
Blind Date

"Hello mother. What can I do for you?" "Son, I met my former colleague and a good friend from City D before. She is here now and she has a daughter. She's same age as you. I set you up on a date with her actually. At noon today. I called your secretary, he said you do not have any appointments at lunch or after that." "Mom I told you before not to interfere with my personal life especially with this matter." "Please son, this will be the last I promise." Li Jei sighed, "Fine I'll go." "Oh good. Thank you son. Here is the restaurant that my friend booked for the two of you. Sending it to you right now. Okey, bye son. And remember always be a gentleman." His phone beeped again, it was the address of the meeting place for his blind date. He sighed again and got back to work.

At 11:30 his secretary called and reminded him of his lunch date. He got up and fix himself. Then he used his private elevator that directly brings him to the parking where his Maybach was parked. He drove himself since this is not a business meeting. He arrived earlier at the restaurant. He was led to a private room. He ordered some wine while he waited for his date. Five minutes till twelve noon the door opened and an attendant ushered a beautiful elegant lady inside. She was wearing a white blouse and pencil black skirt. She walked gracefully towards him. His eyes widened He know that walk, how she carries herself. It's Zhang Lei! His heart beats faster. He did not expect this. He stood up and just stared at her.

Upon seeing her date. She thought 'he seems nice'. She smiled while approaching him. He stood up gentlemanly. She began to speak and apologize for being late but when she saw him closer, she froze. 'Li Jei, is it him or am I just dreaming that it's him?' she thought to herself. She was stunned and just stood in front on him. They stared at each other. Li Jei smiled and broke the silence. "Hello." He ushered her to the chair. "Thank you." He sat back to his chair right across hers and he told the attendant to bring the food in.

"So apparently our mothers knew each other all along without letting us know about it." He tried to break the ice since the atmosphere was really awkward and unexpected. His fingers are drumming the table silently. While Zhang Lei was still speechless. She just nodded and smiled. She found her voice and said, "Apparently so. You look good by the way. You're a CEO now. Wow congratulations. I'm happy for you." She gulped down her red wine to ease her nerves.

"Well I did not expect this to happen either. One day a rich powerful grandfather showed up in our doorstep demanding my father to come back to this city to succeed in his business. So my father was the only son and heir to the largest technology business. My grandfather allowed my father to live the life he wanted at first hoping that he would come back out of being the only living son. But contrary to what grandfather hoped for he never came back. Until my grandfather's health started to falter that he seek for dad to replace him. I was in my fourth year and intern in the hospital then. I had to come back home and help my dad settle things with my grandfather. So I ended up the successor. Now I am here."

"Wait... you were an intern?" Zhang Lei asked curiously. " Oh I was studying medicine abroad. he smiled. "Medicine? Why medicine I thought you planned to take Computer Science." "I...I took medicine to fulfill your dream. I did it for you." He smiled and looked her in the eyes. Zhang Lei's cold heart began to warm up. "I finished medicine though, I am a fully pledged thoracic surgeon. At the same time I can still do some computer stuff with my company. How about you? How's being the youngest woman CEO. I saw that in the Forbes Magazine." She puffed her cheeks. "Don't believe all the shit... It's all for work. My work help me forget my misery." She said this while staring at him. The food was served so they stopped their conversation. They thanked the waiters and started eating. Nobody spoke but Li Jei noticed that Zhang Lei was barely touching her food. "Zhang Lei..." "Huh?" she said absentmindedly. "Your barely touching your food. Eat some more, you drank a lot of wine you should place some solid food in your stomach." Li Jei worryingly said. "I'll be fine, she took another big gulped of wine. "By the way how is Kim?" Li Jei stopped his fork midair and placed back to his plate. "Kim? I don't know. I never seen her or contact her ever. Not that I care either. Is this still about that graduation day? It's in the past Zhang Lei. Let's move on from it." "Move on? Yeah easier said. All this time it keeps on repeating on my head, it even visits my dreams. I can't seem to forget the pain. She is starting to cry and her voice was full of pain. Li Jei tried to hold her hand but she moved away. "How would you think I felt too? Hmm... You shot me off. You did not give me a chance to explain what happened." She felt angry, she got up to leave but Li Jei held her shoulders and forced her to face him. He took out his necklace and showed her the ring pendant. "This never left my chest" he said. He slowly took out her necklace and the pendant showed the same ring as his. He smiled. Zhang Lei at that moment felt dizzy and passed out luckily he was there to catch her. Her phone started to ring... the ID shows Janine secretary. Li Jei settled Zhang Lei back to her seat and sat beside her to support her stuporous state. He answered the call. " Hello madam I am sorry to disturb you but there is an emergency. According to the IT department the second wall of our security has been breached. Please madam we need you back here right away." her voice pleading. "Your Madam is drunk, I am her friend. I will bring her back there." "Oh Okey. I will wait for her." Before Janine ended the call she gave him the directions where to reach her boss's office privately. This is very unusual for her boss to be drunk and with a man too. She moved those thoughts at the back of her mind. There are more important issues to deal with right now. Twenty minutes passed and the elevator opened to reveal a gorgeous man holding her boss in a princess manner. "Madam... Janine approached them and led the man to her boss's, office. Li Jei settled her on the couch. "She drank a lot without eating solid food." "But we need her at the meeting in two minutes." Janine said worriedly. "I'll handle it. Don't worry I'm her good friend. She knows me. With regards to you problem I might be able to help with that too. Can you lead me to the meeting?" Janine was hesitating but she does not have any choice. This is a big issue that needs to be addressed right away or else their company would really be in big trouble. She led him to the IT department.

Upon opening the meeting room everybody from the IT department were shocked. "What is the CEO of the Li Technologies doing here?" His presence was intimidating. The department Manager stuttered and said "Mr. CEO what brings you to our office?" Li Jei answered, "I am here to help you with your firewall issue." "Of course sir, I'll show it to you." Li Jei sat on the CEO's seat and patiently listened to their reports.

Zhang Lei started to move and woke up. "Madam oh thank god you're finally awake. I'm so worried about you." Zhang Lei was still a bit dizzy. "How did I came back here?" she wondered. "It's your blind date who brought you here. He answered my call when you passed out. He offered to go to the meeting with the IT Department as well for you. If you don't mind me asking boss, who is that handsome guy?" She looked at the clock it's passed six in the evening already. " Oh my god, I slept for four hours?! Why did you not wake me up?" "He told me not to wake you up. I'm sorry he was so scarily handsome not to obey." Zhang Lei was appalled. "And may I ask you who is your boss?" " Sorry boss it won't happen again, promise." she gave her boss a peace sign and left the room. Zhang Lei recalled what happened during lunch. He showed her his ring. She smiled and touched her ring as well. Before she left 10 years ago they exchanged rings as a reminder of their love and their promise for each other. She was touched to know that he kept his promise. She realized that she should also gave him a chance to explain before. It should have spared them from the hurt and misery for 10 years. But everything happened for a reason. However. luck is still at their side. There is still chance to start all over again.