
You shouldn’t have stayed

A tale of a vampire prince called zila who just turned 18 and was given the liberty to leave the palace for the first time as per his request He explored the kingdom and was less thrilled by anything till he caught sight of a beautiful lady and ended up stalking her He tried to get rid of this new obsession as he knows his father will never accept this alignment but he still went on and built a loving relationship with Bianca, a beautiful lady who was very pretty. He also had a friend/cousin who was secretly in love with his sister and was trying his best not to show it When darkness dawned on zila and he had to suffer for his wrong choices, there was no one there to save him from his fate And this led to a great loss. Who will it be Embark on this lovely novel : you shouldn’t have stayed

Just_Angel_the_God · Fantasy
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69 Chs

69, Mine

Hearing the thunder storm, Kyle stared at the maid "you sure are royalty aren't you." He mocked. He called the guard to come take away the dead guards body which was loosing its cool.

Stephanie crouched down to the lifeless body of the guard who had become really close and she cried, she dragged the body with the other guards as she didn't want to let him go. He was family he hadn't done anything wrong, she weeded bitterly she had heard a lot of bad rumors abt Kyle but today she got to see it for herself she struggled to say something but couldn't only tears slipped down her eyes.

Given that she wasn't letting the body, a guard came to hold her down so they could take the body but as the guard touched her, a scream erupted send everyone flying except for the king who turned to see the chaos the girl was causing all for her mere lover, taking large strolls he dragged her and covered her mouth while keeping her away from the body so the guards could take the body away.

Stephanie struggled as she bit Kyle's hands and hit him, he tugged at her and pushed her to the bed and hovered over her, once the guards so this they hurried out.

Once Kyle attention was drawn to the door, Stephanie pushed him and ran towards the door but Kyle appeared right in front of her, she was stunned as she looked back at the bed where they previously were. The bed was empty and then she looked back at him in horror.

Kyle frowned at the hateful glare as he said "your attitude has began to irritate me. You know, because of you I have had to kill various useful people...the head maid and now a guard." he said with no remorse. Stephanie struggled to leave his embrace this man was really the devil, she wished she knew few spells or potions he would be dead.

"from today you aren't allowed to leave this room." the king commanded and so she was placed in a room that was connected to his. Stephanie had an angry look as she swore to revenge the death of the guard. She was very determined to bring hell to him.

Kyle on the other hand didn't even care, he wasn't the king by chance, he was a deadly and powerful demon, a witch to him was like a chicken. No one was on pair with him not humans, not wolves or even witches no creature could even hurt a hair on him.

Days past and Stephanie was conflicted with guilt, she needed to avenge her people, she was pretty sure this was how her clan was killed, for irrelevant reasons! With that thought she made a plan.

Once the maids were done serving her, she secretly slipped a knife on her pretty lavender dress. Once it was night she made her way to the king's room, she quietly walked towards him arriving at the bed she saw the king sleeping on the bed peacefully.

"How dare he sleep so peacefully after all the unclean things he has done." she said in her mind as she held the knife in her hand which shook seriously she has never killed anyone before neither has she thought of doing so.

she raised the knife to kill him but she was scared, she couldn't bring herself to do this, looking down at him, she saw him sleeping soundly "this was the perfect time, she wouldn't get a better opportunity" she thought to herself again and she raised her hand to stab the king again but she couldn't so she let the knife rest by her side in agony as tears sipped through her eyes, turning to leave but she was dragged to the bed as the knife was snatched from her. Stephanie was surprised and petrified was the king aware of what she came to do? Will she die? A lot of things raced through her head.

(Song: Locked eyes by casual sex)

"where are you going I've been waiting for you all night." he said as he hovered above her as he watched her struggle to get away from him, he placed his hand on her hand and immediately all her movement stop but her eyes which looked worried. Did this man wield such powers? She tot to herself.

"sorry dear but with you struggling, I can't take chances." he placed her on the side of the bed as they stared at each other in silence. "I didn't just kill because he helped you dear witch princess, he happen to be here as a spy and I have been quiet for long but just yesterday he killed an innocent person just because she saw his scales. Witch scales which identifies him as a bad witch." He explained as he looked at her pretty face with time Stephanie's eyes began to betray her as she was really tired she eventually slept Kyle stared at the sleeping lady as he placed his thumb on her head and whispered somethings that wasn't understandable and once he was done he dragged her closer to him and he slept off peacefully.

In the morning Stephanie woke up as she felt a light headache she looked at the person who laid next to her as she traced her hand through his nose bridge, Kyle eyes fluttered open and stared at her, she was taken aback by how handsome this man was.

"what are you looking at my love?." he said with a smile. Stephanie tried to say something but couldn't she placed her hand on her neck as she frowned.

"Let me fix that." he said as he placed his hand on her neck and when he withdrew he heard a thiny voice call out to him "Kyle." Stephanie called out to him ever so sweetly.

Kyle smiled at how beautiful she sounded, he had cleared her memory to ensure she didn't feel guilty over the people she has lost and made her think they both shared something. Kyle wasn't a good man and he never wants to be, he doesn't play fair he ensures to obtain whatever he wants forcefully he leaned on her and kissed her deeply till she was out of breath Stephanie has never been kissed and this which they just shared here wasn't gentle so when he came to kiss her again she placed her hand on his chest to stop him as she was still struggling to recover from the previous kiss staring at the girl he held her neck as he pushed her forward gently as he captured her lips ever so gently he felt how soft it felt against his, he slid his hand to her waist as he drew her close oh how he desired this for long ,he had been patient for too long because he felt she would fall into him eventually but that guard came and made things hard for them. They had a chemistry even before she came here she was his from the very beginning. "Mine." He groaned.