
Devil's toy

So, whose marriage proposal are you talking about ?" Nicholas asked curiously

"Mine" Diana replied firmly

"What! Who is the groom then?" Nicholas asked confusedly

"Who else? That is obviously You Mr Nicholas, let's get married instead of my sister" Diana said boldly and Nicholas stared at her in utter disbelief, then he bursted into a soft chuckle

"Miss Diana, are you kidding me right now? You even have a kid" Nicholas said and Diana raised questioning brows

"Other than that?" She asked

"Why would I go through the stress of marrying you when you have nothing to offer? Did you call me here for this?" Nicholas asked arrogantly

"Of course Mr Nicholas, and I also have a lot to offer? Something you've been looking for " Diana said

"I don't think you do. According to my findings miss Arry is going to become the legal owner of MCB GROUP S soon, she would be a very useful asset and a great alliance so why should I choose you?"

"Because with me, you don't have to pretend to be nice, I know who you really are and what you are looking for " Diana said

"What I am looking for?" Nicholas raised eager brows

"The Cellphone" Diana whispered and Nicholas's eyes dilated in shock

"If I help you find it before a month, you can consider me right? I mean, isn't that why you need an alliance like MCB to gain more power? Besides, I can easily make MCB GROUPS mine if we get married then you'd have absolutely nothing to worry about, what do you say?" Diana asked confidently and Nicholas glared at her

"You care to tell me how the hell you learnt about the cellphone?" He asked anxiously, almost in a whisper

"You might have heard about Bobby, the international blackhat? He used to work for my mother, that was just a little piece of information, he even found videos of people you killed " Diana sneered back at him

"Stop acting so confident, I know you are terrified of me" Nicholas said intimidatingly

"Of course, but I don't even care if you are the devil himself at this rate, if I can't live a normal life then I should at least claim what belongs to me, I won't let my family have their way this time " Diana said

"Miss Diana, you don't have the slightest idea of what it is like to get involved in this hell, even my grandfather who was a Mafia king got wasted because of it, and what did you say? You would find it?" Nicholas scoffed "Don't be ridiculous" he said and sat back on the chair comfortably

"And what if I do find it eventually?" Diana challenged him

"You don't care about your life, do you?" Nicholas asked rhetorically

"My life is not that precious anyways " Diana grinned and Nicholas fleered

"So you would find the cellphone in one month?" He asked with a hidden smile

"Yes, is that a YES?" Diana eyes sparkled

"Well, let's have this discussion again after three weeks, we can have our introduction ceremony in two weeks, but.... don't get your hopes up, I'd call off the wedding in exactly three weeks from now if you fail to find the cellphone " Nicholas said and Diana smiled in satisfaction

"it's a deal then " she said "if you would excuse me then..." She trailed and walked out of the restaurant while Tina ran after her

"Mr Nicholas, you know pretty well she can't find the cellphone, it has existed for thirty years now and many powerful individuals has died over it, there is no way she would find it in three years time, let alone three weeks" Dan said worriedly

"Were you deaf when I tried to stop her? She said she would find it"

" Oh....this is going to be sooo interesting" Nicholas stretched out his arm and turned to Dan "I'm famished" he said casually and Dan jerked off

"I'd get you something quickly" Dan said and dashed to the counter



"Ma'am, do you really have to do this? It might cost you your life" Tina said worriedly

" You can drop the honorifics once we're alone, I've told you severally " Diana said and rested back on the seat with her eyes closed while Tina sighed helplessly

"You can't just waste your life over a challenge like this Diana, you can't do these after all you've been through " Tina said worriedly

"What are you talking about? Can't you see how excited I am? I finally feel like I'm doing something over the years, it's amazing " Diana said with a bright smile

"I get it but...."

"Tina! Do you think my mother regret anything after her death? I don't think she does because she lived her life doing what she wants so she'd probably rest in peace by now " Diana said

"Well I don't agree with you, she was never happy " Tina said with a shrug

"You think she wasn't? She always smiled deeply whenever she sees me, that's because she's happy she'd leave a legacy, she probably only regrets joining the Maxwell's family "

"Well...if you knew that then you should've treated her better"

"wait, I think we are being followed" Tina suddenly alarmed and made a swift U turn making diana sway abruptly on her seat and hit her head against the car door

''Ouch!" She groaned

"Sorry ma'am... I'd try to distract them" Tina said and kept making unnecessary sharp turn causing Diana to burst into a chuckle

"Hey, have you never been chased in a car race before? We're going to get caught at this rate" Diana said

"But for goodness sake, why would anyone be after us?" Tina whined angrily

"I wonder too. So, why don't you slow down a little so we can ask them what they want?" Diana suggested

"I can't! What if they want to harm us?" Tina repudiated sharply

"Let's find out either ways...

With your driving skills, we're going to get caught anyways " Diana said and Tina sighed helplessly

"Fine! Don't say I didn't warned you...

"Tina said and applied the brakes

Not long after the black SUV parked before them and two husky men wearing sunglasses alighted from the car and walked up to Diana

"Knock! Knock! Knock!" They knocked on the window and Diana wined down

"Yes? May I help you?" Diana asked grimly and the first man sneered at her in an intimidating manner

"Ma'am...why don't we talk in a more quiet place?" The man asked and Diana shivered a bit

"I think this place is quiet enough!" Tina butted in and the man turned to her with a fleer

"Young miss, you better be quiet or I'd make sure you're never able to speak again with that beautiful mouth of yours " the man threatened and Tina gulped nervously

The man gave her a small weird smile and turned back to Diana

"Ma'am, since you insist, I won't drag this any longer....." The man poised and sneered more closely into Diana's face "the cellphone...where is it?" The man asked in a whisper and Diana frowned

"The cellphone? I...I don't know" Diana stuttered and the man dragged out a pistol swiftly and placed it against Diana's head

"Ma'am, I'm not here to interrogate you, just tell me where the damn cellphone is and I would never bother you anymore" the man said threateningly and Diana cringed back a bit making the man pull the trigger

"I'm really going to release the damn bullet into your head if you refuse to tell me..."

"Easy easy man, she's just an harmless lady, aren't you being too harsh?" A familiar voice echoed from behind and everyone turned to him

"Mr Nicholas?" Diana called in surprised and he grinned at her

"I told you it's a dangerous hunt" he said playfully and turned to the men "Tell Santa.....if he dare harm a single strand of this young lady hair, I'm going to deliver his son's head as a birthday gift to him before the end of the year" Nicholas said and snatched the gun from the guy "And this...." He paused and shot the man's leg

"Ahww! Ouch!!" The man groaned in pain as blood started oozing out of the gunshot wound

"That is for daring to touch her beautiful head with this devil's toy" Nicholas said and open the driver's seat door of Diana's car "get out" he said to Tina

"Huh? Oh..okay sir" she slurred and went over to the other seat

"I can't keep worrying about you unnecessarily like this, I take back what I said earlier, I won't be getting married to you miss Diana " Nicholas said and ignited the car engine then drove off