
You shouldn’t have stayed

A tale of a vampire prince called zila who just turned 18 and was given the liberty to leave the palace for the first time as per his request He explored the kingdom and was less thrilled by anything till he caught sight of a beautiful lady and ended up stalking her He tried to get rid of this new obsession as he knows his father will never accept this alignment but he still went on and built a loving relationship with Bianca, a beautiful lady who was very pretty. He also had a friend/cousin who was secretly in love with his sister and was trying his best not to show it When darkness dawned on zila and he had to suffer for his wrong choices, there was no one there to save him from his fate And this led to a great loss. Who will it be Embark on this lovely novel : you shouldn’t have stayed

Just_Angel_the_God · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter forty six

Jazzer and the king were deep in their conversation about zila they were looking for ways to fight whatever it is was that seemed wrong with zila but still they found nothing, every arrow points to the fact that nothing existed within zila as he seemed normal and even the incense burner that was placed to get rid of demons seemed not to work on him, this made them question the prophecy of the which in the early time and also jazzer's sister.

"I don't think your sister is saying the truth." the king said as he looked at the sleeping zila.

"My king."

"if he really possess such power how come his so much of a weakling huh, zike told me he had woke up very angry today he had his things destroyed and all that but look at him he passed out right after and the incense burner didn't work either."

"I don't know either my king it was just what she had seen."

"She saw wrong."

"I think their is a mistake somewhere or could the demon's have feed off his soul."

"if they were he would be causing destruction you know that."

"I do my king."

"Exactly so no more of this discussion as we wouldn't want a third ear on this." The king said as he left the room and jazzer followed. Zike stood there worriedly as he guarded the prince although he had been outside when the king and jazzer was with zila, immediately the king and his adviser left zila opened his eyes.

"My prince how do you feel?." zike called out to him.

"I'm good what are you doing here?."

"You passed out when I arrived at your room with the maid."

"Oh! alright, let's leave."


"Everything is ready so let's go."

"Yes my prince."

The prince and his guard left for the village, it took four hours as the village was far from the castle and they were using the royal carriage, unlike when they used their abilities. Once they arrived they were lead to a building which was big but not as big as the palace once they were settled in, zila said "I want you to look for someone."

"who's that my prince?."

"Her name is Bianca she's petite and a blonde she lives with the head of sea affairs, find her and get back to me."

"I will my prince."

"hm you could go rest, tomorrow is going to be a bit stressful."

"I was ordered to guard your room my prince."

"and I'm ordering you to leave I can guard my self."

"Yes my prince." zike said as he left

Once he left zila shut his door as he remembered what he had seen today, he was never going to forgive his sister, she has not only rewind his closure with Yan but she has also rewind three families the Nate family, their family and that of Yan's as he was pretty sure that Yan father will never agree to this and this will bring a huge problem if words were to get out on what he saw ""How could she do this she knows how this will affect the family huh why am I even blaming her it's all on Yan, he's the mature one how could he do that this won't end well I just feel it."" zila spent his whole night thinking about it but there was nothing he could do from here as he would be spending his days here till his father decides to forgive him, zila couldn't understand why the father had strict rules towards him that is not applicable to others he could remember that his father's cousin had relationship with maids too and it not like he was like his uncle but still he had nothing to do with the maid.

Feeling choked with feelings he went to his bed and closed his eyes trying to suppress his feelings and he eventually slept off.


Three days later in the camp...

Everyone had adapted to the fact that the king really sent the heir to the throne to the training camp of the kingdom soliders as a punishment, it's been days since zila arrived to the camp and ever since he has been doing well. Today zike told him he had located the house of the Ray's as they didn't stay at the same place as before, Zila followed him to the place and once they arrived there zike went straight to the door and knocked, he heard footsteps and then a petite little lady opened the door "Good day how may I help you." Becky said as she saw men on the military attire.

"We are in search of a young lady named Bianca." zike said as he stood in front of the prince so the lady won't recognize the prince though they wore the military attire.

"Oh she isn't here is there a problem?."

"Do you know where she might be?."

"Not really she had left some days ago and we don't know her way about."

"alright we'll take our leave now."

Becky looked on as the military men left, she was confused as Bianca wasn't well known to attract such attention "What mess have she gotten into this time."

"who was that Becky?."

"Oh just the fish boy." Becky lied as she didn't want to get her family involved in any trouble Bianca got herself entangled in.

"Oh we already have some."

"I already told him that." Becky said as she closed the door and went straight to her room.



Zila was beyond angry as he couldn't find Bianca where on earth has she gone, was it because of him? alot of thought ran through his mind as he and his bodyguard walked back to the camp

"What do we do now my prince?."

"you keep searching till you find her."

"Alright my prince." zike said as they went back to camp.

"Where are you Bianca?." zila whispered to himself, zila was paranoid, these past few days of searching for Bianca has been a big failure, he lost so much patience and worst off it drained his energy there was no one to lean on and definitely no one to understand how he felt.