." He said bowing down a sign of submission and respect towards a superior.

"Alright I'll go now my boy." The queen said as she stood up to leave.

"Alright mom thanks." Zila said as he watched his mom leave this was the love of his life he thought to himself.

The queen left and Zila changed his clothes to a white loose long sleeve it had a golden embroidery on it and was a bit loose on the front making his well built chest show a bit he wore black pants and packed his hair into a messy bond. He approached the instructor who was yan chi's dad.

"Your late again." Yan chi's dad said.

"I had a lot to do." immediately he was tossed to the floor by his uncle he quickly flipped back to his feet not waiting for another attack he launched at his uncle and kicked him against his knee his uncle countered his attack by using his claws on his face Zila moved some steps back as he touched his face the smile which had been on his face died immediately.

He smirked evilly as his eyes turned bloodshot red. he charged against his uncle and he saw Yan chi, ama and other students charge at him, this is gonna be fun he thought.

He went at them at full force slashing and hitting them to the ground, he looked around and everyone was on the floor he turned to his uncle and gave a meniac smile as he got to him immediately he hit his face and drew his claws against his face but immediately he saw ama in front of him and stopped.

He was kicked to the floor immediately, ama giggled.

yan chi offered his hand but Zila slapped it off.

"This was cheating how would you do that Yan chi?." he said with irritation.

"You still choose to spare close allies, that's no good you know if it was a real battle you would have been dead." His uncle commented.

"But Yan chi cheated I didn't want to hurt his girl." Zila lamented unaware of his parents staring at him from above

"Think tactful or you will fail." Zila heard his father's voice, he tightened his fist in anger other times when he did well he never showed up but today that he was interrupted by those stupid lovers.

"I did." Zila shot back at his dad.

"Everyone leave." the king ordered.

Everyone left it was only the king and his son staring at each other.

"Come at me." the king ordered.

Zila stared at him and didn't even bulge he turned around and began to walk away.

"Or else your so much of a loser." The king

Zila stopped and turned around moving with lightening speed he attack the king but with one push he was thrown to the ground Zila hissed as he attacked again and again and again but was thrown to the ground easily by the king.

"It takes a lot to be the king my boy lack of skills is an abominable act and weakness of the heart is worse don't let emotions get in your way when you want to attain what's yours." The king said as he hit Zila in the stomach.

"Why are you saying this and why are you even here aren't you supposed to be with your human people." Zila said as he held his stomach staring daggers at his dad.

The king smiled as he looked up at his wife and jazzer who were watching from the terrace.

"It came to my knowledge that you were offended and also you are breaking my rules." The king said sharply as he bent over and dodged zila's claws.

"What rules?." Zila said angryily as he hasn't even be able to evade his dad immediately the king smacked his face and his chest.

"Too slow." The king said.

"What rules did I break?." Zila said if it about the human blood he was a royal so he has every right he thought to himself.

"Attending practices late." he said as he approached Zila and with a blow Zila flew across the training ground destroying the walls in the process.

Zila grunts in pain of being defeated his eyes turned bloodshot red as his lips lifted up slightly given a devilish grinned he countered his father's attacks avoiding everyone of them as he hit his dad in the chest immediately he stopped "I'm sorry."

The king smirked "exactly what your uncle complained about, emotions, emotions! you let emotions get the best of you."

"But I-." Zila tried to explain.

"Shut up! What did you want to say you couldn't hurt me? But did you see how Yan chi didn't hesitate to hit you when you got deceived by that girl." The king said with disgust.

Zila bent his head as he started boiling with anger "why do you care anyway when I'm going to bring chaos according to that stupid witch you wouldn't even trust me enough to let me out of here all these years and now you accepted it only for me to go out at night." He scoffed.

"But I did trust you and what did you do, you killed a werewolf and you are well aware of how stupid and uncultured those savages can be but you went on to kill one them." The king said.

"But he came at me first!." immediately he was thrown to the floor again the king bent down and said "you lack tactics."

"What do you mean." Zila groaned "I've tried my best to please you I have done nothing wrong at all how am I not tactical."

The king smirked and walked into the palace. Zila stared at him leave, he couldn't attack him well, he kept holding back but he hated him, so why couldn't he just hurt him is the king right did he let emotions get the best of him he looked down at his shirt it had been destroy he chuckled softly.

A blonde hair lady approached Zila, this was Claire she had been crushing on him since they were little but he doesn't know why he never cared about her they even dated for a while but he broke up with her she was not appeasing too him.

"What do you want." Zila shot a glance at her.

"I'm here to check up on you is it wrong." Claire said.

Zila walked out of the training ground and headed towards his room ignoring Claire, he went straight into his bathroom and Claire entered after him.

"What do you want Claire." Zila said as he was getting pissed

"Well I want my man back." She smiled softly.

"How did you even get in here I locked that door." He said as he took off his shirt.

"Have you forgotten you gave me a spare key when we were a thing." she said as she traced her finger around his broad chest as she tip toed and captured his lips Zila didn't push her off immediately he wanted to know if he still felt something but he didn't.

Zila looked down at her and thought for a while before he held her arm and sent her out of the bathroom saying "I have a celebration to prepare for Claire."

"Ahh." she screamed as she was pushed out of the bathroom she was sad what was wrong with him he doesn't even want her anymore he never even wanted her but she loves him he was hers and she wasn't giving up soon

After some minute he stepped out and Claire was still there sitting on his bed staring at him with anger "why don't you love me anymore?."

"Are you being serious right now Claire." He said as he picked up his clothes that had been placed on the bed for him and turned around to go get dressed Claire stood up and hugged him from his back "Zila I love you why are you trying to make me suffer."

Zila felt irritated by this gesture as he pulled out of her embrace "Claire your a princess and our parents are friends act responsible and stop throwing yourself at me."

"But I love you don't you love me too."

Claire said as she walked around him and stood in front of him she began to act seductively as she tried to take her clothes off but aliz entered the room immediately and cleared her throat loudly.

"Claire I want to talk to my brother so if you don't mind you can leave." Aliz said disgusted by Claire actions

"Say what you want he doesn't mind." Claire had always hated aliz

"It's private Claire." Aliz said.

"Well I don't mind, I'm his girl-." She got interrupted.

"Claire! she said she has something to say to me now leave." He ordered.

Claire looked at her and scoffed as she stepped out of the room. When she left aliz grinned at her brother.

"She's back for you huh." Aliz said

"Who?." Zila raises his brow at aliz.

"Claire." Aliz smiled.

He scoffed "she's just here for our celebration when it ends she'll leave."

"Are you excited about tonight ." Aliz asked.

"Well I am not too excited about the celebration but about the fact that I and dad trained together." he smiled sweetly.

"You really do love dad don't you." She smiled sweetly he was really happy he got to spend a little time with dad even if all they did was talk and fight she thought.

Zila gave a fake cough "that's not true."

Aliz embraces him as she said "I love you bro."

"And I love you too." Zila said as he kissed her forehead