
Chapter 10

The guy who enters has a voice that is distinct from my brother's. So I take a look at him.

"How did you end up here?"

"Are you saying I'm not welcome?"


"You're such a bully."

"Do you have nothing to do?"

"Well, I think I'll be able to handle it."

"A boastful man. Get out of here."

"Shiloa." He warns me.


"Just give me thirty minutes," he says.

"All right."

"So, how are you doing right now?"

"I was alright a while ago, but now I'm not."

"You're bad."

"Tell me the truth," he said solemnly.

"I'm OK; as you can see, I'm pissed off at you."

"Of course. Always be."

The atmosphere is silent. We didn't bother talking to each other after that.

"Hungry Shiloa, I am here!" Steve interrupted the silence.

Apart from me, there was another man who laughed. He came to a halt as I looked at him with enraged eyes.

Dean's fist bomb and my brother.

"Give me that." I said pointing out to the food.

"Are you one of those people that eats those things?"

"Don't bother me," I said, holding out my hand.

"Don't get on her nerves, dude."

"When she's upset, she's really cute."

"You didn't see her become enraged at being interrupted when she was eating."

"I had no idea she liked Filipino street food."

"She prefers that."

I concentrate on eating and am unconcerned with their concerns because I have my own.

"Shiloa, you look like a child." He said.

I didn't say anything.

"I warned you not to meddle with her," Steve said.

"Do you want more, Shiloa?"

I give him a cursory glance. With a smile on my face.

"Are you going to get me any more?"

"Wow, it really got your attention."

"Are you joking?"

"Yeah." Because of his response I rolled my eyes.

"Stop kidding around and get out of here."

"Uh oh, she's mad buddy," my brother said.

"Steve, tell him to get out of here."


"Will he leave or will you both leave?"

Steve reaches for his shoulder. Worst of all, they're laughing.

After a minute, the door opens, revealing my brother, who is smiling.

"You're being too tough, sis."

"Do you want to shut up or leave?"

"I'm your brother," he says.

"I don't give a damn."



"It doesn't appear like you have amnesia."

"Do you agree?"


"You're incorrect."

"So, what's the deal with this sudden rage?"

"Perhaps I don't know myself, but you know why."

"You should take a break."

I was going to lean on my bed when I noticed him peering through the door at me.

I said "go," but he surprised me by showing me street snacks. So who am I to say no to such a generous offer?

"I've decided not to take a break; brother, let him in."

"Wow, you're really weak."

"Well, he brings me some food."

"Are you still not filled, my ghad, Shiloa?"

"Nope," I says, smiling.

He approaches the door and opens it.

"Give it to me."

"I was expecting you to make me stay outside."

"You are free to leave once I have completed the food."

"What? You're using me," He say, seeming to be upset.

"You're making yourself appear stupid. Stop it."

"Well, at least it's the truth."

"I'm joking, so don't act surprised."

"You know what, you look like a couple." It was Steve who said that.

"No!" I exclaimed angrily.

"We are." He agreed.

I'm looking at them both.

"Would you like to leave?"

"Nope," they all responded at the same time.

"You two look like a couple," I said, imitating my brother's tone.

They became sad. I'd like to spend today with them. I had a thought.

"Would you guys like to sleep here?" I asked, seeing their faces lighten.



"Let's have a movie marathon, okay."

"Good idea. I have my hard disk drive in my car with a lot movies." Dean replied.

"However, both of you must return home and change your clothes."

"Aye Master," they say, sensing their energy.

"All right, so go."

They both dash towards the exit. They appear to be adorable. For the first time in my life, I can truly feel joy.

As is customary, I watch mukbang to pass the time.

Mom is on the other end of a video call.

"Hello, Mom."

"How are you doing now, sweetie?"

"I'm fine, but where has Dad gone?"

"Wow, you've already missed him? I'm envious."

"Mom, your acting ability isn't very good."

"Shiloa, you're bad."

"Do you know where he is?"

"He's sleeping," she says, pointing the camera at my father, who is soundly sleeping on the sofa.

"Why did you let him sleep on the sofa, Mom?"

"Well, you know, it's a form of punishment."

"Oh, by the way, do you mind telling me what happened?"

"It's just a misunderstanding; forget about it."

"What is it about you folks that you don't want to tell me?"

"Don't be concerned about us; be concerned about yourself."

"All right, fine."

"Can you tell me where your brother is?"

"Another, do you know who the school's Dean is?"

"Yes, but why?"

"Brother and Dean will sleep here."

"How thoughtful of you."

"I simply want to have some fun with them, and I feel safe with them."

"That's great; boys gain your trust."


"Please accept my apologies."

"For what?"

My door swung open, showing the two boys.

"We're back!" they exclaim as they open their arms.

They had no idea I was chatting to Mom and that the camera was pointed at them.

"HAHAHA they look cute." It was Mom who welcomed them.

They're taken aback and slowly lower their arms. Brother rubbed the back of her head.


"Hello, Ma'am," said the Dean.

"Hello boys, have a good night, and take care of Shiloa."

"We will," said the group.

"Mom, I'm no longer a child," I answer, joining in on their chat.

"I'm sorry, but I have to end the call. Have fun!"

"I love you, Mom."

They approach me with purpose, as though they are well-prepared. They bring some food with them.

"I'm sorry guys. HAHAHA," I said, trying to keep my chuckle in check.

"You're making fun of us, aren't you?"

"Please accept my sincere apologies."

They turned on the television for us to watch. It's already six o'clock.

"So, what do you want to watch?" Dean is asking since he's the one holding the remote.

"Do you have any RomCom?"

"Yes, but where will we sit before we begin?"

"Here," I said, tapping the two open spaces next to me.

"Are you certain?"

"Besides, my bed is quite large."


The food is being prepared by my brother. It's hilarious since my brother went to McDonald's while the other dude went to Jollibee.

"Do you have any war in foods?"

"Don't be the antagonist, sis."


We started watching. Because of the movie, all you could hear on all four corners of the room were laughters.

I'm not sure how many movies we've watched. My sibling is soundly sleeping. The other man is seated in front of his computer.

"I'm sorry." My attention drawn to him.

"For what?"

"I invited you to watch a movie with us."


"You've got a lot on your schedule."

"It's alright; I had a good time with you."

"However, please accept my apologies."

"Don't be sorry, okay?" he says before messing up my hair.

"I have a question," unable to contain my words.


"I saw a fuzzy vision before I passed out yesterday."


"I witnessed a man abusing a woman; do you have any idea what's my connection to that?"

"Did you ask your brother?"

"It's the same with Dad."

"I'm not sure. You're an introvert, but..."
