
Chapter 9: Gu ♡


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"No crust?" Jimin nodded enthusiastically and watched as his boyfriend carefully picked up the knife and handled the last details of his sandwiches. They were in the elder's kitchen, the latter making sure he had everything he needed for a new day at university, trying to encourage him the best he could. There was an unspoken fear written all over the pink-haired boy face and Jungkook suspected it had something to do with the fact that he was going to meet Minjae again. "Here you go."

Big hands placed the sandwiches inside the bright green lunchbox along with a banana and some grapes and he smiled brightly. Beside the fact that he was sure that everything was delicious, he was happy to receive this type of attention – Jungkook was seriously spoiling him.

"Thank you!" He rose on his tiptoes to kiss a soft cheek and giggled when the other turned his face rapidly so their lips could meet. It was cute how playful his boyfriend was always acting, he could never get bored of that kind of attitude. Arms locked around his middle and he whined when fingers brushed his backside, his skin still sensitive to any type of contact. "Ouch."

"Oh no, poor baby." Jungkook cooed and kissed the tip of his nose. He took good care of the bruising skin the previous nights – he made sure to put arnica cream on the bright pink after bathing his baby and he's been kind enough to fuck his little good before putting him to sleep, surprised by how well Jimin was reacting to pain whenever their hips would meet. "Now you'll think of me whenever you'll sit down." His voice was dripping with lust this time so Jimin felt his insides clenching, surprised when the man put some space in between their bodies. "Do you want me to pick you up this afternoon?"

"If you want to." The student's voice was tiny so Jungkook grabbed his hand and squeezed it before bringing it to his lips and kissing the knuckles.

"I really want to. We can go shopping afterwards." Jimin's plump lips were tugged by the presence of a smile when he realised that his boyfriend remembered the list of things he still needed to buy. The taller man was paying close attention to everything they were talking and that gave him the impression that their every discussion was important and weighted a lot.

"Jungkookie?" The tattoo artist rose his eyebrows. "Can I text you today?" He was afraid he was going to become really anxious in Minjae's presence, even if they were going to sit meters apart, and he knew talking to him was going to make things better.

"You can text me anytime, baby. I'll try to answer as soon as possible." Jimin nodded, looking rather guilty so he cupped his face and forced their eyes to meet. "There's nothing to be scared about, Min. If that kid tries to come near you, call me immediately."

"Okay." He was sure Minjae wasn't going to but the thought of his Daddy having his back was comforting so he initiated a tight hug, his ear pressed against a strong chest. Jungkook's heartbeat was calming and he would have stood like that forever if it wouldn't have been for the classes he needed to attend. "Daddy?" He was still surprised by the ease with which he could call that name.

"Yes, peach?"

"Would you tattoo me before I leave?" The question took the elder by surprise so he gaped his mouth, causing for his face to resemble a fish's. It was a crazy request so he didn't answer until Jimin pulled away and began to look through his backpack, his little hand grabbing a black sharpie from it. "I want a fake tattoo, silly." He giggled and Jungkook burst into laughter at the absurdity of his mind.

"You're right, I'm silly." Would he ever stop that eat-shitting grin from appearing whenever he was around his baby boy? Probably not. "Where do you want it?" He grabbed the utensil and followed the smaller one as he pulled on his sleeve in order to reveal his right wrist. It was covered in old scars and the image of them probably triggered Jimin because his smile faded for a second before he pointed towards the patch of skin he wanted his "tattoo" on.

"Is this okay?"

"Of course. What do you want it to be?" The student's cheeks turned strawberry-pink.

"Could you choose, please?"

Jungkook hummed and thumbed the pale skin as he took the cap off the sharpie with the help of his teeth. He had something in mind so he proceeded to draw it, knowing they were both in a hurry but there was possible for him to draw something satisfying. When he was done he realised Jimin was fixing the magnets on his fridge, probably trying to distract himself in order to be surprised by the result.

"I'm done, sweets." It was a drawing of Saturn and even if it was little, the student could appreciate that it was very very pretty so he gasped in surprised. There were two little stars accompanying it and the whole picture stole the show and almost made him forget about the cuts resting underneath and around it. "I love you to Saturn and back." Jungkook put on display his bunny grin at the sound of his boyfriend's squeaky laughter.

"I think you mean to the moon and back."

