
You shouldn’t have stayed

A tale of a vampire prince called zila who just turned 18 and was given the liberty to leave the palace for the first time as per his request He explored the kingdom and was less thrilled by anything till he caught sight of a beautiful lady and ended up stalking her He tried to get rid of this new obsession as he knows his father will never accept this alignment but he still went on and built a loving relationship with Bianca, a beautiful lady who was very pretty. He also had a friend/cousin who was secretly in love with his sister and was trying his best not to show it When darkness dawned on zila and he had to suffer for his wrong choices, there was no one there to save him from his fate And this led to a great loss. Who will it be Embark on this lovely novel : you shouldn’t have stayed

Just_Angel_the_God · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter eighteen

°Chills in the spine°

In the afternoon>>>

Everyone was awake as vampires didn't need much sleep the training began and everyone was a bit distracted as there was tension in the air that no one wanted to speak of, training has began but zila wasn't there yet, it was his attitude to always attend practice late but today everyone wasn't angry as they placed themself in his shoes.

Staring at the castle clock Yan's father said "Yan go get the prince."

"Ok." he strolled into the palace just to see zila who seems to be coming his way already "oh you are here already was about to come get you."

zila nodded, his expression was neutral he wasn't smiling but he wasn't frowning either he just walk down with Yan.

"ah so quick?." Yan father raised his brow.

"Saw him on my way there he was already making his way to this place." Yan said.

"Ok everyone choose a partner, we would do things a bit differently today." he said as he went to sit down.

Everyone picked a pattern Yan came to zila but zila walked past him and went to derin who had joined the training today, derin raised his brow at zila's approach

"we are partnering." zila said, he hasn't forgotten what Yan told him yesterday and he was going to deal with him.

"What me?." derin pointed at himself making a funny expression.

Zila didn't repeat himself as he waited for the next commanded

"Now who ever you have chosen will be who you battle against." Yan father said, zila smirked knowingly, typical uncle he made everyone pick who they liked, making them think they would partner with them to defeat another group.

"Begin first Yan and zike." said Yan's father's assistant.

zike was zila's personal guard and one of his closet people apart from Yan.

The fight began and everyone watched attentively as the first choice were both tough choices

"Begin defense battle." Yan father said

Yan launched an attack to zike immediately the bell where rang, in other for zike to loss his balance lucky zike evaded the attack moving to the side he pushed him to the floor. Yan flipped to his feet almost immediately brushing off the dust as he stared at the guy with anger, running with quick speed he went to his side and hit him non stop, zike tried to protect his face as Yan kept hitting him on both sides, zike used both hands that he used to protect his face to push Yan creating enough space between them.

zike made a bit space from him and took the lead this time he studied Yan's move and when he noticed Yan was about to hit him in the stomach he went low using his leg to cross Yan's making him fall not waiting for him to stand he striked him at his back gaining a whine from Yan who tapped his hand on the ground repeatedly.

"Enough." Yan's father said he wouldn't say he was disappointed but he was "Zike won." he declared, everyone clapped.

"Next ama and aliz." the both lady made there way to the floor and bowed

"whipes." said Yan's father.

The both ladies were stunned by the instrument choice they were shocked, they thought everyone would use the normal routine strolling to the servents they picked up whips, aliz whip was a regular but had a sharp point while ama's had pins all around.


they began there fight it wasn't easy as they tried to evade each others attack, aliz made her way towards ama as she swinged her whip skillfully she threw it at ama who evaded it with hers getting stucked, they stared at each other for a brief second before using there legs, they pushed each other, crashing to the iron bar on the arena.

"Shit that must hurt." said one of the trainer.

the both girls struggled to stand but it looked as though they must have broken a bone or two, aliz stared at her brother but he didn't seem to make his way to help her, he stood there staring at her as she struggled in pain till she stood up, finally standing up she slowly made her way to help her friend ama, when she helped ama stand she turned to leave just for ama to raise her whip and slash at aliz, Aliz fell down and sustained injuries, everyone was shocked by ama's attack, zila stared at the scene in anger, he clenched and unclench his fist.

"Enough, ama wins." everyone was quit displeased with this but still had to clap, Aliz remained low on her knees as she struggled with the pain she felt when ama tried to help, zila got there swiftly slapping off her hand and helped his sister up looking at her, she seemed pretty hurt

"You didn't help me." aliz said with gritted teeth.

"if I always come to your rescue at all times then how can you be independent and use what I have taught you." he said as he lifted her up

"leave her to the guard." said Yan's father

"keep on with the training I'll be right back, when I'm done taking care of my sister." zila spoke not waiting for a reply he strolled out. Zila wasn't one to be told how to do things he made decisions himself and once he says something it more of a finality.

Yan stared at the injured aliz and felt a bit angry, ama took it too far he thought as he saw the blood dripped from aliz back, ama got to him, she looked at him with excitement that she won but he faked a smile and turned to the new people called.

"stain and Atain, spears."


Zila took his sister to her room opening the back of her training shirt he picked out the pins that got stuck in her skin.

"Aahhh." aliz screamed in pain as she began to cry "I lost zee, I lost."

"you didn't, the action that took place just shows your a better person than that girl." zila said in anger as this wasn't the first time ama was playing dirty. "Also do not stop fighting till you get a signal of your success."

"I'm never training with you guys anymore." aliz said with tears that gathered in her eyes.

"it's fine my love, look your healing already." he stated as he hugged his twin sister "I'll be going now rest for a while." zila left to the arena and immediately he was called

"Zila and derin, knife and swords."

they both went to pick and derin rushed to take the two available swords on the counter while leaving short daggers to zila, they went to the bar when derin said "you surely are going to lose before you could make a single strike I might have slashed you to your death."

zila said nothing and just stared at him waiting for the signal.


Zila remained calm till derin approached him and tried swinging the sword at him, zila was quick to dodge the attack, bending down he slashed derin both legs at ease derin immediately turned and used his legs to hit zila while zila was still on the floor zila rolled and hit the ground in a loud thud as he collided with the iron bar before hitting the ground.

"shit." zike said under his breath

"he must have broke some bones." stated Atain who stood next to zike.

Derin felt triumphant as zila wasn't up on his feet yet, he strolled towards him while saying "I know you thought you could beat me easily because of when we were kids I was weak, but I'm glad to tell you because of you I trained hard to do this to you one day." saying this he crossed his swords and striked at where zila laid everyone gasped in shock as that strike will surely hurt badly but to there suprise zila wasn't there anymore but behind derin he used his daggers to make quick cuts at Derin sides, using his eldow he hit derin's back striking his backbone and bringing him to his knees he finished him up with a double kick on the face.

"Enough, zila wins."

Derin was so angry and even when they gave a final verdict he launched an attack on zila but was subdue by zike "let me go you filthy bastard ahh, let me get my hands on him, how dare you take out your sorrows on me is not me who brought your half-brother from the dead." everyone was shocked by derins direct insult.

zila turned to derin strolling in steady steps which made derin scared and struggled to excape but zike held him tightly reaching there zila said "I'm not angry derin I'm actually very excited I get to leave the palace to night." zila smiled as he pat the blondy.

"That's enough." Yan's dad said as he wouldn't want a fight between the two "Everyone is dismissed."