

This is a REMAKE. (chapter release from monday to friday if nothing happen) Original name :I’m the wrong protagonist Original Author: HEIYE FUYIN Summary: "Welcome to multiverse MOON System!" "We are happy to inform you that you have been selected as a potential USER of our interface" "Seeing as you are a beginner you will receive a starter pack including a free 5 star guarantee gacha and a free of charge preferential treatment period to get used to our service .If you decide to join now you can additionally get a free dimensional storage space to store your items" "We also provide a special time-travel pass, allowing you to experience the feeling of being a protagonist" {Press "OK" if you accept and "NO" if you refuse} In a dark a boy sitting in front of his computer read the content of the message and pressed the “OK” button. At the same time, the boy’s consciousness paused, and a black hole appeared in front of him and completely engulfed him. After a pause a line appeared on the screen that lit the dark room {Welcome to the Multiverse [PLAYER]} this is a Fanfiction i don't own any character or data relevant to the type moon or danmachi universe those are owned by they respective Maker.

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31 Chs


[This is my future recruit!]

With sparkling eyes, at this moment Hestia was really about to make a fuss and pull the topic directly to her side. However, considering that this is Hephaestus's shop, plus this child is to find Hephaestus for a recommendation, it is not good for her to open her mouth without permission, and she can only patiently observe carefully from the side.

[The hood doesn't leave much to see, and I can't see the child's face.]

Hestia, who is only 140 centimeters tall, can't fully see the deliberately hidden appearance by the hood, which makes Hestia, who is like a kitten scratching her heart, feel even more itchy. Now she desperately wants to see the appearance of this child, to know the child that should be her first recruit, which is of great significance. Hephaestus noticed Hestia's movements and sighed slightly, hoping that Hestia would be a good choice for the child.

[If a devoid god is not established without a member, even a recruit cannot be found.]

[Ah! that because Hephaestus is good, and people are not gods. It's just that just after coming down from the Celestial Realm, I don't know the rules of the lower world very well, and I don't know how to form a Familia clan. Definitely not a waste of a god, I am a well-known goddess of fire.]

Although she realized that she was really a waste, Hestia was still unwilling to be humiliated in front of her future recruit, and created a remarkable appearance for her own majesty as a god. As everyone knows, her image has been fixed in Bell's mind for a long time.

[What can I say about you? you look descent]

The person who knew Hestia best was not even Hestia herself, but Hestia's friend, Hephaestus and Hephaestus pay special attention to Hestia because she care about Hestia's affairs, Hephaestus apparently took the position of a friend.Although she wanted to pick out Hestia's merits, Hephaestus still couldn't go against her own thoughts. Lying to a child who has just arrived in the city of Orario is not something that a god should do.

[This girl is my recommendation. Hestia, she has been on my side for a while. Although she is a thick-skinned girl, she is a complete idiot. If you don't plan on joining any of the clans, then just join her.]

[Sure enough, this Hephaestus still care about her friend.]

For such a result, Bell was not very surprised, he knows Hestia's nature. she is not a very capable god, but she still a god who loves her recruit. Although she has a personality that is easily to bully, such a personality is also more inclined to his own sake.In short, she a good character. After a brief silence, Bell turned to Hestia.

[goddess Hestia, I am just an ordinary man from the countryside who want to became an adventurer in search of power. Can you accept such an ordinary me?]

[Of course! It's not a problem.]

Hestia did not hesitate to straighten her chest, she was never picky about choosing excellent children in the lower world, because she knew that as long as they were willing to join her Familia, she would definitely be good children. Isn't accepting a good child something you need to do as a god?Of course, Hestia was also worried that if she missed this one, she would not have the chance to find a second one in Orario. Especially after hearing Hephaestus's reprimand of herself, Hestia believed that her actions were definitely in Orario's fame, so she had to catch the only child in front of her who could be her recruit.

[No matter what kind of children they are, as long as they join my Familia, they are my most precious Familia.]

Bell believed this sentence very much, and perhaps it was just the casual words of the goddess Hestia.Now that the decision has been made, it is not appropriate to continue this impolite act of covering your head with a hood. Bell reached out and pulled down the hood on his head, then bowed slightly to Hestia.

[Lord Hestia, please let me join your Familia.]


After Bell dropped the hood, Hestia really saw Bell's appearance, a pair of calm scarlet eyes hidden under a fluffy white hair, the expression was not particularly rich, even very rare, but she also felt the calm character. The gods all like handsome men and beautiful women, after all, the ugly guys often hang out in front of their eyes and it will easily cause a bad mood. For Hestia, the child in front of her was indeed growing up on her aesthetics. Of course, what was more important was that she successfully harvested her first recruit in this Life.

[Of course.]

At this moment, Hestia finally experienced the taste that only a god of a Familia could experience. More critically, the first child to become her recruits also grew up on her favor, not to mention, the direct experience doubled.

[Then, without further ado, proceed immediately with the ceremony of giving a [Falna].]

[Right inside my shop?]

Hephaestus raised an eyebrow, did this idiot really know nothing? The ritual of giving [Falna] is best performed in one's own territory, after all, the personal information of recruits needs to be kept confidential, and if other gods see some data, it may cause some unnecessary trouble.

[Please, Hephaestus! You know, I… There is no territory I could call my own. ]

With her hands folded, Hestia naturally knew that the ritual of giving [Falna] was best performed in her own domain. But she had been eating and drinking on Hephaestus's side for so long, where was she going to get the territory without a penny? Know that a suitable territory is not something that ten or twenty million valis can handle.

Given that her financial resources were equal to 0, there was no way but to seek Hephaestus's help. At least the place where she could give the first recruit a [Falna] ceremony could be here.

[Ha… Only this once. If the next time you dare to bring your recruits to me for the [Falna] ceremony, don't blame me for throwing you out.]

[Heheh…only this once.]

[In exchange, the data on the child's first acceptance of the [Falna] should be shown to me.]

[No problem!]

Originally, such a practice would definitely not be allowed, so that other gods could see the data of other recruits. But most of the initial data of ordinary recruits are whiteboards, and even if they look at it, it will not have much impact, and Hephaestus understands that this is a step even if it is a reminder to Hestia.As Hestia's best friend, Hephaestus understood too well that if he didn't teach this idiot a lesson, it would be easy for her to kick her nose in the face. After giving this idiot a lesson, the idiot will remember this lesson later.