"Saturn is further than the moon." The tattoo artist explained and kissed plush lips innocently. Little hands fisted at his shirt and his mouth has been attacked passionately, a curious tongue begging for entrance. The lust turned into tenderness soon enough but the younger's moans vibrated through the air, causing for them to finally part.

"I love you too."

As soon as their eyes met Minjae hurried past him. Jimin would have lied if he would have said he hasn't been scared of the consequences of that particular night when his boyfriend broke his bully's nose and that was exactly why he felt his heartbeat increasing in pace when spotting the other student. They met in the hallway and he gulped when he saw the huge bandage which was covering the centre of the taller boy's face, worrying about how the whole situation could backfire.

He was thankful it didn't and he couldn't stop a smile from spreading on his lips at the realisation that he wasn't going to be the homophobic boy's target anymore. He grabbed his phone and texted Jungkook before hurrying to class and taking his usual seat in the front row. He was more active during the classes and found himself peaking at his tattoo whenever he felt like he needed a boost. As soon as his schedule ended he almost ran outside and towards the parking lot where he waited for the familiar car to appear. He hoped he looked cute, which was silly because Jungkook has already seen his outfit in the morning and he snapped out of his thoughts when the black car caught his attention.

He had no idea how they ended up looking for clothes but he was happy to spend some time doing domestic things with his boyfriend so he gave in and started looking at the shelves as the latter was trying some jackets on. He had a particular style so it was not easy to find clothes on his liking but he patiently looked through the many carefully-folded items, stopping only when he reached a section that included almost exclusively pastel-coloured clothes. It was not rare for him to feel ashamed during shopping; he could never get used to the dirty stares everyone was throwing and that was the main reason for which he preferred to shop online.

He looked at some sweaters but the prices shooed him away so he shyly walked to the next pseudo-room where he dumbly stopped in front of a light pink pleated skirt. It looked beautiful and comfortable and his cheeks heated at the idea of him wearing it – maybe some long socks would go well with it? It was not the first time he has been thinking about wearing a skirt and he was about to give up on it when a kind voice startled him.

"Would you like to try it on?" He immediately turned around and faced Jungkook who was smiling contently, like his boyfriend wanting to wear a skirt was not strange, not abnormal, not disgusting. The attitude caused for Jimin to smile sadly as he shook his head.

"I know it's weird."

The tattoo artist furrowed his brows.

"I think you'd look amazing in it." He confessed and leaned to kiss his boyfriend's forehead, his thumb gently caressing a round cheek. "But it's your decision, I'm not trying to push you."

They continued to look through the store during the following half an hour and they were ready to head to the cashier when the pink-haired boy pulled on their joined hands. Jungkook immediately looked down and found his baby searching for his eyes almost scared.

"Can I go back and get it?" It was an almost inaudible whisper and the elder needed a few moments to realise what the other was talking about.

"Of course, I'll wait for you here."

Jimin felt the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he hurried to the familiar part of the store and searched through the items for his size. He managed to find his boyfriend back in no time and was grateful when their hands joined on their way to the cashier. He managed to hide his face in the taller man's shoulder as they paid (he always insisted on paying for his share) but his mood improved with every minute on their way to Jungkook's apartment. Excitement was flooding his body but part of it was overshadowed by the fear of being looked down upon. He knew his boyfriend wasn't that type of person but there was a little voice inside his head who kept reminding him that something bad had to happen, that Jungkook was too good for him. Jungkook was a whole person, he was just a shell.

"Is pizza okay?" The tattoo artist asked as they placed the many bags on the floor of the hallway. "I'm not in the mood to cook."

"But isn't that fast food?" Jimin knew his Daddy insisted on him not having too many sweets or unhealthy meals and that was the exact reason why he was asking.

"It's a silver lining." They both chuckled and headed to the living room where the younger began to separate their items, barely listening to the other ordering food in the background. He bought a new pair of stripped jammies and he wanted to see how they were looking on him but he rarely was the one to ask if he could stay the night. "Do you want to shower before the food arrives?"

The pink-haired boy focused on his boyfriend's white socks instead of his face.

"Am I sleeping here again?" Jungkook's eyes widened.

"I assumed so but you don't have to if that's not what you want." By the almost-scared expression painting soft features, the tattoo artist understood that Jimin was slowly slipping into little space, big eyes giving away vulnerability. "Has Daddy been too clingy lately?" The boy immediately shook his head and grasped on the clothes he was holding tighter, his knuckles turning white. "Is Min feeling little?"

