
You Can Do That ?! I Can Do That !

Imagine waking up one day to find out you’ve got powers that let you see your own stats like in a video game, right? That’s what happens to Lin Feng, just a regular guy from a tiny village. After some crazy visions, he realizes he can check out his skills and growth on this cool status screen only he can see. So, Lin Feng thinks, “Why not explore the world?” and takes off to find out what’s up with his new abilities. He faces off against weird creatures and meets people who actually help him get stronger and understand his powers better. They’re all trying to figure out why Lin Feng’s so special. The thing is, it’s not just about fighting and getting stronger. Lin Feng’s adventures are going to take him way beyond his world, like, to different realms and maybe even across the universe! It’s all about grabbing what life throws at you and rolling with it. So yeah, it’s about this guy who’s learning to deal with what he is, making some friends, and maybe shaping the future of not just his world, but like, the entire cosmos! Sounds epic, right? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've been cooking up this story for quite some time, expect as many releases as I can every single day, I've got a stockpile of them in my writing vault and I'm simply making as many as I can. Lin Feng is going places, you can be sure of that.

Saint_Of_Love · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Cultivation Manual

The next day, Lin Feng awoke with an eerie calmness. His usual fire and frustration were replaced by an unsettling stoicism. The Overseer, sensing something was amiss, tried to engage him.

"Lin Feng, you seem different today. Is everything all right?"

Lin Feng said nothing, his expression blank and eyes devoid of emotion. He methodically took another Qi Gathering Pill, feeling the familiar cool sensation of Qi condensing within his dantian. Then, he launched into his harsh exercise routine, pushing his body to its limits with a stoic determination. Sweat poured from his body as he performed push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and martial arts forms, his face a mask of impassiveness.

The Overseer continued to watch him, growing more concerned. "Lin Feng, speak to me. What's on your mind?"

But Lin Feng remained silent, his focus unbroken. He finished his exercises and took a quick, cold bath to cleanse himself of sweat and toxins. He dried off and dressed, his movements precise and mechanical. Without a word, he made his way to the Guild of Spell Crafters.

Upon arriving at the guild, Lin Feng changed into his servant's attire and proceeded to Mei Lan's workshop. Mei Lan was already there, jotting down notes as Elemental Particles of green, red, and azure colors tried to mesh together in intricate patterns on the large pedestal in front of her desk. The room was an incomprehensible mess, suggesting she had stayed there overnight, practicing her Spell Crafting without a wink of sleep. Yet, her face showed no trace of fatigue, likely thanks to her cultivation, which Lin Feng couldn't sense even when he probed using his Qi.

Lin Feng began cleaning up the workshop, his eyes occasionally darting towards the spell that was gradually coming together on the pedestal. The spell utilized the elements of Fire, Wood, and Sound, and as he watched, the intricate patterns of Elemental Particles slowly transformed into a small, delicate creation.

The spell coalesced into a tiny, living flame surrounded by an intricate lattice of wooden tendrils. The flame flickered in time with a subtle, harmonious sound that resonated through the room. Despite its small size, the spell seemed to pulse with an immense, contained power.

As Mei Lan continued her work, Lin Feng's gaze remained fixed on the spell. The tiny flame, encased in the wooden lattice and accompanied by the sound, seemed to dance with a life of its own. The patterns were so precise, the balance of elements so perfect, that it left Lin Feng almost stuck in place, his mind racing to understand what he was witnessing.

Mei Lan suddenly exclaimed, "Success! Finally, the Harmonious Flame is complete!"

Lin Feng's mind struggled to grasp the full significance of what he had just seen. The spell, though small, was a marvel of Spell Crafting. It combined the destructive power of Fire, the nurturing essence of Wood, and the harmonious vibrations of Sound to create something entirely new. In a real-world setting, this spell could have myriad applications.

As Lin Feng cleaned, his mind raced with a myriad of thoughts and theories, hundreds of ideas flashing through his mind, most discarded as implausible. But a few thoughts stuck, weaving together into coherent theories about the spell's potential uses.

