
Not a honeymoon

“You don’t want to go on a vacation?” His eyes were surprised as he saw Eryna’s reluctant gaze.

“Well it’s just too hectic, Why don’t we just postpone it for a few months.” Eryna forced a smile.

“Yes, Grandpa! I have some projects to take care of so I can’t travel abroad,”

Micah teamed up with Eryna and insisted.

“Hmm— okay-“

‘Sigh-I almost thought I was gonna die,’

Eryna gave out a sigh of relief before she even heard his complete sentence.

“-Micha didn’t you say that the construction of the northern resort has been completed?” His grandpa continued.

“Yes, what about that?”

“Okay! Then take Renya with you to the resorts, you can do your work and she will get to see the beauty of that place.”

In just a few seconds Grandpa had turned the tables, and there was nothing either of them could do.

“I suggest you go there tomorrow,” He clapped his hand and turned around to walk out of the mansion,

It was a quick visit but it left everyone speechless.

Eryna stood in shock, while Micah glared at her with a loathing gaze.

“I should have expected this! First, you tricked me into marrying you, and now a honeymoon? What’s next? A child to inherit all this?”

He gestured at the mansion. His voice was cold and merciless.

“But do you think I will let your evil plans succeed ?” He stepped closer to her and clasped her chin.

“I will never let this happen! Mark my words!”

His black merciless eyes glared into hers.

“After one year I Micah Luis will throw you out of this mansion, and even Grandpa wouldn’t be able to do anything about it,”

He spat the loathsome words and stormed upstairs.

Eryna stood speechless, she had no idea that Micah had these kinds of thoughts regarding her. When she replaced Renya all she had in mind was a marriage without love that would end when the news circulating will die off, but now she realized that in his eyes she was just a gold digger who schemed to become his wife and take away his wealth.

‘Ha, is this my new test? If I live through this will I be free?... Free for real?’

Eryna gave a cold laugh and thought about her life,

“Miss, are you alright?” A concerted voice spoke from her side, it was the butler.

“Yes, everything is fine. I am used to these things now…‘am I?’”

She smiled at the butler but in her mind, she was in a deep battle with herself. Her heart would repeatedly ask her questions of which she never knew the answer.

She walked away with heavy steps, while her ears rang with the question that the butler asked her,

~‘Are you Alright?’

Are you used to it and does it not hurt anymore?

Does it hurt? Are you happy? Why is it that you are still sad?

Do you not deserve happiness?

~What are you punishing yourself for?

~Have you sinned?

And then the question that her heart would ask her rang one after another, those questions of which she had no answer for. The voices rang until the world before her eyes vanished and the darkness took over her.


Eryna opened her eyes because of stinging pain in her arm, she tried to sit up but just as she pressed her hand on the bed to get up, a harsh surging current of pain moved through her arm. She fell back onto the pillow.

“Haah...Haah,” she breathed heavily because of the pain.

“What happened to me? Did someone beat me up when I was asleep?”

She lifted her hand a bit and glanced at it, her right hand was bandaged, and now the white bandage had a red stain on it.

“I have to stop passing out just everywhere!” Eryna placed the other hand on her forehead and stared at the ceiling hopelessly.

The sun was setting and the room had a dim light entering through the open curtains, Her mind wandered back to the morning incident, and Micah loathing gaze flashed before her eyes, She knew peacefully the feeling in his eyes, he seemed like he was abandoned as if he had been hurt, Eryna felt sad for him.

“Sigh...Father, how many lives are you planning to ruin? First, it was mother than me, then Renya, and now him? Haa...I wish I could just ruin you,” Her words after the pause were filled with hatred.


The door to her room opened slowly, she slightly lifted her head to see who it was. The butler had walked in quietly holding a tray of food, his gaze met Eryna’s, and his face brightened up.

“Miss you up!” Happiness was visible in his eyes.

“Yes, I did just a while ago…” She replied in a low voice and moved in the bed to have a better look at the butler.

How are you feeling now?” the butler asked.

“Great otherwise, but can you tell me how this happened?” She lifted her hand and asked with a pouting face.

“Miss this morning when you passed out, you accidentally pushed a vase and fell on its broken pieces…” he looked at her with a sympathetic gaze.

“Ha, that’s an odd way of getting hurt,” Eryna laughed lightly. “Anyways...Uncle Shaun could you give me a hand please, I can’t get up on my own,” She asked.

“Sure Miss,” He placed the tray on the table and came close to her. He helped her sit and moved back a few steps.

“If you want I can send a maid to help you eat,” He spoke while staring at her crippled right hand.

“That would be a lot of help if you do that,” Eryna gave him a warm smile,

The butler walked out of the room, and as the door closed the smiling face of Eryna turned blank. She looked at her cellphone at her bedside and pouted.

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