

Promise75 · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

Zhang Lixue came out of the theater slightly pespiring, it had been a tough surgery. Though she had been the youngest in the team, being a new comer in the hospital, she was very involved during the surgery. She needed to perfect her skills soon so she won't always have to rely on others.

She moved swiftly to the changing room and change from her theater gown into her scrubs. After she was done she moved along the corridor intending to go to the ward to check up on some patients, however she was stopped by a nurse who told her that a patient who had had an accident has just been brought into the emergency room and needed attention.

She quickly moved back with the nurse to the emergency room where she saw a young man lying in the trolley. At one glance he was very handsome and appeared tall. He had blood at the corner of his mouth and from a distance he appeared unconscious with injuries on his arm.

Without wasting time, she quickly assessed the patient and found that indeed he was unconscious. She ordered x-rays, suctioning and asked the plaster technicians to give him a neck collar in case he had a spinal injury. She also paged her Consultant to informed him of the patient while waiting for the results of the x-rays to come out.

She asked the nurses to complete his admission procedures and looked at his vital signs. Though unconscious the vitals did not look too bad. After reviewing the result of the xray the patient had a cast as he had sustained a fracture of his humerus. He was also hooked to a machine to ensure adequate monitoring and an oxygen mask was attached to him. Other injuries were basically minor and only needed to be cleaned and covered with a dressing.

After doing all that needed to be done for the patient she left a nurse behind with an order that the patient be monitored quarter hourly. She also left a note to notify her Consultant about the result of the patient's assessment.

Then she proceeded to the ward where she did a quick ward rounds. After the rounds she left for the canteen to have lunch. Finally a break, she sighed. You could have some days with fewer patients however most days were as busy as this at City D imperial Hospital.

She had graduated a year ago from a foreign Medical School and after her internship there, she decided to come back home to City D to work. She was from a well off family though not overtly rich but at least able to hold it's own place in the city. She had opted to read medicine instead of joining her brother in the family business mainly because she enjoyed the thrill of caring for the sick and seeing them get well. it was much more interesting than dealing with stacks of documents each day and going on countless lunches and dinners. Though her parents had been disappointed initially, given how bright she was, they still decided to swallow their disappointment and support her.

As for her brother, Jiang he doted on her the most. the age gap between them was not that much as Jiang would be turning twenty six years that year and Lixue would be turning twenty three. They were very close and shared some of their secrets with each other.

She was currently still living at home with her parents but intended to get an apartment as soon as possible. Her brother had promised to look out for one for her.

The reason her brother had not yet found a house was probably because he had not found one secured enough for her to live in.