First, in battle, the Harmonious Flame could serve as a powerful deterrent, its delicate appearance belying its potential for destruction. The harmonious vibrations could disrupt an enemy's Qi, causing disorientation and imbalance. The wooden lattice could entangle and trap, while the flame could burn with focused intensity.

He envisioned it being used in alchemical processes. The spell could produce precise, controlled burns essential for high-level alchemy. The harmonious sound might aid in the purification of substances, enhancing the quality of alchemical creations.

Another thought was its use as a signaling device. The harmonious vibrations of the spell could carry specific frequencies over long distances, acting as a sophisticated communication tool. Only those familiar with the spell could decode the messages, making it invaluable for covert operations.

His mind continued to spin, and he thought of defensive applications. The spell could form a protective barrier, with the wooden lattice absorbing impacts and the flame deterring attackers. The sound could create a disorienting field, making it difficult for enemies to focus their attacks.

Lastly, he considered its potential in healing and support roles. The harmonious sound could soothe and heal, the flame providing warmth and the wood offering structural support. This could be particularly useful in a battlefield medic scenario or during long campaigns where healing resources were scarce.

As Lin Feng's theories about the usage of such a spell deepened, a thought appeared inside his head: "I...I could do that." It was small, yet it reverberated within him, a single beat out of sync with any other previously. His heart thudded in his chest, and for the first time that day, he felt a spark of genuine emotion.

[System Notification: New Spell Learned]

Spell: Harmonious Flame

Lin Feng's eyes widened slightly as the notification appeared. He had learned the spell simply by observing it, by understanding its intricate balance and execution. Yet, he felt no joy, only a cold relief. He had found a way to screw over his target, the apprentice who had dared to step on his shoe the previous day.

With a sense of grim determination, Lin Feng immediately gifted the spell to the young apprentice. He watched as the spell disappeared from his Status Board, replaced by a new notification:

[System Notification: Gifted Spell - Harmonious Flame] [500 Gift Points Earned]

Lin Feng's heart raced as he realized the significance of the Gift Points. Five hundred Gift Points, an amount he had never obtained before, showcased how powerful the Harmonious Flame truly was. Yet, there was no elation, only the cold satisfaction of knowing he had a tool to torment his target.

After gifting the new spell, Lin Feng felt a surge of elation. The 500 Gift Points he had earned filled him with a sense of triumph and possibility. Mei Lan's lesson passed quickly that day, with Lin Feng absorbing the information but not dwelling on it. As the day drew to a close, he was once again either ignored or scorned by those around him. He left the tower of the Guild of Spell Crafters, his mood undampened by the dismissive attitudes of his peers.

Instead of immediately returning to the inn, Lin Feng found a small food stall nearby. It was a humble establishment with a few wooden tables and benches scattered under a canopy. The scent of grilled meat and spices wafted through the air, mingling with the aroma of freshly cooked noodles. Lin Feng sat down at an empty table and ordered a simple meal.

The food arrived quickly: a bowl of steaming noodles topped with slices of tender, marinated beef, a sprinkling of fresh scallions, and a side of pickled vegetables. The broth was rich and fragrant, a perfect blend of savory and umami flavors. He also received a small plate of crispy dumplings, their golden-brown skins glistening with a light sheen of oil.

As Lin Feng ate, he listened to the surrounding customers talk about mundane things. Two older men at a nearby table discussed their businesses and families, while a group of young women chatted animatedly about the latest fashion trends. The staff of the stall joked with each other, their laughter adding a warm, lively atmosphere to the place.

"Hey, did you hear about Old Zhang's new restaurant? Apparently, it's the talk of the town!" one of the cooks exclaimed, eliciting laughter from his coworkers.

Another cook, a burly man with a kind face, chuckled. "I bet his secret ingredient is just extra soy sauce!"

Lin Feng sat alone, eating calmly and blending in nicely with the surroundings. He found a strange solace in the ordinary conversations and the simple yet delicious meal. Hours passed, and the sky began to darken as evening approached.

