
You don't deserve my love

[WARNING: R18+, MATURE CONTENT ] "You can't leave me like this," a broken piece of words left his mouth. Yinlan was confused by the scene that was unfolding in front of her. She might be dying slowly, but is her desire so strong for her unwanted love, which she wished for her whole life, that she is experiencing something unbelievable? She could hear his erratic heartbeat, which was frantic and agitated while he was cradling her in his arms. But she was confused by his unsteady behavior. She thought her death would bring him happiness, which he thought she had taken away from him. So why was he showing different behavior which was unknown to her? What more does he want from her? Is torturing her whole life not enough?

Dream_Fairy · Urban
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38 Chs

chapter 29. what are you doing here?

The hospital corridors echoed with the hushed footsteps of Anjing and Liang Chen, their expressions grim as they made their way toward the exit. The air was heavy with unspoken worry and the lingering scent of disinfectants. Anjing's mind was preoccupied with the unsettling scene he had stumbled upon in Yinlan's hospital room – the damage, the absence of his wife, and the growing suspicion that something far more sinister was afoot.

As they reached the entrance, their departure was interrupted by the presence of Xue Nuying, Anjing's gaze narrowed, studying her carefully. Her posture seemed uneasy, and her eyes betrayed a hidden anxiety. Anjing couldn't help but wonder what had brought Yinlan's sister to the hospital at this critical moment.

"What are you doing here?" Anjing questioned, his voice sharp and guarded, as if attempting to pierce through the layers of mystery surrounding Yinlan's disappearance.