
You shouldn’t have stayed

A tale of a vampire prince called zila who just turned 18 and was given the liberty to leave the palace for the first time as per his request He explored the kingdom and was less thrilled by anything till he caught sight of a beautiful lady and ended up stalking her He tried to get rid of this new obsession as he knows his father will never accept this alignment but he still went on and built a loving relationship with Bianca, a beautiful lady who was very pretty. He also had a friend/cousin who was secretly in love with his sister and was trying his best not to show it When darkness dawned on zila and he had to suffer for his wrong choices, there was no one there to save him from his fate And this led to a great loss. Who will it be Embark on this lovely novel : you shouldn’t have stayed

Just_Angel_the_God · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter fifty two

~Love lost = love rust~

Zila returned to the palace and the preparation for his and Claire's marriage was arranged, the Nate family was more than happy and although the king had said that the marriage would be done in closed doors as he knew zila could try to throw a tantrum, it didn't stop the excitement it didn't matter if the king decided for a silent marriage.

Muzak as well as Grexiak had returned back to the palace and Muzak had used the excuse that he had offered for him to leave with her as it will ensure safety, the king didn't refuse it as he barely cared about that, his attention was on ensuring Zila's safety and marriage to Claire.


Zila stood by the terrace as he stared at the water that surrounded the palace back yard the river stretch through the kingdom and it's green color looked appealing to the eye, he wondered where she is and how she was doing it's been months now and still no sign of her, suddenly he felt a presence at the door so he turned to it.

knock! knock!

"What do you want." Zila said as he sensed who it was at the door. "brother." Muzak said as he entered the room taking zila's words as approval to his entry. Zila spared him a glance and then turned back without saying a word.

"I heard a princess would be betrothed to you." muzak said as he smiled this was the first time he was in the chamber of the crown prince, he looked at how massive the room was he envied this luxury and his eyes glittered in jealousy, he looked by to the prince who had said nothing "You don't seem too happy about marrying your childhood lover now do you?."

"What do want Muzak?."

"Nothing I've been away for long and I realized I missed you, I miss our conversations that carried significant water, so I decided to come see my beloved brother." Muzak said sarcastically. "beloved?." Zila chuckled what was his father's son up to. "I know I know ....I might have done some wrong deeds at the past but trust me I hold no Ill intentions towards you we are blood and-."

"That's enough I have alot on my mind already don't come here to speak irrelevantly...you could leave." Zila said in irritation. "I am ready to accept whatever you ask of me as payment for how I've been towards you…. I have always wanted us to get along you know." Muzak said with pretense as he looked at the back of Zila which faced him "Are you sure Muzak?."

"Ofcourse brother."

"I will hold you to your words." Zila said and with that Muzak poked more "Should I get rid of Claire to prove my intention towards you." Zila turned to him as his words felt good to him "would you do that."


"Isn't that too severe? How can you think of that as a means to solve the problem you would only be causing rifts between the royals and it's kings men...you would have offered something else."

"What do you want my prince name it and I am willing to do it." Muzak said as he was sure he had poked the right hole. "Well are you aware that the royal weddings have a protocol of dressing in covered attire?." Zila questioned. "Ofcourse I heard from tutor Razmer."

" Now here is a test you are..." zila said to muzak who's eyes widened "brother." He couldn't believe his ears what did this stupid boy think he was a servant or a dog who goes after others leftovers. "if you wouldn't then leave." Zila said turning back to face the water. Muzak pondered a bit and then said "fine fine I..I will but what if I get on Father's bad side?." He knew this was once in a lifetime offer and he had to make use of it.

"Leave that to me."

"A.. alright I'll take my leave now." muzak bowed as he turned to leave when he was outside the door he smiled brightly as this was going to put zila in a huge problem "Oh how the universe works in my favour, he wants to destroy himself even before I can." Muzak muttered as he whistled a tone best known to him.


Jazzer was at the other kingdom at night as he had tried tracing the young lady who the prince desired, he had been searching all day and this was the last place he was to check he stood outside the door as he knocked the door opened and he saw a beautiful blonde girl who's eyes where red.

"good evening sir how may I help you." She looked at the jewelry on his neck which didn't match the simple clothing. "I'm from the council may I come in?." jazzer said as he grew suspicious of the way the lady sized him up with her eyes she seemed young and inexperienced but definitely not dumb, Bianca opened the door and jazzer stepped in he saw few other people inside who seemed to be in mourning "What is wrong?."

"I just lost my grandma, she had made me promise to bring her to her mother's kingdom to be buried." Bianca said as she looked away hiding the tears threatening to pour out. Jazzer felt sympathy for her and tapped her a few times turning to the other people seated close to the fire place suspiciously he asked "who are they?."

"Distant relative." Bianca said and jazzer narrowed his eyes at the people in the room he stood up as though he would be leaving and bianca followed to at least say goodbye but immediately she was placed behind him as he threw a powder substance on them he pushed Bianca out as he knocked her unconscious he had sensed this negative aura right from the door at first he thought it was from the girl till he entered the house. The ladies who had been crying had changed immediately there faces had turned to blue scales and slimy substance dripped from them as an effect of the powder thrown at them "Oh how wonderful we have a half breed the witch here hmm." chuckled the one seated by the fire place as her tongue which resembled that of a snake peeked out.

"How did you all get into this part of the kingdom?." Jazzer asked as he looked at the three women who emitted a disturbing smell. "oh don't act so surprised Jarviz zar this land is ours…don't you remember?." The voice of the lady rang with made jazzer flinch, they called his full name "what do you want with the girl?." He asked as it was her they came for. "Her soul." The lady chuckled as she continued "it seems pure and it's needed." The witch said as she demonstrated with har sharp black claws.

"You can't have her, it's not about the purity if that the case they are lord of pure heart in this kingdom why hers you are lying."

"Why would a royal official care about a mere maiden hmm have you taken a liking into her?." jazzer didn't respond as he knew one of the witch was missing he immediately turned and pierced a pin on the witches forehead with a disturbing scream the witch blew into dark smokes living black disgusting liquids everywhere, the other two got aggressive as they charged towards him they tried clawing him as they said "you can't change that you are one of us, you could change your name but it doesn't change that your mother lead the first war against your father's kind!." They said trying hard to destabilize him emotionally. "neither does it change that she killed your father." immediately a gun sounded from the opposite direction jazzer looked up to see Zila standing with a disgusted look. "Your highness I told you not to make your presence unknown."

"well your welcome." zila said as he rushed to the unconscious girl he picked her up as he tapped her cheek gently "Bianca, Bianca." He called softly but there was no response he turned to jazzer and asked "what did you do to her?."

"she's fine I didn't want her to see what was going to happen, my prince I have a bad feeling about this maiden…it seems her grandma was a witch." Jazzer said as he frowned his brow taking his hands up to cast an invisible spell as he knew for a fact that more witches hanged around.

"no she wasn't."Zila dismissed the accusations, he had seen the woman once or twice but he didn't sense anything but a human. "then how come she chose this place to be buried?."

"it seems she's alone now." zila said as he ignored the word jazzer spoke. "it seems people are after her spoke of a clean soul or something like that I think she is needed to be sacrificed."

"I heard."

"so what do we do?."

"she'll have to come with us."

"That would be too dangerous my prince."

"then what else."

"I will take her to the palace and enroll her as a maid that way your father won't be suspicious."

"fine let's head back then." immediately they held hands they disappeared and at the same time the door was bursted open.

"where are they?."

"I...I sensed them."

"where could they have gone? spread out and search everywhere don't leave any stone unturned till you find the girl." the man said in annoyance.