The student nodded slowly and bit the inside of his cheek. He had no idea how the switch happened but he felt guilty because it wasn't supposed to happen so frequently – maybe Jungkook wasn't always in the mood to baby him.

"I'm sorry."

"There's nothing to be sorry for." The elder's voice was kinder, as if part of his nature changed and he was the one to pull the smaller frame close to his and ran his fingertips through soft cotton candy hair. "Never apologise for the way you feel."

The man helped him bathe and wrapped him in a fluffy towel before drying his hair properly, making the younger laugh by styling it in all types of silly ways. Their jolly playtime has been interrupted by knocks on the door so Jungkook ran to the entrance, ready to receive the goodies. A huge grin rested on his lips when Jimin insisted to sit on his lap and it stood in place even after he realised he had to do a lot of convincing to get him to eat. He was distracted by the documentary about pandas that was playing on TV so he was forgetting what he was supposed to do, the only reminder being Jungkook's hand feeding him.

"I'm full." He exhaled loudly and tilted his head back so it would rest against the other's shoulder.

"Good boy." Those two words were his favourite beside the rare I love you s so he smiled proudly before the tattoo artist announced that he was going to clean up and that he should go to the bedroom and pick something to watch. Jimin really wanted to see Kung Fu Panda after watching so many cute pandas playing around and eating bamboo but his eyes landed on the shopping bags instead. He picked the most recognizable one and headed to the bathroom, locking the door behind him.

His hands were shaking as he undressed his pants and replaced them with the pale pink skirt, the material falling with ease around him. It was ending right above his knees, revealing pale legs that sported bruises but also hickeys from the times when Jungkook has been willing to pay attention to all of his body. He liked the way he was looking – his waist looked smaller and the large white shirt he stole from his bofriend's closet was matching the picture perfectly. He felt pretty.

"Jimin?" The bedroom door opened and the voice of the taller man made him jump startled.

"In the bathroom." He said loud enough to be heard and took a big breath. Maybe it would have been better if he would have dressed back into his pants and forgot all about the skirt but little Jimin really really wanted to show his Daddy how cute he was looking. "I'm coming." Even he could admit that his voice was quivering but he decided to take a big breath and open the door so he tiptoed towards it, his heart beating wildly inside his chest.

Jungkook was sitting on the edge of the bed, his eyes studying the screen of his phone so he shyly intertwined his own fingers in front of himself, waiting to be noticed. When dark browns finally looked up he felt his skin tingling with embarrassment and for a second thought of running back to the bathroom but the tattoo artist's bunny grin appeared before he could do so.

"Wow." It was the good kind of wow so Jimin felt his heart giving a leap inside his chest. "My baby looks so pretty." His voice was softer than ever and the pink-haired boy could feel the affection lacing every word; he almost ran towards his Dom who didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around his middle and bait him into a long but chaste kiss. "It looks perfect on you, I'm happy you changed your mind." Jungkook whispered and helped him do a pirouette.

"Do you really like it?"

"I really really really like it." The answer made Jimin giggle and he sat down on a firm thigh, enjoying the hot breath cascading on his throat as Jungkook nuzzled his cheek.

"I like it too." He confessed and the elder hummed in approval, knowing the whole thing meant a lot to his baby. He was slowly learning how to read his sub like an open book and the thought of them getting to know each other so well made him happy because it brought more closure. Their feelings deepened with each passing day and he promised himself he was going to do his best to keep Jimin as happy as it was possible.

"We can buy you some more."

"I won't ever wear a skirt in public." Jungkook could understand his reasons so he didn't insist, knowing his baby was going to ask for more when he was going to feel ready. Shorter legs began to move slowly so a hand came to draw circles on a fair thigh, the action earning a little sigh of pleasure. Jungkook didn't want to turn the situation into something sexual because he knew that wearing a skirt wasn't a fetish for his boyfriend; it was something important for him and he didn't want to destroy something that brought him so much happiness for the sake of some moments of pleasure.

He kissed a soft cheek and he was ready to suggest they should watch something when his fingers reached a large scar. He could easily recognise it as the only one marking his boyfriend's lower body, the one that looked the scariest.

"Do you want to know about it?" Jimin's voice was barely audible and something pulled at Jungkook's heart. He wanted to but he didn't want to trigger bad memories so he hesitated before answering affirmatively, the curiosity getting the best of him. "This happened during Christmas. I was sixteen when I had a huge fight with my dad."

