
You owe me that much!

"I don't know how to fight! How am I supposed to protect you?" K exclaimed whispering at me with worried expression on his handsome face. He hugging his briefcase tightly to his chest gulping down his nervous saliva back into his stomach. On other hand, he hold her hand tightly. The group of tugs coming in closer and we were both steps back as many as we can until our back touches the solid surfaces. Shit! What to do? What to do? Racking some idea from my brain. Ohhh~~my brainy brain! Please give some idea~~ "Stop!!" I held out my hand closing my eyes tightly and exclaimed them to follow my instruction. Heh, they just stopped! I'm dancing invisibly~~ The biggest question marks displayed above their heads white as a cloud, floating and dancing indicating they were confusing by me. Slowly...I step a side by side holding K hand to follow my lead. While they were confusing and looking at each other like a stupid companion, we took a long step and running away from them. Hahaha! "It's okay...I will protect you! Come on move your muscles...we got to run from them first!" Breathlessly, I said it out loud dragging his hand and we running together to the paradise... Splash! "Wargghhh..." Anita holding an empty bucket while tapping her feets on to the tiles floor. She was fuming to red. Wow, I could see her face already changed to an angry bull ready to knock me down! Sweeping the damped face, I was totally confused and searching for someone...K... Where is he? Don't we were running to the paradise just now? "Will you stopped laughing like a choking vampire in the middle of the night, L!? I've got test TOMORROW!!" Anita throw away the bucket and get back to her bed under the duvet. Gosh! That's all only a dream? I thought it was real? Waaa... ___ L: She's crazy when she wanted to be crazy. K: I'm not weak like you dreaming about, L. Anita: *Smirking like a sly fox* Alessia: "Oopss" Marilyn Monroe version with the fan fanning from behind looking as 'innocent' as she wants. Noah: "Hey sexy lady. Wanna dance with me?" Anita: Smacking Noah head. Noah: "Ouch! That hurt fox!" Anita: *Tilting her brows making a weird face* Noah: *Laughing nervously fanning her with his handkerchief* Zafira: Busying herself with full height of documents stacking ready to be her toilet paper! Messi: "Don't mess with me cause I'm Messi White! Always clean like my surname. Got it?" Mommy: "Excuse us, coming through guys!" she smiling happily on her wheelchair just done with her eye operation three hours ago. Big Boss: *Happily strolling the wheelchair to the front didn't care the bickering back there." L: "Come along people! ready to take some selfie here..." K: Standing on her side holding his phone up in the air while hugging L like she was his alone! Noah: "Say teeth everyBODY!" Well...what a dramatic selfie session! ___ In the picture: Zafira: Standing straight holding her few stack of papers on her hand with poker face while she was smoking at the back. Wait! When did she smoking? Messi: Standing like ready to punch K holding his daughter like she was belong to him alone. Oit! You guys not even married yet. So put your hand to the side! Do not touching her! —That's what he thought! Alessia: Haiya future husband, stop doing that! We are beyond touching already yet we still not married! Come, hug me! —She just grinning grabbing Messi hand while holding her floating skirt in front from the spinning fan. Welp, the fan looks like ready to be broken. Noah: Showing off all his teeth standing beside Anita. Anita: Sly smirk show her middle finger to Noah on his head! Mommy and Big Boss: Holding hands to each other lovingly beside Anita and Noah. K: Smiling lovingly only for L, totally adore her! L: Happy and thought all good until she is left half in the photo! the rest? gone! Poor you L! It's not fairr!! L bawling dissatisfied with all the photos because most of them, she was off the grid!! like her head only ~~~

jayizzabella · Urban
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27 Chs

Family time...

He paused a moment before he let out his answer.

"It took me a great efforts just to restrained myself from having you there. I really wanted to make love to you...I do...I want it...I need it..." he paused again.

"But...the situation now not gonna make it even possible for both of us. You in final year...well me in my first step of career...will you give me a chance when the right times coming, baby?"

I had to paused, weighing every words he said.

Sighing, I nodded my head. Why?

He was looking at me now.

"I will~" I said it.

But currently, my mind already have a thought and smugly already doing the dirty thinking on flirting and seducing him. Didn't care in any situation we have had to endured!

"Wait for me, okay?" he said softly likes he was coaxing me.

"I will but I'm not promised to keep you away from me..." I smirked at him.

I could sense he detecting my mischievous thoughts about him.