Around this time, people started coming out in droves from the tower of the Guild of Spell Crafters. The daily exodus of apprentices, adepts, and Spell Crafters was a common sight, and the people around were unperturbed by it. It was a routine occurrence, signaling the end of another day of intense study and practice.

Lin Feng's eyes scanned the crowd, searching for a specific face. Out of the hundreds of people, he finally spotted him: the young man who had stepped on his shoe the previous day. The apprentice had a bashful demeanor, his face slightly flushed with the day's exertion. He had tousled brown hair that fell over his forehead in a messy fringe, and his skin was fair, almost pale. His eyes, a soft hazel, darted around nervously as he made his way through the crowd. He was carrying a heavy load of books and parchments, his steps unsteady under the weight.

Lin Feng inscribed every detail of the young man's appearance into his mind. The shape of his face, the curve of his nose, the way his lips pressed together in concentration—all of it was noted with meticulous precision. This was his target, the embodiment of his anger and frustration.

As the young man left the tower, Lin Feng followed, keeping a careful distance. It was easy to go unnoticed in the throng of people, but as the streets became narrower and the crowd thinned out, Lin Feng knew he had to be more cautious. The apprentice turned down a smaller, less crowded street, and Lin Feng stopped, realizing that following any further would arouse suspicion.

Drawing on his inner reserves, Lin Feng activated Phase Walk. His form became immaterial, and to any onlookers, it would seem as though a faint mist had drifted into the alley. He moved silently, passing through walls and other obstacles with ease. The apprentice continued on, oblivious to Lin Feng's presence, and eventually entered a dilapidated house.

Lin Feng followed him inside. The house was sparsely furnished, the walls cracked and the floorboards creaking underfoot. The young man set down his heavy load of books and parchments, dusting himself off before entering an adjacent room.

Inside the room was a small girl, sitting up in bed with a pile of books around her. She looked frail and sickly, her skin pale and her eyes large and bright. Despite her obvious illness, there was a spark of intelligence and curiosity in her gaze. She was reading books far too large for someone her age, with text so small that it seemed almost impossible for her to decipher.

"Big brother, you're back!" the girl exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine joy.

The young man smiled warmly at her. "Yes, I'm back. How are you feeling today, Mei?"

The girl, Mei, shrugged slightly. "The same as always, but I managed to finish another book. It's really interesting! It talks about the history of Baiyun and the different merchant guilds."

The young man chuckled softly, ruffling her hair. "You're always reading, aren't you? Just don't overdo it. You need to rest too."

Mei nodded, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I know, but there's so much to learn! One day, I'll be strong enough to go out and see all these places myself."

The young man sighed, his expression softening with a mix of pride and sadness. "I know you will, Mei. You're the brightest star in my life."

He gently adjusted her blankets and placed a few more books within her reach. "But for now, you need to take your medicine and get some sleep. I'll make us some dinner."

Lin Feng watched this heartfelt exchange from the shadows, his form still immaterial. He felt nothing as he observed the siblings' tender interaction. To him, it was just another detail to note, nothing more.

As the young man left the room to prepare their meal, Lin Feng slipped out silently. He made his way back to the Guild of Spell Crafters. The guild was always open, and he entered quietly, moving in the opposite direction from Mei Lan's classroom. Once he ensured he was alone, he reactivated Phase Walk, his form becoming a wisp of mist as he drifted through the corridors. He reached Mei Lan's classroom and found it empty, just as he had hoped. Deactivating Phase Walk, he quickly gathered all the notes on the Harmonious Flame that were jotted down by Mei Lan and left on her desk. He tucked the notes inside his robe and reactivated Phase Walk, slipping out of the room unnoticed.

Lin Feng navigated back through the guild, passing through walls and obstacles effortlessly. He reached a secluded corner, well away from Mei Lan's classroom, and deactivated Phase Walk. This ensured that his presence inside the guild was marked. He then walked out of the guild as if nothing was amiss.