They never talked about their families and the tattoo artist suspected it was because they were facing the same type of problem. He never heard his boyfriend talking on the phone or saw him texting his mother or father so he decided not to ask because it was healthier for Jimin to open up naturally when it came to serious matters than to pull every word out of his mouth. His relationship with his parents was nonexistent so he could understand how damaging that kind of rupture could be.

"So he –" The boy gulped and the hug tightened around him, Jungkook not wanting to point out that his eyes were already glistening with unshed tears. "He told me he wished I wouldn't have been born at all." Some words cut through souls like knives and by the anguished expression on Jimin's face it was clear that the pain was still present, even after so many years.

He could remember that night and how his flesh looked split by the blade. He could remember how helpless he felt, how violent every sob was as he was wondering why he was living in the first place.

"Hey, angel." Jungkook's whisper managed to catch his attention so the student turned his head so he could look into doe eyes, his eyelashes damp. "Please don't cry. It breaks my heart to see you crying."

Jimin sniffled and put the saddest smile on display, his lips wobbling as they were trying to keep the facade up. The other could see right through it so long fingers guided the boy's head to the crook of their owner's neck and soft lips began kissing the top of it. He wished he could make him forget those horrible memories but that was not an option.

"I know h-he probably didn't mean what he said but it still hurts." The younger sobbed and focused on his breathing, doing his best not to inhale and exhale too fast. "And it's on me forever."

Jimin's scars held stories and Jungkook hoped there would come a day in which he would know them all. The elder angled the other's face so their lips could meet sweetly and his fingers stroke wet skin with care, syncing with their demanding tongues. By the time they parted Jimin's knees completely gave out so he frowned when he felt his body being lifted and placed on the exact spot his Daddy has been sitting until then.

"I have an idea." He explained as he grabbed something from his working desk. It was a black sharpie, very much like the one he used in the morning to draw Saturn so when he dropped on his knees in front of the younger there has been no surprise. Jimin trusted him so he followed the swift movements with his eyes until the result has been revealed: a rose was curling around the scar, its thorns artistically distributed. It was subtle and elegant. "See? Nothing is unfixable."

His tone gave away that he was not trying to minimise the student's feelings so the latter manage to put a real smile on display this time, his eyes turning into beautiful crescents.

"You're okay now, aren't you?" Jungkook asked worried and raised a hand to caress Jimin's right cheek with the back of his hand. He couldn't remember ever kneeling like that in front of a sub but the position described their relationship well – the pink-haired boy had more power over him that he probably imagined. "You're with me."

Jimin nodded cutely and pursed his lips to press a kiss on Jungkook's forehead.

"And you're the best." He whispered against chestnut strands and began giggling when fingertips began tickling his sides. Maybe it was because the tattoo artist couldn't handle all the feelings that woke inside of him because of the other's actions but he wanted to brighten the atmosphere and having Jimin laughing until he was left breathless sounded perfect to him. They ended up lying down on the bed, one of the elder's hands roaming all over the smaller body's side as their lips explored each other.

Jungkook's mouth slid down the other's throat in order to suck on the skin there but everything stopped when Jimin whined and a little hand rested on his shoulder.

"Can we watch Kung Fu Panda now?" The question couldn't have been quieter but the man understood the meaning behind them. His baby was feeling little and he didn't want things to progress past kissing.

"Of course we can. Is it okay if I shower first?"

"I'll change in my jammies." The last word was a cute one so Jungkook smiled and kissed a chubby cheek before whispering a "good boy" and getting off the bed in order to grab his sleepwear. He found Jimin drinking banana milk through a straw and staring at the paused beginning of the movie when he came back so he joined the party right away, cuddling the smaller boy. They were halfway through the story when the student began to rub his eyes in order to chase the sleepiness away.

"Hey – we can pause it and continue watching it tomorrow."

"I'm feeling drowsy, Daddy."

Jungkook grabbed the remote control and turned off the TV before beginning to rub a slightly arched back lovingly.

"Go to sleep, kitten."


♡( ◡‿◡ ) Thank you so much for reading this fluffy chapter! I hope you enjoyed the smooth ride ~ I'm trying to develop Jimin and Jungkook's characters as much as possible and I hope you're happy to get to know them better! Jimin wearing a skirt might come as a surprise but I hope you'll agree with the fact that he'd look adorable in one. I wish you all a wonderful week, don't you ever forget that you never walk alone!♡

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