

Ye Lin, who traveled through the world of immortals, found that he could actually see other people's life panels and know other people's future opportunities. As a master of Gou Dao, he pretended to be an ordinary outer disciple on the surface and developed in a low-key manner. In secret, he madly plundered other people's opportunities. Did you find top-level medicinal herbs outside? Very good, I took action in advance and accepted it with a smile.

Jgu_Uhuu · Fantasy
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116 Chs

37Chapter 37 Baiduan Mountain

Putting the Nirvana Fruit on the phoenix egg, the next moment, something magical happened. The Nirvana Fruit in Ye Lin's hand was slowly disappearing, and a fiery red light poured into the phoenix egg.

The life breath in the phoenix egg became stronger and stronger. Seeing this, Ye Lin activated the phoenix fire in his body and began to increase its output.

Just a few minutes later, Ye Lin was lying on the ground with a decadent look on his face. He was gone. There was really not a drop left.

All the spiritual energy in his body was drained by the phoenix egg in front of him.

"Little guy, you are really edible. I spent a lot of energy and resources to hatch you. I hope you won't disappoint me."

Ye Lin lay on the ground and said helplessly.

The life breath in the phoenix egg is already very strong at this time, but there is still some way to go before hatching.

At this time, the phoenix egg shook a few times, as if responding to Ye Lin.

"Okay, little one, you can sleep peacefully here and wait until the Shuofeng fruit is obtained. Then I will continue to feed you."

Ye Lin touched the phoenix egg, and then buried the phoenix egg in the ground. No matter what, the phoenix egg must not be discovered by anyone.

Once discovered, not only will the egg be gone, but he will also die.

You know, in ancient times, mythical beasts were the overlords of heaven and earth. After the ancient war, the mythical beasts fell one after another.

In other words, the only descendant of the divine beast today is the phoenix egg in front of him. The ability of a divine beast to become the overlord of the world in ancient times when all kinds of ruthless people emerged in endlessly is naturally self-evident.

As for the descendants of divine beasts, with such value, even the old monsters in the Mahayana stage would not hesitate to snatch them away.

"No, I have to wait for three days. Now I have to leave just after entering the sect. I'm afraid it will arouse some people's suspicion."

Ye Lin thought in his mind, then turned and walked towards the house.

In the eyes of others, he had just escaped from the hands of a demon and walked away from the gate of hell. Leaving the sect before he could regain his footing would definitely attract the attention of interested people.

It would be better to stay in the sect peacefully for three days, and there is no rush to leave until this matter is over.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed quietly. On this day, Ye Lin opened his eyes.

"The foundation of the ninth level of Qi training is already very solid, but there is still no hope of breaking through the foundation building stage."

Ye Lin shook his head and whispered in a low voice.

"But let's see what my fate is."

Cultivation level: Ninth level of Qi training

Fate: Black (bad luck)

Numerology: [bad luck] [insight and understanding]

Destiny: A month later, Lin Zisheng used the hands of the inner sect elders to expel the sword intent from his body, and his murderous intention for you became more serious. Then when you were going out a month later, he launched a sneak attack on you, and you used all your cards to escape with serious injuries. Past.

Recent opportunities: None

[Additional bad luck]: Bad luck, such as falling when walking, being cheated on getting married.

[Intelligence and Enlightenment]: The understanding is transcendent, and it is extremely fast to comprehend various exercises. For the same exercise, it takes others three months, but you only need a few days.

Looking at his own panel, Ye Lin thought in his mind, it seems that the last sword talisman caused a lot of harm to Lin Zisheng.

"A month from now? You want to kill me right after you get out of seclusion. It seems that you have a lot of resentment towards me?"

Ye Lin murmured to himself, with a smile on his face.

Now that he already knows his future destiny, it's easy to handle. Lin Zisheng is his current money-giving boy.

"No matter, let's get the Shuofeng Fruit first, and then go to the Golden City."

At this time, Ye Lin made up his mind and walked towards the outside of the sect.

