
You Shall Pay For Your Sins Even If You Are A God

An assassin with godly luck was killed by some aliens and his soul was sent to another world for reincarnation but something unexpected happened and reincarnation failed !! ------------- The book cover is not mine nor do I claim it mine .

ZERO_ZENOS · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ch -29 City

After three years of flying, walking and extriminating many goblin settlements I came across a city . It was walled from all the sides . The walls were circular as was many high these walls reminded me some titans anime after thinking about that it made me laugh at the walls because this time instead of a colossal the one who will make the hole will be me in 14 years old body of a boy kekekekekek I thought and laughed I think I have became a blood thirsty sicko after three years of killing many zomebie in the last three years many things happened and there was once a settlement of the goblins where all the goblins were of only level 1 to 10 and even the cheif was of level 20 they all died under the Fire Storm I know this was the over kill but even after extriminating the whole settlement of 8,000 goblins of Lvl 1to 10 my level doesn't even increased by 1 well that was to be expected but still it feels bad to get nothing after using Fire Storm . In the last three years I did many things and my level also increased by many levels am not gonna tell that to you right now it's

a secret untill I start extriminating this city of 10 million goblins. I also asked many things from A-16 and according to her this world or continent only consists of goblins and some normal animals. I also bought some skills and the one I loved the most is this one .


----------Blood Lust (Active) Lvl - 250 -------------

• Instills fear in the status of the opponent and weaken their attack powers and defence depend on the how many of the individual of the opponent species are killed by the host .

• Have 10 - 100 percent chance to stun or paralyze the opponent depending on the number of the individual of the species are killed by the host .

• Attack and defend weakens from - 0 to 99 percent.

• Current spices killed - Goblin

• Number of the goblins killed - 19 million

• Current goblin stun percentage - 100 percent (if the opponent is weaker or equal to your level and 70 percent if opponent's level is more than yours .)

• Attack and defend weakens percentage - 99 percent (if the opponent is weaker or equal to your level and 50 percent if opponent's level is more than yours .)



Haa this skill is way to OP but it's good . In the last three years I also got 3 more space rings from the cheif of the strongest settlements I have been in there were many life and death situation but my luck is Max and according to A-16 there is only 0.000000000000000000000001 percent chance of me dying from the thing a normal person dies. I also stole many weapons and gold from these settlements .

Ofcourse most weapons ate not usable for me because they are too small for my height so the things that I mostly stole were poisions and swords that works like daggers for me Well there were some mutated and different types of goblins some were able to use magic I named them goblin shaman , some were bigger similar to my size I named them goblin fighters and some larger and even more bigger I named them goblin champions well all these names came from the anime that I watched in my previous life my memory is getting a little hazy now but I still remember everything just a little blurry .

There were 3 power chief one of them was a shaman it used light magic well it's little bit cliche that a monster can use light magic and this goblin had a weapon of epic tier it was a light wand it had a magic instilled in it that can be used by anyone even those who doesn't have an affinity for the magic it was the light shield after I used that magic I unlocked the new class which was a legendary teir class it was King of Light Elementalist . When I asked A-16 how did I unlocked this she just told me that I was able to do a single magic and that was all that needed to clear the condition for the new Elementalist class . I was happy that I got new class but it came with a problem not actually problem but still it's a problem and it is that I can only use 3 class at a time so I have to remove Swordmanship Class or magic Swordman class because Elementalist is the fixed class and by remove I only mean to unequip one of them I can equip them any time but the time when unequip them I will not be able to use their skills and according to A-16 to use those even after the class is unequip my class should be of Divine teir. Well I only equipped the light Elementalist 2 times one when I was fight to a dark shaman and one time I got the class itself .

Well many things happened I will tell them to you in the future for now I will check this city out because am curious how these goblins city look like from inside I am preety sure I will be able to get the peice of the power of stone in this city .

I used illusion magic which is one of the skill I bought from the skill tree of the Light Elementalist class and it's pretty usefull . I turned my self into a wandering goblin shaman that I killed in the way it cannot be helped it was him who attacked me first you know .




_____________A/N ____________

Well I wrote this chapter hurriedly and didn't took as my imagination but as a work because I want to sleep right now so don't focus on any spelling mistake .

And also please tell me if you think ch is starting to get boring or something because I don't want to compromise the quality over quantity because a reader of mine told me to have a quality instead of quantity .

Thank you

Zero Zenos

And ofcourse support me