

Ye Lin, who traveled through the world of immortals, found that he could actually see other people's life panels and know other people's future opportunities. As a master of Gou Dao, he pretended to be an ordinary outer disciple on the surface and developed in a low-key manner. In secret, he madly plundered other people's opportunities. Did you find top-level medicinal herbs outside? Very good, I took action in advance and accepted it with a smile.

Jgu_Uhuu · Fantasy
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116 Chs

105Chapter 105 Meeting Hu Hansan Again

Name: Zhao Shixian

Cultivation: Early stage of foundation building

Fate: Green

Numerology: [Human face, beast heart] [Cunning by nature]

Destiny: Stopped at the middle stage of foundation building, and was brutally killed by the sword of Qingyun Sect disciples in the battle a year later.

Recent opportunities: In the deepest part of the tiger cave where the tiger king lives, a cave entrance was found. He walked into the cave entrance and found a palm-sized piece of thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum from the cave entrance. After swallowing it, he stepped into the middle stage of foundation building in one fell swoop.

[Human face, beast heart]: A hypocrite, submissive on the surface, but actually extremely dark inside.

[Cunning by nature]: Obey the strong, oppress the weak, and often pit the people around him.

Looking at the panel of Zhao Shixian in front of him, Ye Lin didn't expect that such a good person on the surface, but in fact... Tsk.

Tang Xue, this sister, has people around her who are worse than each other. The last senior brother abandoned her and ran away alone when the evil cultivator arrived, and this one is even more...

The fate of continuous good luck really made Ye Lin unable to see through.

"In that case, I'll go first."

After saying this to the two, Ye Lin walked towards the dense forest behind him. The tiger king had just come along this road, and the air around him still had the tiger king's breath.

Following this road, he would definitely be able to find the tiger king's residence.

"Junior sister, how did you know the Qingyun Sect's direct descendant?"

Looking at Ye Lin's back, Zhao Shixian asked Tang Xue beside him.

"Senior brother, you don't need to know about this. Let's deal with the tiger king's body first. Such a strong smell of blood will attract other tigers, which will be a disaster."

Looking at Tang Xue's back, Zhao Shixian's eyes flashed with an inexplicable charm.

"I guess this is the tiger cave, right?"

Ye Lin looked at the huge cave in front of him and muttered to himself. Inside the cave, the tiger king's breath was extremely strong.

After observing for a while, Ye Lin walked into the tiger cave.

The tiger cave was clean and tidy, and there were some residual hairs on the surrounding stone walls.

"I found the lower-grade Xuan-level medicinal material."

Looking at the medicinal material behind a huge stone in front of him, Ye Lin's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand to pull it out and put it into the space ring.

This kind of medicinal material is the best item for alchemy.

After collecting it, Ye Lin continued to walk towards the deepest part. When he came to the deepest part, there was a hole on the right side, and in the hole, there was a palm-sized Ganoderma lucidum growing.

The Ganoderma lucidum exuded a strong medicinal fragrance, and just smelling it made him energetic.

"Thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum is indeed extraordinary."

Ye Lin squatted down and carefully pulled out the Ganoderma lucidum and put it into the space ring.

These heavenly and earthly spiritual medicines are of great benefit to monsters. Ye Lin guessed that this thing should be deliberately left by the Tiger King to break through the realm.

But now, it's all cheap for him.

After collecting the Ganoderma lucidum, Ye Lin came to the cave entrance, took out the map, and looked at the location of Sun and Moon City on the map.

"Next, we should go to Sun Moon City to kill the evil cultivators."

"These two cities are big cities, with hundreds of thousands of people living in them. The two cities together are close to one million."

"I have to act quickly."

After thinking for a while, Ye Lin's face was solemn.

These are millions of lives. Once they are all killed by the evil cultivators, the power of the evil demons will be increased to an incredible level.

At that time, more people will die. The more people die, the more resentment and evil spirits will rise to the sky. At that time, the two cities will become two dead cities.