Once outside, he made his way towards the young man's house. The streets were quieter now, the bustle of the day giving way to the calm of the evening. As he neared the house, he activated Phase Walk again, becoming immaterial. He entered the house silently, passing through walls and obstacles with ease.

Inside, the young man was busy preparing a simple meal for his sister. Lin Feng carefully placed Mei Lan's notes under the floorboards in a discreet corner, ensuring they were well hidden but accessible.

With his task complete, Lin Feng deactivated Phase Walk and left the house quietly. He made his way back to the inn, his mind filled with a sense of grim satisfaction. He had achieved what he set out to do, and he was content with the day's work.

Lin Feng reached the inn, feeling a rare sense of contentment. He had achieved what he set out to do, and now, with 500 Gift Points at his disposal, the possibilities seemed endless. He went to his room, the events of the day playing over in his mind. The Harmonious Flame was no longer part of his repertoire, a sacrifice he had willingly made. His mind was already churning with new plans and strategies as he prepared for the next steps of his journey.

As he bathed, the warm water soothing his tired muscles, the Overseer loomed near him, faintly shimmering in the dim light. The steam from the bath rose around them, creating an ethereal ambiance.

"Lin Feng," the Overseer said softly, "why did you do it? Why be so cruel to a young man who had done practically nothing to you? He already has such a pitiful life."

Lin Feng scoffed, a cold smile playing on his lips. "You think I'm trying to incriminate him by pulling this stunt? Don't speak about what you cannot understand."

The Overseer remained silent, shimmering with a faint, unearthly light. Lin Feng continued, his voice calm and deliberate. "Right now, I will help him, support him, make his life the best it can be. At least, for now."

The Overseer seemed to shimmer more intensely for a moment, but it said nothing more. Lin Feng's intentions were clear, even if they were shrouded in his own brand of twisted logic.

As Lin Feng soaked in the bath, he accessed the Gift Shop, eager to explore his options. He focused on cultivation manuals suitable for the Qi Condensation stage, which had 33 stages within it. He knew he needed to enhance his abilities and push his cultivation further, but he was also looking for something that would set him apart.

The Gift Shop displayed a vast array of cultivation manuals, each with detailed descriptions, advantages, and special effects. Lin Feng's eyes scanned through them, absorbing the information.

Manual of the Five Elements - 250 Gift Points

Description: A balanced approach to cultivation, incorporating techniques for Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, and Metal. Created by the legendary Five Elements Sage, an immortal who could command all five elements with unparalleled mastery.

Advantages: Increases Strength, Vitality, Agility, Dexterity, and Intelligence.

Special Effects: Enhanced resistance to elemental attacks.


Dragon's Breath Manual - 300 Gift Points

Description: Focuses on the fierce and powerful cultivation techniques of dragons. It was said to be created by Long Zhen, a dragon-human hybrid who conquered countless realms with his breath of fire.

Advantages: Greatly increases Strength and Endurance.

Special Effects: Grants a temporary boost in physical power during combat.


Heavenly Cloud Manual - 220 Gift Points

Description: A serene and elegant approach to cultivation, emphasizing agility and perception. Crafted by Yun Lan, the Celestial Dancer, whose movements were as fluid and unpredictable as the clouds themselves.

Advantages: Increases Agility, Dexterity, Wisdom, and Perception.

Special Effects: Enhanced sensory awareness and reflexes.


Mind Over Matter Manual - 260 Gift Points

Description: Concentrates on the mental aspects of cultivation, enhancing cognitive abilities. Developed by Xin Yue, the Scholar Sage, who was known for his unparalleled wisdom and mental clarity.

Advantages: Greatly increases Intelligence, with minor boosts to Wisdom and Perception.

Special Effects: Improved memory and mental clarity.


Vermillion Phoenix Manual - 280 Gift Points

Description: A cultivation manual focused on the fiery and regenerative properties of the Vermillion Phoenix. Created by Feng Huo, a divine beast of legend known for her rebirth from ashes.

Advantages: Increases Vitality, Endurance, and Strength.

Special Effects: Grants regenerative abilities and resistance to fire.


