
You don't deserve my love

[WARNING: R18+, MATURE CONTENT ] "You can't leave me like this," a broken piece of words left his mouth. Yinlan was confused by the scene that was unfolding in front of her. She might be dying slowly, but is her desire so strong for her unwanted love, which she wished for her whole life, that she is experiencing something unbelievable? She could hear his erratic heartbeat, which was frantic and agitated while he was cradling her in his arms. But she was confused by his unsteady behavior. She thought her death would bring him happiness, which he thought she had taken away from him. So why was he showing different behavior which was unknown to her? What more does he want from her? Is torturing her whole life not enough?

Dream_Fairy · Urban
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38 Chs

Chapter 28: Kill them all

The sterile white walls of the hospital corridor seemed to close in on Anjing as she rushed toward Yinlan's room. Her heart pounded in her chest, anxiety gnawing at her insides. The door to Yinlan's room stood ajar, and as Anjing cautiously pushed it open, her eyes widened in shock.

The once pristine hospital room now resembled a battlefield. Medical equipment lay strewn across the floor, the bed sheets tangled and torn. Anjing's breath hitched as she scanned the chaotic scene, searching desperately for any sign of Yinlan.

"Yinlan?" Anjing called out, her voice trembling. There was no response, only an eerie silence that hung in the air.

Her panic intensified, and she fumbled to retrieve her phone from her pocket. With shaky hands, she dialed her brother Liang Chen's number. Each passing second felt like an eternity as she waited for him to answer.

"Anjing, what's wrong?" Liang Chen's voice echoed through the phone.