
Let's get married!

Com'n Diana, why do you always think like this, of course you are family and we would've engaged you with Nicholas Aston instead but what would you do with your kid? A family like the Nicholas's would never accept a single mother you know" Mary tried to convince her

"Oh, is that it?" Diana asked with a determined expression on her face

"Of course, it is. You know how we all think nowadays" Mary said

"Then I'd make Nicholas Aston mine then, you needn't worry about my kid" Diana suddenly said with a determined expression

"Alright....wait, what! You'd do what?" Mary asked in utter disbelief

"I said I'd make Nicholas Aston mine, all I need is just a month, is that okay?" Diana asked solemnly and everyone's face became white in surprise

they were totally dumbstruck

"Com'n sis, what are you blurting? There's no way someone like Nicholas Aston would agree to get married to someone like you, I understand how you feel but it's all helpless, isn't it?" Arry grinned mischievously

"Then it's all cool once I'm able to convince Nicholas Aston, isn't it? I'd be off then" Diana picked up her bag with a grin and walked out of the house

"Honey, are you just going to watch her go crazy like that?" Mary ask Mr Maxwell angrily

"I'm sure Nicholas Aston would never agree to such, you don't have to worry, she's coming back...let's eat" Mr Maxwell said and picked up his spoon



Splendid Adverts & co...

"That was a tough one you pulled boss" Dan said as they walked out of the conference hall and Nicholas chucked softly

"I don't have any more meetings,right? I'm famished" Nicholas said and Dan mulled over the tablet in her hands

"Uh...miss Diana Maxwell requested a meeting" Dan said and Nicholas raised eager brows

"She did?" He grinned

"Yes sir''

"Make a reservation for her" Nicholas said without much thoughts and his grin grew wider

'she acted all mighty yesterday, I knew she was coming back to apologize..urrr' he mumbled and chuckled




MCB Groups.....

"Ma, Mr Nicholas just accepted your request" Tina delivered and Diana nodded

"What time?" Diana asked grimly

"8pm tonight" Tina replied

"Alright....wait, what! 8pm tonight? Are you sure it's the appointment with Mr Nicholas?" Diana asked

"Yes ma'am"

"Tina, do you think he's already interested in me?" Diana asked excitedly

"Well..... probably?" Tina replied cautiously

"Nevermind, pass me my phone,.let me text him" Diana said impatiently

"He already texted us the venue and time" Tina said and Diana chuckled

"I figured, just give me the phone" Diana said and Tina smiled

"It's amazing....I haven't seen you smile in a while" Tina said

"Hmm, I suddenly find this so interesting Tina" Diana said and texted Nicholas

"Did you find out anything on him?....." Diana asked hurriedly as she scurried to the garage

"About that.....I did contacted the person you gave me his contact buh his results were quite....I told him to recheck if he's mistaken but he's not replying my messages anymore.....Oh! He just replied!" Tina said and Diana snatched the tablet from her

"What did he say?" Diana wondered aloud

#--'How can I work with you if you're so doubtful of me? Mrs Rosa was my top client for a reason '- the black hat texted back and Diana scurried through the information in a haste

Her mother gave her this guy's contact before her death and told her to contact him if she needs to dig up anything about anybody, she never bothered about it since she always felt there was no need to walk in the dangerous path that led to her mother's death, knowing too much about powerful individuals and dining with them wasn't Diana's dream, she just wanted to live a normal life that her mother couldn't live even though she sometimes envied her mother, the way both her father and stepmother was so scared of her and always respected her wishes and the way her mother built and handled MCB GROUP S , other than that, her mother's life was a sham, she never had a real smile on her face and she ended up dying mysteriously, she doesn't want that for herself. But maybe this is her fate and she's just been running away, but the truth is, Can she survive in this kind of world?'

"I think the black hat is right after all, he even sent photos and videos as proof. See? You shouldn't judge people by their appearance, who knew the so great Nicholas Aston is this shrewd?" Diana said to Tina who only pursed her lips

"Oh, this is getting interesting already" Diana's eyes glowed in interest and Tina thought to herself

'Diana is weird....who smiles when they watch a murderer? Only a.....psycho would do that, right? She's probably gone crazy while living with the Maxwell family. The videos the black hat sent are the videos of people Nicholas Aston's killed brutally




-'i believe you're going to arrive on time this time around.....sir?'- Diana text popped on Nicholas's phone screen and he smiled

-'i'm already waiting there ma'am ' he texted back and Diana's brow raised in amusement

"Are you?" She replied and hopped into the car

'then I should take my time and delay you for two hours like you did also ' she texted and Nicholas's smile widened

"You are really smiling Mr Nicholas" Dan said in surprise

"Am I?" Nicholas grinned and texted back

'take your time ma'am '




Soon, Diana got to the venue and met Nicholas waiting with Dan standing beside him

"Hi Mr Nicholas, I arrived right on time, didn't I?" Diana said after glancing at her wrist watch

"Hmm...I thought you aren't interested in signing with us anymore, what changed your mind? Did Mr Maxwell scold you?" Nicholas asked with a meaningful grin and Diana frowned

"Wait, did you run a background check on me?" She asked angrily

"You are exaggerating, I just did random research, at least....." Nicholas trailed and Diana sighed in disappointment

"So much for all the praises online about you being a total gentleman, who knew that was all your pretense?" Diana scorned

"I'm sure you didn't call me all the way here to nag me about my attitude, did you?" Nicholas said and Diana respired heavily

"First and foremost, I'm not here for the advertisement contract...." Diana paused for Nicholas's reaction but his eyes only gleamed in eagerness

"So??" He raised questioning brows

"I'm here to make a marriage proposal " Diana said and he hissed

"Oh, for your sister? Mr Maxwell already called in, the family introduction is in three days, you aren't aware?" Nicholas asked

"And when did they called in?" Diana asked

"About few hours ago?" Nicholas replied and Diana nodded

"Oh,well....I wouldn't be here on behalf of someone who has legs and can speak pretty well, would I?" Diana grinned mischievously

"So, whose marriage proposal are you talking about ?" Nicholas asked curiously

"Mine" Diana replied firmly with a cunning smile whiplashed on her face

"What! Who is the groom then?" Nicholas asked confusedly

"Who else? That is obviously You Mr Nicholas, let's get married instead of my sister" Diana said boldly and Nicholas stared at her in utter disbelief

"Wait, what!"