
You don't deserve my love

[WARNING: R18+, MATURE CONTENT ] "You can't leave me like this," a broken piece of words left his mouth. Yinlan was confused by the scene that was unfolding in front of her. She might be dying slowly, but is her desire so strong for her unwanted love, which she wished for her whole life, that she is experiencing something unbelievable? She could hear his erratic heartbeat, which was frantic and agitated while he was cradling her in his arms. But she was confused by his unsteady behavior. She thought her death would bring him happiness, which he thought she had taken away from him. So why was he showing different behavior which was unknown to her? What more does he want from her? Is torturing her whole life not enough?

Dream_Fairy · Urban
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38 Chs

Chapter 12: She is really pitiful

"Brother, why are you leaving again?" Anjing's scream echoed in the room because of the sudden shock. She didn't realize that she was loud enough to wake her mate, with whom she was playing last night. Groaning painfully as Niang Xu covers her face under the pillow and murmurs, "Anjing! Just go talk outside the room and let me sleep.

Anjing hissed as she covered her phone while she gave a death glare to Niang Xu: "I have been woken up by someone else too early in the morning, and you shamelessly demand that I let you sleep alone. Such a bad person." Anjing retorted, kicking Niang Xu on the back as she jumped down from her bed.

Even though their bed was placed in the opposite direction, the dorm room was not big, so even the voice of Anjing walking to the door was loud and made Niang Xu turn around in dismay under the pillow. Anjing scuffs as she sees Niang Xu struggle before leaving the room.

Niang Xu is the only person with whom Anjing lives in the school dorm room. And she is her only best friend. Though tormenting Niang Xu is a fun fact, right now Anjing is not in a good mood because there are other things running through her mind.

Anxiously uncovering the phone, she asked, "What about the sister?" as she closed the door behind her back. There was shimmering hope in her eyes, which were hoping to hear good news as she asked, "Did she wake up?"

Anjing's ear was suddenly invaded by a man's harsh, chilly voice, "No! Not just yet." He spoke without wasting a moment and without offering false optimism.

"Then why are you leaving her at the moment when she is hospitalized?" She demanded an answer for her sister-in-law, which seemed pitiful in the eye. Even though Anjing knows her brother Liang Chen loves her the most, she really doesn't understand why her brother treats her sister-in-law very cold way. Her so-called brother left his wife after getting married to her pitiful sister-in-law, Yinlan, alone on the wedding night for his work. What kind of work could be more important than attending the function with his wife on the day of their wedding?

Anjing became so angry as she remembered the face of Yinlan standing alone in the hall filled with guests who were asking so many questions about Liang Chen. Some of them even made fun of her, saying, What a bride... being abandoned on the night of her wedding. Those gossips, even though they were meant for fun, were not funny at all; instead, they were breaking Anjing's heart to see the condition of Yinlan. That's not the end there; her brother remained missing for a whole three months since the day he got married to Yinlan; that is, Yinlan didn't see Liang Chen's face for a whole three months since the day they got married.

Three days before, Liang Chen's arrival was announced to the Fu family, who threw a banquette in regard to Liang Chen's return.

Anjing was really happy to know that her brother was returning home after three months from his wedding, not because she was missing her brother or something. Anjing lost her mother at a very young age. Although she had a father, his attention towards their children was negligible, and he didn't care what exactly their children did. Liang Chen had to take care of his sister because he had no expectations from his father. Because of that reason, Liang Chen became very busy and started staying longer away from Anjing. Anjing initially used to become very angry with her brother for his longer stay away from home. but as she grew up, she started to understand her brother's effort for her, and his longer stay away from the house didn't bother her much. She even began to adjust to her brother's absence at home.

So seeing her brother after some period of time is nothing new to her, but for Yinlan, who just became his wife, that kind of experience is rare.

Anjing, however, was extremely delighted for Yinlan since she now believed that her brother's homecoming would bring an end to Yinlan's suffering.

But to think that just after her brother's return, Yinlan became hospitalized, remained unconscious for two days, and is still not awake, is really an unacceptable fact.

All she wished was that no one should be treated the way Yinlan was, as she was just becoming the bride of the Fu family.

Anjing gritted her teeth hard and yelled, "Brother." She's now upset with her brother for his inappropriate behavior.

After pausing briefly in response to Anjing's cry, Liang Chen declared, "I won't be gone for long this time.

"Then why are you even going?" Anjing's patience was reaching its limit.

When Anjing was little, her father used to stay away from the house a lot because of business trips, and her mother used to patiently wait for her husband. Even though they don't see their father much at home, their house is always filled with happiness because of her mother, who used to take care of Liang Chen and Anjing.

Anjing and Liang Chen never thought that their happiness was momentary and could be taken away.

Soon, her mother's patience turned to sorrow after finding out about her husband's cheating. It was when her mother started to become sick. She sometimes even finds her mother crying heartbrokenly at night, which sometimes makes her wish to kill her father so that her mother's misery could be lifted.

But the grief in her mother's heart didn't go away, and she eventually passed away. Her father, whom she wished to be dead, was still alive instead of her mother. She occasionally pondered why a person like her father, who mistreated her mother, was still alive and well. and her mother, a gentle and distraught woman, passed away. She never wished for anyone to be treated like her mother.

Even though she knows her brother is different from her father, the way he is behaving toward Yinlan is the same as how her father behaves toward her mother.

He is making Yinlan cry alone at night, which Anjing could hear when she sometimes went to check on her. So what's the point of whether he is loyal or not if he can't show affection to his own wife?

Anjing's face contorted as she asked, "Do you really not care about the sister?" She now felt helpless, having been forced to see the same scene again after her mother's death. She felt as if she could cry at any moment, but she held that in as she pleaded, "She is really pitiful person, brother. Please just stay by her side."

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