
Chapter 10: Is this my life?

Yuna picked up her cellphone from the table, she stared at the screen. It was indeed Jungkook calling.

"Hello?" She answered after swiping the screen.

"Is that all you have to say when you see it is your lovable big brother," Jungkook said in a jokingly sad voice.

"Only by a few seconds! I thought I told you that I do not want to talk-"

"But I want to talk, Una. What are you doing this weekend?" Jungkook interrupted her.

Yuna gulped, she would have to tell Jungkook that their parents were coming to see them and he had to join them.

"Kookie..." She started in a soft tone.

"Uh-oh, when you say my name like that you have news," Jungkook said carefully.

"Our parents are coming this weekend," She said without any emotion.

The line went quiet and Yuna bit her lip, Jungkook usually got quiet at the mention of their parents.

"Are they really?" Jungkook asked after a few seconds of silence.

"Yes, they are. Kookie. I do not think that I am going to survive this weekend," Yuna replied in a solemn voice.

"Do not worry, baby sister. I have a surprise for you this weekend."

A surprise? She hoped that this was not one of Jungkook's jokes. He usually had a way to get them out of their parents' presence.

"Are you going to tell me what it is?" She asked curiously.

"Not a chance. Listen, are you free tomorrow?" his voice turned casual.

"I am not going to be the waiter again of that is what you wanted to ask," She replied in a stern tone.

"Not after what happened," Jungkook began jokingly, "I need some help in choosing a new waitress."

She let out a breath that she did know she was keeping. That was good at least, she did not want to do a double shift again. She was already tired after her first session of school.

"I do not mind helping you," she said carefully.

"You are the best Una, I will come and pick you up afterwards."

"You better! Anyway, I have to get to bed. Good night Kookie," She said sweetly.

"Good night, sis," Jungkook ended the call.

Yuna stared at her cellphone, she took in a deep breath. Was this what her life has become? The fear for her parents' approval in everything she did?

The girl, who had given up on her dreams because she did not get the lessons or degree that she had wanted to. The girl who wanted to be obedient to them?

She walked to her bedroom and switched on the light. She scanned her room, the walls were still plastered with movie posters and stage productions that she loved.

She walked to her vanity table, her mirror had a few pictures of Seokjin and his fiancé hanging from them.

A small smile played at her lips, "It seems I have a small obsession with you does it not?"

Her hands reached out to the pictures and she took them down one by one. He was a jerk to her but that was not the main reason as to why she was taking the photos down.

She had to bury her dreams before her parents visit and this might give her some time to think about her life.

She stared at the picture that she had cut out of a magazine. The one that Seokjin had announced his engagement to Minyu, one of her fingers trailed slowly over it.

"You know... I never thought that she was right for you," She whispered and opened the right drawer.

She looked down before placing the photos inside. At the bottom laid the big A1 poster of Seokjin, the one Jungkook always teased her about.

'I still have a huge crush on this man,' she thought and places the photos on the poster. She continued until her mirror was clean of the photos and she turned towards her bedroom wall.

"Is this really my life?" She asked out loud and she moved away from the vanity table.

She had not move to take the posters down, a few were from Seokjin's company and others from her long life favourite romance movies.

She sat down on her bed and faced the posters. She remembered how Jungkook had dragged her to the first premiere of 'If I had to choose, I would choose you'.

The first movie that made Seokjin famous. She had cried because her parents had scolded her for dressing up and put on a dramatized piece before Jungkook and her friends.

His gesture had cheered her up, 'You will be an actress sis... Just you wait.'

His words were always encouraging and she had listened to him and had taken drama lessons on the side which she paid for in her own pocket money bit her parents found out.

She smiled and laid back on the pillows, was she really happy by pleasing her parents? Was this what she wanted to do? Would she be able to give up her long awaiting dreams?

"Is this my life?" She asked out loud again and fell asleep.

Jungkook had closed up the restaurant, he bid Nimue good night and walked to the office. He had talked to Yuna to get a feel about the situation.

After she had told him that their parents were coming he cringed. 'They are going to ruin everything.'

He opened the office door, it was te to sit with the books again. It had been a quiet day and they were not that busy.

He walked to his desk and sat down, he thought back on the events that had transpired. To think that thee Seokjin's friend had seen Yuna's potential was amazing.

It was what he had seen all along in the years that they grew up. She had what it takes, she would be an amazing actress. He wondered if she still had the posters, he laughed inwardly and took out the books.

"I cannot wait to see your face this Saturday, Una," Jungkook whispered and flipped through the finance book.

"With Namjoon on my side... Soon your dream would come true."

That was his secret wish, his wish for his sister's happiness. He had found his. The Meaty Way, his fun filled restaurant where the special for the day was decided on the day.

He found the page that he was looking for, he stood up and walked to the safe behind the painting.

"Time to count the day's profit," He said and took the painting down, revealing the safe.

He opened it and took the money out, immediately he found something amiss. There was a few bill's missing but how was this possible? He had checked the safe before he went out to see what had happened between Yuna and the customers.

"So my fear had come true," He said slowly and turned towards his desk, "My employees are stealing from me."

With slumped shoulders he fell on to his office chair and stared at the books. His mind was trying to find who would have been able to get past him or even know the combination to the safe.

It was only he and Yuna who knew the code to the safe. He had told her because sometimes he had to leave the restaurant alone and then she would have to man the station.

Things are going to change...

Hello Readers,

I have new inspiration again even though I am busy. Thank you for taking this journey with me

Marli_Hanekomcreators' thoughts