
You shouldn’t have stayed

A tale of a vampire prince called zila who just turned 18 and was given the liberty to leave the palace for the first time as per his request He explored the kingdom and was less thrilled by anything till he caught sight of a beautiful lady and ended up stalking her He tried to get rid of this new obsession as he knows his father will never accept this alignment but he still went on and built a loving relationship with Bianca, a beautiful lady who was very pretty. He also had a friend/cousin who was secretly in love with his sister and was trying his best not to show it When darkness dawned on zila and he had to suffer for his wrong choices, there was no one there to save him from his fate And this led to a great loss. Who will it be Embark on this lovely novel : you shouldn’t have stayed

Just_Angel_the_God · Fantasy
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69 Chs

67; Shadowed interest

Stephanie hasn't been having it easy here either, working at d palace for two days wasn't as easy as she had hoped. She was thinner and she received spiteful words from other maids in the castle.

Kyle ordered for her presence today and the whole maiden quarters was in chaos, they believe she was using some kind of spell on the king.

As she made her way to him with the guards at her back, she could hear the maids whisper that the king would never fall for a deaf and dumb no matter how beautiful she is. Stephanie chose not to react as it wouldn't make a difference if she did.

When they arrived the guard stopped at the door as they pushed the big doors open and gave her a slight push to go in, walking in due to nervousness she lost her footings and fell on her fours. What a weakling he thought to himself. "Do you intend to stay that way forever." Kyle said as he made his way to where she was and bent in front of her.

Stephanie looked up in shame as she shook her head she tried to stand but couldn't, she felt the atmosphere grow cold and her palm got sweaty " What do I do, I have finally offended this man was she going to be killed." She thought to herself as tears began to build up threatening to fall.

Kyle stared at her in displeasure as he observed "Have you been eating properly." Kyle commented as he looked at how thin she had become in the span of four days he helped her up and she was surprised. "it seems the head maid isn't a fan." Kyle whispered to Stephanie who took a step back "Are you scared? I don't plan on hurting you...….. yet."

Stephanie stole a quick glance at the king trying to read his expressions as he said those words but his face has no emotion. " You look quite good on these clothes you know, probably why the head maid is jealous, she's getting the wrong idea of abandonment. What a slut right?." Stephanie blinked as she didn't want to offend the king she nodded and the king chuckled he stepped into her space and she tried to make some space between them but Kyle caught hold of her neck as his eyes dropped to her neck with no emotions he moved his hand to the side shaking her head gently Stephanie followed the movement of his hand to avoid being strangled seeing the young blonde haired lady, Kyle could tell that she was way too fragile and if he was to tighten his hand she would definitely die. Kyle hated fragile things they disgusted him so much. He took his hand off her neck and he saw marks of his hand on her neck he had an urge to hurt her but for some reason something held him back "leave." he said in a loud voice which startled her. Stephanie didn't wait to be told twice as she ran out of the room while soothing her neck.

He looked at her retreating figure an sighed he couldn't take her in such a state, she looked so malnourished and scared. "Get the head maid." He ordered the guards and they scurried.

Once the head maid got the call she was filled with joy as she quickly made her way to the scout chambers filled with joy that the witch girl spells were useless when it came to the king. When she arrived she walked in and was met with Kyle who just got out of the bath and was walking stak naked, he knew how endowed he is so he had nothing to be shy of, when he entered the room he dismissed the other maids who had helped him run his bath.

"Come in Sonia, don't pretend to be a noble in front of me, we both know you are not." Kyle said as he made his way to his chair which was right opposite the massive bed.

Sonia was a demon too but a lower class, she made her way to the bed, she sat on it and stared at the gorgeous king, her eyes began to trail down and immediately Kyle was behind her he tugged at her hair as she tried looking beneath him. "I see you have become quite bold hmm, and you perform duties strangely does it have anything to do with the new maid hmm?." Kyle whispered behind her as he held her in place.

"no my Lord." Sonia squirmed but she was held firmly so it only intensified her pain.

"Do you dare to lie hmm?." Kyle said as he moved his hand to tug her neck roughly.

"I'm sorry my Lord." Sonia whispered as tears filled her eyes.

