
You shouldn’t have stayed

A tale of a vampire prince called zila who just turned 18 and was given the liberty to leave the palace for the first time as per his request He explored the kingdom and was less thrilled by anything till he caught sight of a beautiful lady and ended up stalking her He tried to get rid of this new obsession as he knows his father will never accept this alignment but he still went on and built a loving relationship with Bianca, a beautiful lady who was very pretty. He also had a friend/cousin who was secretly in love with his sister and was trying his best not to show it When darkness dawned on zila and he had to suffer for his wrong choices, there was no one there to save him from his fate And this led to a great loss. Who will it be Embark on this lovely novel : you shouldn’t have stayed

Just_Angel_the_God · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter fifty four

After the ceremony the Nate family left to there kingdom, Zila continued his life as the heir to the throne and the kingdom was peaceful. Few days had past from the celebration and if the Nate's where to return is to conclude the ceremony by tying the nut between the two families.

Bianca had woken up after some days and when she looked around she saw a figure in the dark staring at her "who's that?." She said a little nervous.

"calm down pea it's me." Zila's soothing voice was heard "my prince." Bianca said as she calmed down. "how do you feel?."

"I'm okay."


"Where is this?."

"your within the palace, this is the head maid's quarter, you will be serving the crown prince now ." Jazzer said as he came in to the light that shunned from the window.


"jazzer please give her the briefs I have something to attend to." zila said as he walked towards Bianca placed a kiss on her forehead before he strolled out. jazzer looked at the retreating figure of the prince as he turned to the girl "you are very lucky, the prince doesn't burder with anyone he hardly think or care for others this means he must be smitten by you." He said as he turned to her "Bianca was it?."


"from today you work for the royal household if asked where your from you say your the daughter of a late guard, who served the king no guard is identified by name so it's easier that way you are to serve only in the kitchen or the prince directly try to be seen less as you wouldn't want to raise suspicions, a maid has been assigned to you she would tell you the needed information."

"thanks sir."

"Very well I'll take my leave do well to keep distance from the prince if any thing happens to him I won't hesitate to kill you." Jazzer threatened as he stood up from where he had knelt Bianca nodded as jazzer left the room.

Three weeks later

The wedding ceremony was just around the corner, Bianca has gotten a bit familiar with her duties, she was in charge of doing the dishes and serving the crown prince on Saturday night as he barely eat normal meals but he wouldn't want her to know that and most times jazzer wipe off her memory if zila mistakenly show off his fang or she noticed abnormalities it hasn't been easy but all through the week zila had spent his nights with Bianca and no matter how hard she tried to push him away he just kept coming back it wasn't a hidden fact that they felt things for each other.

two weeks ago was the prince's nineteenth birthday and the celebration was grand, people of high caliber had attended including his wife to be, there were alot of work to get done and little available servants as they all had something doing Bianca was called to help and while she assisted zila kept watching her from the top place where he was seated, Claire noticed and felt a bit annoyed she was going to get the maid to leave as soon as she gets together with zila if she took action now things might get ugly and she wouldn't want that.

The ceremony went on and it was definitely a good ceremony, one of the top officials happened to pick interest in Bianca and this didn't seat well with zila he looked as the man followed her and he felt a huge lump in his chest when he saw the man whispering to Bianca his hand tightened on the seat never had he felt so jealous in his life, he couldn't believe that men still drooled over the lady even when she was dressed as a maid just how much more beautiful could she be standing up the prince caught everyone's attention including his father he walked majestically towards the man and Bianca but immediately jazzer was quick to take the man away from Bianca, zila ended up taking a drink from bianca's tray as he muttered to himself how lucky that man was, he had seen how uncomfortable the maid was he would have ripped off the man's guts.

The king who noticed this frowned he asked a guard to get a proper check on the girl in secret as he sensed the abnormality in Zila's attitude he would have easily ordered for a drink and it would be brought to him yet he chose to go himself that was definitely not his attitude.

Claire was beyond mad she excused herself as she went to the restroom she loosened her corset as she took in deep breath how could zila be smittened by another maiden she couldn't afford to lose the prince to nobody "I won't let this happen the prince is mine, no one can take him I rather kill anyone who comes in my way."

"oh is that so how lovely it is to hear those words from your mouth." Grexiak said as she stepped out from the side where she had been smoking.

Claire scrunched her nose in disgust as she asked "what are you doing here?."

"well this is the restroom ofcourse you know why am here." Grexiak said raising the smoke in her hand.

"what do you want?."

"nothing I overheard you whining so I came to show my condolences was it because of the maid? the prince doesn't seem to like you much huh?."

"what did you say?."

"shh shh hold it, don't come any close I'm here to help you." Grexiak said sweetly.

"well how can I be helped?."

"well you have to listen and do all I say ...." Claire nodded to all Grexiak words as they seemed like just the perfect thing to do "oh my thanks I never knew you were this smart how may I repay you."

"don't worry you can pay later sweetie just hurry and do as your told." once Claire left Grexiak chuckled as she opened the bathroom door to see naked derin waiting for her "you seem to have won her heart huh." He said as he pulled her close to him.

"well that's what am good at .....now where were we." Grexiak said as she shut the door behind her and lifted her dress to give proper access to the prince.

The party ended well although the king had been offended as Claire had looked sad all through she had also made some complaints, after the celebration the king had changed the maids work as a report was made that she served the prince but this changed nothing.

Zila and Bianca stood as they watched the scenery, zila had chosen this room because of it lovely view and though it was made for the maids one couldn't deny that the place wasn't beautiful he held Bianca by the waist as his chin rested gently on her shoulder, it seemed so peaceful like this and though the king tried his best to get the maid away from zila all effort failed as Zila had his means.