Shadow Panther Manual - 240 Gift Points

Description: Emphasizes stealth and agility, inspired by the elusive Shadow Panther. Crafted by Hei Mao, a mythical panther who roamed the darkest forests, unseen and unheard.

Advantages: Increases Agility, Dexterity, and Perception.

Special Effects: Enhanced stealth and movement speed.


Iron Fortress Manual - 270 Gift Points

Description: Focuses on defensive techniques and resilience. Developed by Tie Cheng, the Iron Guardian, whose body was said to be as unyielding as steel.

Advantages: Greatly increases Endurance and Vitality.

Special Effects: Grants temporary invulnerability and enhanced defensive capabilities.


Storm Bringer Manual - 290 Gift Points

Description: Harnesses the power of storms and lightning. Created by Lei Gong, the Thunder Lord, who commanded the skies and brought forth storms at will.

Advantages: Increases Strength, Agility, and Intelligence.

Special Effects: Grants control over lightning and enhances electrical attacks.


Path of Infinite Theories Manual - 320 Gift Points

Description: A unique cultivation manual that focuses solely on enhancing Intelligence. The creator, Zhi Dao, the Infinite Thinker, believed that each person's body is unique and requires a tailored approach to cultivation. This manual requires the user to theorize and experiment with different pathways, continually refining and perfecting their technique.

Advantages: Significantly increases Intelligence.

Special Effects: Grants the ability to adapt and modify cultivation techniques on the fly, improving efficiency and effectiveness over time.


Serpent's Grace Manual - 230 Gift Points

Description: Emphasizes flexibility and fluidity in movements, inspired by the mythical Jade Serpent. Created by Bai She, the Serpent Sage, known for her grace and deadly precision.

Advantages: Increases Agility, Dexterity, and Perception.

Special Effects: Enhanced flexibility and evasion.


Astral Body Manual - 310 Gift Points

Description: Focuses on aligning the body's Qi with the stars, enhancing mystical and physical abilities. Developed by Xing Tian, the Starry Sage, who could draw power from the constellations.

Advantages: Increases Vitality, Strength, Intelligence, and Dexterity.

Special Effects: Enhanced mystical awareness and ability to channel cosmic energy.

Lin Feng's eyes narrowed with interest as he read through the descriptions. The Path of Infinite Theories Manual stood out from the rest. It didn't offer the balanced growth of other manuals, but instead focused entirely on Intelligence. It required creativity, adaptability, and relentless experimentation—traits that resonated deeply with Lin Feng's obsessive drive for understanding and mastery.

He selected the Path of Infinite Theories Manual, feeling a surge of determination. This manual would not only enhance his cognitive abilities but also allow him to customize and perfect his cultivation technique, making it uniquely his own.

As the manual integrated into his mind, Lin Feng felt a strange sensation, as if new pathways and connections were forming within his consciousness. The knowledge flowed through him, intricate and complex, urging him to explore and experiment. He could almost feel his Intelligence expanding, his thoughts becoming sharper and more precise.

[System Notification: New Cultivation Manual Acquired]

Path of Infinite Theories Manual

Lin Feng's heart beat steadily, a rhythm of determination and resolve. He knew that this manual would push him to new heights, but it would also demand everything from him. The path ahead was fraught with challenges, but he welcomed them with open arms.

The Overseer, still shimmering near him, spoke again. "This manual is demanding, Lin Feng. It requires relentless effort and unwavering focus. Are you sure this is the path you want to take?"

Lin Feng's smile was cold and confident. "Of course. This is exactly what I need. The more theories and attempts I make, the more perfect my cultivation will become. I will find the best way to cultivate, no matter what it takes."

The Overseer seemed to shimmer approvingly. "Very well. Then let us begin."

As Lin Feng continued to soak in the bath, he felt a deep, abiding contentment. He was on the right path, and nothing would stand in his way.

I edited chapter 15 as I had erased the last part of the chapter by mistake, thus the jump from chapter 15 to 16 didn't make much sense previously... but now it's fixed ;).

Saint_Of_Lovecreators' thoughts