This resentment and evil spirit will affect the surrounding areas. If mortals are infected, they will die suddenly in three days. If cultivators are infected, there is a risk of going crazy. At that time, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Ye Lin immediately stepped on the flying sword and rushed towards Sun Moon City.

He is fully confident about the position of the Son of God. These cities will be under his jurisdiction in the end. He has no reason to ignore it.

In a short moment, Ye Lin arrived at the Sun Moon City. At this time, the Sun Moon City seemed calm on the surface, but in fact, there were undercurrents.

Ye Lin stepped into the Sun Moon City, and the person he saw was really unexpected.

He saw Hu Hansan patrolling with a big hammer.

"Brother Hu? Why are you here?"

Looking at Hu Hansan, Ye Lin asked.

Hu Hansan, who was patrolling, turned his head immediately after hearing this.

"Brother Ye, are you out of seclusion?"

Hu Hansan's eyes lit up, and he walked over quickly and patted Ye Lin's shoulder with his palm as big as a palm leaf fan.

"Since you left last time, Master has been coming to Sun Moon City to find Master Uncle, and finally found Master Uncle in a broken blacksmith shop."

"Master wanted Master Uncle to move to Giant Hammer Gate to live, but Master Uncle insisted not to go. Later, the evil demons invaded, and Master asked me to lead a few disciples to protect Master Uncle's safety."

"Later, the evil demons became more and more rampant, and Master Uncle insisted not to leave. Master had no choice but to say that this was your order, Senior Brother Ye, and let us Giant Hammer Gate guard Sun Moon City."

"Since then, it has been guarding until now."

Hearing this, Ye Lin nodded. He understood the cause and effect clearly, and he recognized the Giant Hammer Gate even more.

The presence of small forces is very low, and for small forces, the surrounding cities are not allowed to be involved by these small forces.

After all, resources are limited, and you small forces just need to guard your own one acre and three points of land honestly. Once you get involved in the city, it means that you have the ambition to grow.

You will be suppressed by the major forces. After all, the cake is so big, how can you eat it.

Even the disciples of small forces cannot go to the city in large numbers, which is expressly prohibited by major forces.

And now the Giant Hammer Sect uses its identity to silently guard the Sun Moon City.

As for other small forces, they are busy protecting themselves and ignore the orders of the Qingyun Sect.

Otherwise, the evil demons would not be so rampant.

"Well done, I will definitely visit Senior Zhang another day."

"By the way, where is the evil cultivator base in Sun Moon City now? Since I am here, I will clean up these scum at once."

As he said, Ye Lin's face was full of murderous intent.

"Senior Brother Ye, the evil cultivator base is in the center of the city. They are powerful, and the leader has three late foundation building masters."

Hu Hansan said, with a trace of suspicion in his eyes.

Obviously, he did not believe that Ye Lin could fight three late foundation building masters alone.

"Let's go."

Ye Lin patted Hu Hansan's shoulder and quickly walked towards the center of the city. Looking at Ye Lin's back, no matter how suspicious Hu Hansan was, he still raised his feet and followed him.

Today, Ye Lin dares to claim that he has no rivals in the foundation-building period. Even if he is at the peak of the foundation-building period, he can give it a try, but it is unrealistic for the Golden Core period.

Masters who can cultivate to the Golden Core period have their own pride. Even if they need help from the evil demon, they will not become the evil demon's lackeys. At most, they can work for the evil demon.

Sun Moon City is divided into four major areas and the central area. The Giant Hammer Gate guards the East District. As for the other three major areas, no one lives there.

Everyone is eager for the Giant Hammer Gate to protect them. Who dares to go to the other three major areas for excitement?

The central area, which was originally the most prosperous and lively, now has no figure, and black-robed people are standing everywhere.

"People from the Giant Hammer Gate? If you don't go to your East District to guard, what are you doing here?"

At this time, one of the black-robed people looked at Hu Hansan and said with a frown.

They were now entrenched in the central area waiting for the next instruction from above. They were extremely disdainful of the people from the Giant Hammer Gate.

If it weren't for the evil demon saying not to go too far, they would have slaughtered all the people in Sun Moon City.