
You shouldn’t have stayed

A tale of a vampire prince called zila who just turned 18 and was given the liberty to leave the palace for the first time as per his request He explored the kingdom and was less thrilled by anything till he caught sight of a beautiful lady and ended up stalking her He tried to get rid of this new obsession as he knows his father will never accept this alignment but he still went on and built a loving relationship with Bianca, a beautiful lady who was very pretty. He also had a friend/cousin who was secretly in love with his sister and was trying his best not to show it When darkness dawned on zila and he had to suffer for his wrong choices, there was no one there to save him from his fate And this led to a great loss. Who will it be Embark on this lovely novel : you shouldn’t have stayed

Just_Angel_the_God · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Chapter forty eight


Zila arrived at the door of a house and he knocked twice he heard a voice from inside "who is it?." said a tiny voice from inside but Zila remained quiet, he knocked again and then the door was open there stood Bianca as looked at a familiar yet unknown figure standing outside her house she was shocked "Sorry how may I help you?." Bianca said as she stared at the man on the military attire. zila raised his head as he answered "Hello rabbit."

"W-what are you doing here?." said Bianca in shock to see the crown prince at her door and in military attire she wondered if he used it at disguise to remove attention from the fact that he was the prince.

"You have been a very disobedient lad Bianca, don't you think so?." zila said with a scary smile he stepped closer as he studied her in close range.

"Your highness forgive my manners but it's not right for you to be here this late don't you think the king might be worried I have heard how much he dots on you."

"hmm why is it that are you trying to say I am my father's puppet?." zila said as he picked a piece of her hair and played with it, Bianca felt uncomfortable and out of word.


"We made a deal Bianca and you didn't keep your side of the bargain."

"What deal my prince?."

Zila chuckled at bianca's pretense and continued to speak "Hm you didn't so I'm here to take my payment."


"Would you rather get punished sweet pea?."

"But I don't have money."

"Step out for a walk with me then, they are ways to make you pay."

"No I can't your the prince, I don't think this is wise of me to do my highness as we don't belong to the same class and being seen together isn't a good idea for me." Bianca said hiding the real meaning her words conveyed.

"you or me? hmm your indirectly insult me huh?."

"I'm sorry my prince it wasn't my intention."

"Apology not accepted. Step out with me or would you rather have me inside your home zila said in a more authoritative voice as he pushed her in to make way for his entry.

"No no wait here I'm coming." Bianca said in fear as to grandma's reaction to the prince in her home.

"Be quick you know I wouldn't want to wait for you." zila said, she quickly went inside grabbed a vail and followed him out, they strolled around as they embrace the delicate breeze and the Rustling of trees, they both walked down a lane they had never been to she could sense the coldness coming from him as he didn't say a word since they left her house, he placed his hand at her back to support her as she almost fell from staring at him instead of the road. "Watch where you are going." Bianca shivered as she stared at his long fingers that rapped her waistline she felt a sensation in her spine and she blushed lightly. "You seemed to have gotten prettier." zila said while looking forward, Bianca blushed lightly as she replied "That's too much my prince, how can you tell that when haven't even glanced at me?." zila turned to her as he stared straight at her, she became uncomfortable with the look and silence "What are you doing."



"What do couples do Bianca." came the sudden question from zila as they resumed their walk.


"You heard me."


"Mhmm what do they do?."

"I don't know your highness."

"Drop the formalities Bianca." zila said in an irritated manner as he didn't enjoy being called that way by her.


"Nevermind." zila said and his expression changed immediately.

"What's wrong? did I do something?."



"I think I've fallen for you and that's not the issue now, the issue is...my love is susidal little rabbit am not sure you would be able to keep up with it so when I say a word listen or you might regret it." Bianca gulped in, she was beyond confused but nodded anyways.

"Why did you stop coming to the sea side."

"I've been busy your...cough.... I've been busy." Bianca was about to use the formality again but saw Zila's brow lift so she quickly corrected herself.

"Hmm I can see, it seems so you've been pretty much busy given your attention to other guys that you couldn't make it to your favourite spot any more hmm." zila said as his hand tightened on her back.

"W..what?." Bianca had no idea what zila was saying, so she just stared at him with a furrowed brow.

"Mark was it?."

"You..you have been-." Bianca was shocked as to how zila knew who mark was but it later registered that he had been following her before now.

"Yes little rabbit I have."

"I... it's not what you think."

"Hmm sure it isn't, and not only mark the guy with the donkey and the man who makes dresses that asked for you to visit one day so you could try out his dresses all of them." zila smiled as he changed the topic"I see you have moved out from the rays was it because of your cousin hm? was he too demanding or did things turn sour?."

"Not really we-."

"I don't want to know, we are a couple now so I don't want to know about your past encounters, he is not relevant am I clear sweet pea?."

"What? no! but I'll have to refuse my prince we are not a couple." Bianca said with a serious look.

"What did you say?." zila asked angrily as he hate the fact that she was rejecting him, before she could repeat her word she was pulled in and kissed by zila, he pulled her in to deepen the kiss as his tongue pushed through her lips and evaded her, she could taste of liquor from him so she frowned as she said "Are you drunk my prince?."

"No, I'm serious we are a couple I already claimed you as mine at the engagement party have you forgotten?."

"I...umm I think it's been quite long since then don't you think so?."

"We have just a month to a new year right?, it's just been four months my sweet girl?."

"Yes I know but isn't that long enough for change?."

"I had searched for you that long Bianca I have craved you there wasn't any news about you and it was sickening." zila sighed as silence rained again they got close to the road to the state Treasury which was close to the camp so he said to her "I think we should head back now."

"Alright." Bianca agreed and they both turned to go back to bianca's home but immediately zila heard his name and instinctively placed Bianca behind his back, once he saw it was zike he calmed down. "My prince."

"What is it Zike." zike stared at the fragile girl behind the prince back and he smiled a bit the prince wasn't one to hide things except it was precious to him and it seemed the prince have taken a liking into a village girl. "You are requested at the camp base."

"Is there a problem?."

"no my prince."

"then?." zila asked but zike hesitated as he stared at the girl behind him zila understood and he turned to Bianca "Zike this is Bianca."

"Rabbit this is zike my guard?." zila said, zike bowed and so did Bianca in greetings "Zike I'll be right there you can go tell them that."zila said and zike bowed and left once zike left zila turned to Bianca he stared at her, "let me take you home." he said as he led her back home, Bianca had alot in mind but just nodded to his request, zila took her back home and once they were a bit close he stopped and hugged her deeply as he said "I'm so glad to have found you, I really missed you."

"What are you doing at that camp those are for the military." Bianca asked in worry but he only replied"I'll tell you next time we meet up ok."

"hmm." Bianca nodded.

"Good girl now I'll see you tomorrow till then don't speak to other guys and know I'm always watching you ok sweet girl."

"hmm." she nodded and zila kissed her forehead as he whispered "good night."

"Good night my prince." Bianca said as she stared at him for the last time before entering inside, once she was in zila left for the camp once he arrived he was given a tag as appreciation and there his father as well as his elder brother was, Muzak wasn't happy with the way the king showered praise on Zila as he felt he wasn't deserving of it, but muzak had pretended to be happy just to appear as the nice first son of the king, once the reward ceremony was over Muzak and the king left on the way to the palace Muzak told his father "I'll be traveling back to the wolves pack to know why they did such."

"Well that's the right thing to do but are you sure they wouldn't attack you?."

"I have my ways to get to them father."

"Very well then, send a message across to him that this will be over looked because of you but next time I won't hold back."