
You Shall Pay For Your Sins Even If You Are A God

An assassin with godly luck was killed by some aliens and his soul was sent to another world for reincarnation but something unexpected happened and reincarnation failed !! ------------- The book cover is not mine nor do I claim it mine .

ZERO_ZENOS · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ch - 7 The Abyss

A dungeon is dangerous in more than one way a single dungeon can make all the lifeforms go extinct from the face of world . A dungeon if not cleared in time will start expanding on the the planet as well as the floors will increase with time every year a dungeon floor increases by one and once they start expanding monster will start to come to this world from towers.

Right now there are only 2 dungeons in this world one is Abyss in which I am and the other one is insignificant in front of Abyss even the word insignificant is overestimating the dungeon when compared to Abyss that dungeon only have 75 floors from which 45 have already been cleared. But Abyss is different no one knows perfectly when it appeared in this world there are only some record that says it was during the ' Era of Gods ' what is era of God ? I will tell you about that some other day. Era of God's came to an end 10,500 years ago . And it was the longest era . So no one knows how many floor does Abyss have there only some speculation but the only thing that is clear is that it has more then 10,500 floors . And guess what no one litteraly no one was able to clear the 10th floor of the Abyss . In the last 10,000 years billions of people died trying to clear 10th floor of the Abyss why is it hard to clear the 10 floor because after every 10 floors in any dungeon there is a mini boss . But the same mini boss of the 10th floor of Abyss is stronger the final boss of the dungeon which had 500 floor. But still thausand of people died every year trying thier luck in Abyss.

Why do people still try to clear the 10 th floor of the Abyss ?for world peace ?? what happens after killing a mini boss ?

For world peace hah ! joke of centuries . Most of you would have already guessed with great problems comes great apportunities . The tower have it's ownset of rules it has that says "Equivalent exchange " in any Dungeon when somebody kill a mini boss they get an apportunity to get a skill or artifact. They can learn any skill from any monster in the last 10 floors and they can even get a skill of the mini boss or any artifect in the last 10 floors or miniboss weapons . But you can only take one thing . It is the rule for all dungeon except for Abyss. Its rule says "The one who kills the miniboss can choose to take all the skills or the one he /she chooses there's no limit to choose skills and artifacts and he/she will become the new lord of last 10 floors they can teleport back or leave their dungeon floor anytime they want and can also stop the entry of the person they want. " this is the reason why people still tries to go to 10th floor miniboss room to try thier luck . A person who clears an ordinary Dungeon gets enough power to bring a nation fall alone . No one is alive after seeing how the boss look likes of the 10th floor .

Now the main question is on which floor am I ?

I was sitting I was still digesting all the memories that came in my mind "hmm that's interesting there are only 2 dungeons " I muttered and said " Show Dungeon floor " . A translucent red screen poped out in front of me . It was a rectangular screen and in the screen in bold letters a number and 2 words were written in blue . Number was 11 and words were "HEAVEN'S SANCTUARY (Safe Area)"

Every dungeon had this function it helps people locate on which floor they are and the name of the place where they were in the floor and if you says a 'Rules' a screen will appear that will show you the rules of that particular dungeon that's why people know about them.

Safe area is the place where people can rest while clearing a dungeon all dungeons have safe area but they all were barren land with no water no light nothing they were like a void but the place where I was different .

Now now you look exited to know how and why am I on 11th floor if no one was able to clear the 10th floor ? The answer is simple ....