"of course you are." letting go of her neck he made his way to his drawer pulling out a little box of pill, he walked back to the bed and sat leisurely as he ordered "strip."

Sonia was quick to her bottoms as she didn't want to offend the king, Kyle stared at her with a bored expression as he watched her take off the last clothing, he beckoned on her and once she got to the king she knelt down before him and the king didn't have to voice out her duty he held her hair tightly as he guided her movement, Sonia dug deep as tears slipped from her eyes no matter how her big or deep her mouth was it couldn't contain it.

once done Kyle used his thumb to wipe her tears as he said "get out." He said heartlessly.

Sonia went to grab her clothes to leave but heard "leave naked." Kyle said with a wicked smile, he wasn't as good as his face might tell, he looked angelic but was a monster who derived joy from the dismay of others, he loved to see people shamed and tortured.

Sonia was already used to this humiliation from the king and to her it was honorable as no other maid was given such luxury to be around the king, she made her way out the king's room shamelessly naked.

Kyle scoffed as he looked as his unsatisfied self, what a waste he thought to himself as he took a pill from the box and swallowed, he made his way to the meeting to discuss business or should we say more distruction, Kyle had a strict plan of which he followed districtly he wanted a place for him, his very own kingdom and he was almost done with attaining all these, he felt a presence at the door and stopped speaking immediately a mild knock was heard and Kyle said nonchalantly "come in." Stephanie made her way in with a guard. Kyle who's eye was on the map they were speaking on picked up the familiar smell of rose and honey Ofcourse he knew who it was he could tell who was in the room anywhere, he slowly raised his head and saw saw Stephanie serving everyone, her movements were elegant and one could tell she wasn't pretending to be this gracious unlike a certain number of women he knew. he looked at her tiny fingers which trembled gently and he smirked, he looked up to see the expression on her face when his eyes landed on the girl's face, she had a subtle smile on as she stared at the guard who assisted her, Kyle's eyes narrowed at the little exchange between the two peers, he didn't like it one bit.

After his meeting he went for a stroll around the palace, he came across lots of maid who bowed at him but he didn't see a certain someone and her scent seemed a bit further, he was trailing her scent he got to the kitchen and he saw Sonia, when she saw him she smiled she made her way to him "my Lord." she bowed as wondered why the king was in the kitchen when he could simply order a guard. Kyle's question was swift as it demanded a swift response "where's the new maid?."

Sonia frowned slightly before saying "I sent her to clean one of the room by the left wing." Sonia was utterly confused as the king left without saying a word, did he really come all the way here in search of that rat, feeling furious she stepped away from the kitchen planning to trail the king but on second thought she went to her chamber.

Kyle made his way to the left wing, once he was there he made himself invisible as he blended with the shadow which asked on the huge pillars, he looked into the room and saw Stephanie cleaning the place he stared at her for a while before noticing there was another presence in the room. He looked over to the door and saw the guard from earlier come in with a smile of affection in his eyes which for some reasons irritated Kyle.

The guard made his way to Stephanie as he held her hand "Have you had something to eat yet?." Stephanie shook her head to show she hasn't.

"Sonia, that head maid of yours really think so much of her self doesn't she even after the order, she still chooses to act this way." The guard was about to leave when Stephanie made signs with her hand and Kyle raised his brow as she had never made any attempt to talk to him, he didn't know what her movement meant so he turned to the guard who looked like he understood what she was trying to say.

"I know, I know. I shouldn't act rashly but I just wanted to ask her about your food." With Stephanie still disagreeing he succumbed "well I brought mine." he brought out some bread from his pocket but Stephanie rejected it .

Kyle rolled his eyes as he wasn't moved by these stupid gestures feeling bored he tried to leave but he saw the guard move closer to her and he stopped in his tracks, what was wrong with this guard he thought to himself as he witnessed Steph's withdrawal.

The guard frowned "I won't hurt you, I thought we have had this talk." he said gently as he showed a necklace with a beautiful pendant "this was my mom's, I want you to have it." He said and Steph's eyes widened in disapproval, this necklace belongs to head witches, not that she didn't know he was a witch but she didn't want him giving out such valuable gift to her.