Baiduan Mountain is a hundred miles away from the Qingyun Sect and is not among the hundreds of thousands of miles of mountains.

In just three hours, Ye Lin had arrived at Baiduan Mountain. Looking at the huge mountain peak in front of him, Ye Lin raised his feet and walked up.

Lingquan was at the foot of Baiduan Mountain, and Ye Lin walked around the foot of the mountain, looking for traces of Lingquan.

At this time, Ye Lin found a middle-aged man walking up the mountain with a basket on his back and an ax in his hand.

Ye Lin hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

"Hello, do you know where there is a spring at the foot of the mountain?"

Ye Lin asked the person in front of him.

"Spring water? Young man, walk along this road for a thousand meters and you will arrive. However, I have to remind you that there are monsters entrenched in the spring water. You'd better be careful."

Hearing this, Ye Lin nodded and cupped his fists towards the person in front of him.

"Thanks for letting me know."

After saying that, he walked forward in the direction pointed by this person.

After walking about a kilometer, Ye Lin finally found a spring. On the left was a high cliff, with streams of water pouring into the spring in front of him.

It can be called pure natural mountain spring water.

"The panel shows the bottom of the spring. The bottom of the spring looks like only three or four meters."

Standing on the ground, Ye Lin looked along the water surface. The spring water was crystal clear and it was easy to judge the approximate depth.

Afterwards, Ye Lin plunged into the water and swam along the bottom of the spring.

When he arrived at the bottom of the spring, Ye Lin found half of the wooden box leaking out of the soil. Ye Lin grabbed the wooden box and pulled it out easily.

Just when Ye Lin wanted to swim upward, his right leg was suddenly entangled with something.

Ye Lin looked towards his right leg and saw a python several meters long wrapping around his body along the right leg.

Seeing this, Ye Lin speeded up and swam toward the water.

"Huh, a third-level Qi-training monster? How dare you?"

After swimming to the surface, Ye Lin looked along his right leg and saw that the whole leg was directly entangled by the python. If he were a mortal, let alone swimming to the surface, he would have been entangled and died.

Then Ye Lin took out the long sword from the space ring and stabbed the python's head under the water. Instantly, the python's body was separated.

After a few more slashes, the whole python was cut into several pieces by Ye Lin and slowly sank to the bottom of the spring.

Putting away the long sword, Ye Lin came to the ground, sat on the ground and opened the wooden box in his hand.

In the wooden box, there were three silver-white needles, and there was a trace of cold air on these three needles.

Even though Ye Lin was at the ninth level of Qi training, he couldn't help shivering. It was really that the cold air on the silver needles was too strong.

"After this needle, let alone the Qi training stage, even if the foundation building stage is hit, it will immediately lose its combat effectiveness."

Ye Lin took a deep breath, then closed the wooden box and put it into the space ring.

These three ice soul needles are his trump card now, and he is more confident about the assassination of Lin Zisheng in a month.

Then Ye Lin stood up and looked at the mountain hundreds of meters high in the distance.

"Huh, this Baiduan Mountain is hundreds of meters high. Is it under the cliff?"

Looking at the high mountain in front of him, Ye Lin walked towards the highest point. He was quiet along the way and did not find any monsters.

Easily reached the highest point, Ye Lin came to the edge and looked down.

In front of him was a cliff that was almost 90 degrees vertical, and there was nothing to climb on the mountain wall.

"Now I am at the ninth level of Qi training. Even if I jump from here, I will be seriously injured at most."

Ye Lin pondered for a while, and then climbed down along the mountain wall. As for jumping directly, although it was easy, he was not a masochist.

"I still have to break through the foundation-building stage as soon as possible. I can't fly. It's too troublesome."

Ye Lin, who had worked hard to climb down the mountain, complained, looking at his red hands, and was speechless.

Around the bottom of the mountain, there was a dense jungle.

"Hmm? There is a light over there? Go and have a look."

At this time, Ye Lin noticed that there was a flash of light in the bushes in front of the jungle, which attracted his attention.

Then he raised his foot and walked forward.