"Oh...that's thrilled me, love..." he smiled avoiding my eyes.

I giggled back on his words.

"That's enough you two! Let's get out of here! I'm hungry!" said Anita out loud and her voice echoes through the empty spaces. Annoyed and huffing to the door playing with her nails.

"You heard her..." I said it smiling.

"Hm~hmm...anyway...the red marks still on you neck, baby..." he teased me and with budged open eyes I simply brush in more of my long hair to cover up his previous arts on me.

"It's your faults! Not until I do that to you and you can never cover it back with your hair, babe!" I think I teased him enough. Grabbing my bag I was off from the chair headed to Anita on the second stairs down there.

"Oohh... can't wait baby. Instead of hiding it, I will proudly presenting it to the public and let them know that I was taken..." he said it than hung up the phone leaving us first to the other door.


Scoffing...I was laughing harder imagining that when it's happen!

Will that be true? Idk...

"I think I've should start a session today. Looks like you guys can't wait to eating out of each other's hood..." Anita bobbing up and down her head indicating she had to planning which step should she introduce first.

Suddenly, my phone rang again. Thought that was K but...

"Are you done with your class? I've already here!"


I was totally forgot about her!

"Yeah...I'm done..." I said it heartlessly. My serious expression clearly on the display.

She hung up the call.

"I've should moves first. See you tomorrow..." I gave Anita an apologetic manner.

"Yeah. Sure...text me if you need anything..."

"Okay!" I waved her goodbye and head out to the opposite direction.

Once my eyes glued on the car, she's out and move to the other side.

It's decided.

I was her chauffeur today.

Her expensive car slowly got the most attentions all along the road to the gate. Once they saw my serious look displayed on my face, I just knew...they shocked.

Why this red light felt a bit longer than usual? Urggh...

Once green, I passed them through with smooth and exclusive gesture to be out from there as soon as possible.

Hate the stares actually!

Mother already in a Dreamland. Even in her sleep she still out with serious demeanor. How can she sleep with that such attitude?

I don't know.

I had to stop at the nearest convenient store all along the free way just to grab something to eat. So damn hungry! I can't even breakfast early in the morning cause I might puke them back after quite sometime they, the food resides in my stomach.

Well, depending on how much that I consumed before, the more the faster it'll be out from my body.

I don't know why and basically I had my breakfast when the clock hits number ten. That time my zoo would be noisy asking for a food. Terribly noisy!

Hmm...I could guessed that my zoo still sleeping before ten in the morning and when I slumped down the food, they might be suffocated and let me puke the contents back. After they wake up, biologically my body need a food instantly.

That's how my brain's projection about my weird morning life of a breakfast.

Not to mention about my supper, or sometime s people would love to called brunch, lunch, dinner, midnight snacks and seriously my body would be asking the food along the clock of four to six in the morning.

I guessed again it might be the cause my stomach wakes up later and didn't get any fatigue even didn't get the early breakfast like any other human being.

During early dawn, my stomach would rumbled asking for anything to eat. If I ignored it it will be ugly soon. My stomach would be in pain, caused me nausea, my head throbbing and sometimes dizzy would happen. That's symptoms looks like a morning sickness of preggy lady. But...I'm still virgin...a virgin!


Just a few crackers or cookies would simmer down the demands of my zoo. That's all of my weird stomach and eating story...

So now, I'm munching down a piece of chocolate filled croissant accompany with a few boxes of the cucumber juice.

To others that was the weirdest juice they ever known to be as a favourite drink. And I had to spare the juices in my room in large amount whenever I want it.

My mother's phone, ringing out loud and I never intended to take it as for her behalf.

Why would I do that?

Infact, I don't like to interfere in others business either the real business or plaything business. It doesn't matter as long it's call business...it's always a business.

Hmm...I quoted father's businesses quotes.

What the hell with this 'business' things?

The second ringing sound off to the air and I still don't bother it but once I glanced at the receiver name, my blood suddenly boil!


The c*nt?

What does she wants from Zafira?

I steadied my clamps on the steering until my knuckles turned to white. Gritting my teeth, I had to overcome my burst to pick up the call and cursing that women as I could and leaving her rendered speechlessly back into her place.

I'm about to having a family time with my obviously so called parents and what the hell is she thinking to disrupt everything up side down according to her rules?

That b*tch totally booking for her own misery or worse...her death!
