
You Shall Pay For Your Sins Even If You Are A God

An assassin with godly luck was killed by some aliens and his soul was sent to another world for reincarnation but something unexpected happened and reincarnation failed !! ------------- The book cover is not mine nor do I claim it mine .

ZERO_ZENOS · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Ch-27 How To Level Up

Level up

Level up

Level up

Level up

Level up

Level up

Level up

Level up






Ofcourse they were the notification of me leveling up but what took me by surprise was not leveling up but the number of times I Leveled up by single . I leveled up 45 times just by killing a monster of lower level then now I understand what really is 100 times experience this means that I killed hundred cheif by killing one this amazing if I kill all goblin in the settlement I will be easily be able to reach level 1000 easily. Okay Its decided then let's god and extriminate the whole village . I tried to stood up but I fell on the ground .'I think am out of juice I hate backlash'. I thought.

I made a cubical room using earth wall in all the walls I used 2000 mana and then I created a water aurmor using 2500 mana and at last I created a Air dome using 3000 mana because I Leveled up now I am able to use more mana than before . I think I should but a skill that will help create an undistructable room Before I made all this I made sure to take out and absorb cheif core and I leveled up again this time it was 10 times it took more than 30 slime cores to level up a single time it was the best treat in a while I thought and slept for god knows how many hours but when I woke up I super thirsty it was the time when sun was on its zenith .

'I want fire tornado' I thought while walking toward the goblin settlement I was walking at a slow speed because I don't have a good aoe skill so I thought of assasinating them when they are asleep at night when I reached there settlement it was already evening I looked at the new gaurds it's been a one day since there cheif has gone missing maybe for cheif going out is normal that's why there is no chaos in the village there are atleast 2000 goblin . It will be near impossible to assasinate them in a single night . I looked through all the skill trees but there was nothing that can help me assasinate them not now . There were other aoe skills but I only want fire tornado . Well I think fire tornado is best attack of rare teir aoe .

I was thinking about many things and before I knew it was already night and I started walking toward the main gate I made a dagger using my skills and used footwork and made my presence very less I reached at the two toddlers sized goblin I killed the first one by slitting its throat and embedding my dagger in its neck the second one noticed something out of the place when itts friend fell on the ground it was about to hit the emergency bell before him but it was already to late for him he was sliced in half by me I used concentrated strike on him so that no chance of him even scrimming and like this I entered village there were only few goblins petroling the village I killed them first then I started to kill the goblin sleeping in there house when mourning came I already had killed more than 1550 goblins and only little over 400 are left.

I still kept on killing them when they were waking some of them woke up early and started screaming but before all can come to their senses I had already assasinated more then another 200 and only 200 or less were left .

The goblin that were left were standing in front of me in a group trying surround me but before they could I created a very big fireball using 10,000 mana and added explosion in it using another 10,000 mana . it was like a big sun floating in my right hand super hot I jumped in the air as high as posible using mana in my feets to jump even higher ii thew the mini sun fire ball on the stunned goblins looking at me.

When my fireball came in contact with the a very big explosion occurred and a mushroom like cloud was made in the many shock waves were realeased I was sent flying by the shock wave breaking many trees in my path and as for the goblins I don't think there were any that didn't burned to death . I just stood up and heard many notifications of leveling up again I have been hearing leveling up notification since night because every time I kill a goblin I level up and there was Another notification which was ..

Congratulations to host for completing the requirements for the new title ....


Effects Of GOBLIN SLAYER are

• Instill fear in all goblins that see's host when equipped. Untill goblin level is not 500 level above host.

• Increase the state by 50 percent when the opponent is goblin when equipped.

•Decrease all damage takken by a goblin by 50 percent when equipped.

Hmm ? not bad but against all odds it's not that good . I thought and started walking toward the place I attacked I was sent for atleast more than 600 m . When I reached there I saw that the explosion created a 200 m crater which was atleast 500m deep everything in the surrounding was already incintrated and ground was now burning lava in the crater I looked at crater and nodded several times looking at this attack because this attack doesn't have thatt many backlash and I only get cramps after using it now that I think the only drawback that this magic has is casting time which is 20 seconds well those goblins were idiot if they had attacked me before It would have been hard to cast this magic this might have been a little hard fight today well whatever let's collect the monster and use them today I will start walking toward another settlement tommorow .

After I was done collecting I absorbed all the monster core that day by all means also the ones that I have in the storage ring because they were taking the space in the ring but they were more then I thought so it took me 3 and a half days to absorb all of them . My level after killing all the goblin was 1372 and after absorbing all the monster core now my level is 1799.