
You know me well

"Wise men say Only fools rush in But I can't help falling in love with you Shall I stay? Would it be a sin If I can't help falling in love with you?" - song by Elvis Presley This is story about a young and beautiful girl, Catherine Qiu who has been raised by single mother. Her life changes when she meets Zyan Smith and falls in love with him. Zyan , a romantic at heart! Who would have guessed a self-proclaimed Casanova would fumble nervously and measure his words to a woman? With the right woman, a man always feels the compulsion to say the right words.  Catherine, painfully practical and a woman who would not recognize romance if it rained roses on her way. Excerpt: "let's get married" he said. "No I'll not Marry you. We don't love each why should I marry you? what benefits will I get?" she said. after some month: "let's get married " she said. "I'm always ready to marry you" he said. "I want to clear one thing I don't love you so are you still willing to marry me ? " she said without any emotions. few years later: " I want baby let's make one" she hugged her husband. "we already have two daughters" he said. she pouted. "but we can make love" he said leaving all his work. A girl who has lived with rejection from a man, her father, and is now slowly and warily stepping into a unknown territory of being a recipient of male attention. There is a long way to go before she fully entrusts her heart in the hands of a man. So Let's find out together the journey of Catherine and Zyan. English is not my first language so please pardon me. Cover is not mine, all credits goes to owner.

kamlina · Fantasy
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3 Chs


At Prof Liam office

She was waiting for professor Liam to complete his classes while sitting on couch, reading economic book. Professor Liam came with two students discussing regarding upcoming college event.

"As the memeber of student counselling, you have to arrange this event. Event should be grand as Prominent figure are coming so make sure there will not be any mistakes." As he entered and saw Catherine, he instructed all remaining things to students. Both students left Liam's office.

"Catherine, I was waiting for you since morning. I have found a good job for you in one my friend's company. he has seen your resume and delighted to know that there are hardworking and talented student out there like you. I already told him about your conditions as you are still undergraduate student so there will not be any problem for you in job." Liam looked Catherine while pondering how much she has gone through in her life still she didn't show her other side of coin, no emotion like a robot in human world. Any normal person would have gone mad but she is here, standing like nothing happened. Handing paper to her " Here are details of the company. He's good friend of mine so don't hesitate to ask any problem to him and one more thing, college is organising culture event so you have to volunteer."

Catherine kept paper in her bag safely like her life is depend on it and said "thank you professor. I should leave now".

Kelly was waiting for Catherine outside the office. She saw Catherine and hugged her like koala "Cath, my honeybae , Denial proposed me to be his girlfriend." Her voice was full of glee and excitement then she kissed Cath on cheek still hugging her

" Muah!! I am so happy. I feel like I'm not from this World ". Her happiness could be seen on her face.

'Oof this girl, If you are not from this world then who are you? a ghost?' Catherine murmur to herself .

" Congratulations, Finally your childhood sweetheart become your boyfriend" Catherine was happy that she got a job and her only best friend got a boyfriend.

Kelly Smith, only daughter of Matthew Smith and Alena yang. Matthew and Alena met in their siblings wedding which was William and Selena. Love at first site was a case for them. They fell in love and got married now have a beautiful daughter, Kelly. As only daughter of whole Smith family, Kelly is apple of pie for both couple and only sister for Zyan and Zack.

Denial Lu, childhood friend of Zyan so no doubt he is also childhood friend of Kelly. As both Zyan and Zack Pampered Kelly, same goes for denial.

Pondering something Catherine said " Kelly, I have a doubt"

"What?? Don't say you are against our relationship. I love both of you" Kelly showed her pitiful face with pout.

"No, I don't have problem but what about your two doting brothers?? I'm sure they will not accept even though denial is your cousin's friend. Their love for you is far greater than denial. If they got to know about your relationship, They will sure roast your newly boyfriend for snatching you from them. " Catherine said with straight face.

After hearing Catherine, Kelly felt like her soul left her body. Whatever Catherine said was 100% true. "I haven't told them about us. Zack is easy to handle just give him a sports car or holiday vacation, I am sure he will became priest and do our marriage but Zyan is different. He is like devil" Said Kelly.

" Just directly tell him. I am sure he'll listen to you" Said Catherine and patted Kelly's head.

Kelly grinned " Why not I become pregnant with denial"

Catherine smacked Kelly's head and frown" Seriously Kelly? "

"Ok jokes apart, I going to pick you up in the evening. We'll go to pub to celebrate this wonderful news" Said Kelly.

"Ok princess, I'll come"


At SMITH CORPORATION's conference hall-

In a big rectangular table, William Smith was sitting in head chair like a majesty. His every command verdict for them. His right Zyan and left his assistant lucas was there. Remaining chairs was filled with director, other share holder and managers.

"Congratulations all of you as you Smith Co. Got a project worth of billion from ministry of health. This will help both government as well as normal people. I want all of you to work hard. And there is one more thing" William show hand gesture to her son, Zyan and said " I am introducing new CEO of our company, Zyan. He will take this position after 6 month so all of you have to teach him with in these period of time so that he'll become better CEO." Everyone clapped for new CEO.

Outside of Smith Co., Catherine looked at the huge building ' so I am going to work here' said to herself. She went to reception area

"Hello ma'am, what can help you" Said receptionist with polite way.

" Hello, I am Catherine Qiu. I have appointment with Mr. Smith. Here is a card" Catherine gave paper to receptionist while Looking at her tag which was written Mia.

Mia took a paper and called to someone. After talking she said to Catherine "Miss you have to go to floor 54 . CEO Smith is waiting for you"

There are 10 lifts on this floor. Each lift is divided for specific purpose. Catherine was waiting for lift in lift no. 10 which is for common people or who is not related to company. Opposite to lift 10, lift 1 is there which is only for CEO. As lift 10 open she Catherine entered in a lift and press 54 button.

After meeting Zyan talked to his father regarding company matter and left his father office and went to lift as lift open in ground floor he saw a pretty young lady in opposite lift, long dark hair with pair of bright eyes still in those eyes something was missing, wore simple black dress to knee length, simple and elegant no evilness, pure like porcelain doll he wanted to cage her only for himself so that no one can see her. and those eyes Captivated him.

"Zyan, zyan... "

He heard someone was calling him.he snapped from out from dream to reality . He looked at his friend, denial said nothing just went to his car RR and left Smith building.