
Tick, tock, fuck

(please be okay with vulgar language thanks!)

The sun didn't shine today. It was odd if I do say so myself, but how would I know being in a coma isn't very useful either. I have been able to hear everything around me in this coma, it's stressful hearing things your family has hid from you for awhile. I can't move a single limb it's like I'm alive but I'm not, one day I moved my finger it was like, I was paralyzed or something not in a coma, I'm not sure which but I could move my finger at least that's all that matters, ..until that's what I though.

I still hear everything the screams the pain, it sends a shiver down my back.. it's now been a week since I woke up from my coma. everyone's dead, and at this point I'm going to run out of food extremely soon if I don't do something. I glanced around the room my emerald eyes falling onto a shaft. I felt like a idiot that I didn't think of this before as I grunted walking over as quietly as possible. The good thing is the creatures. They're Blind, but they have increadable hearing, they could easily hear you're footsteps through the floor if it creaked, then you would be dead before you know it. And did I forget to mention that these creatures are fast like flash fast I remember watching that with my dad. But I don't have time to think about that, the rules you must always follow are, 1 Trust NO ONE, 2 Don't take anything that can make a large amount of noise, 3 Survive.

I crawled threw the tight shaft horrified I would be trapped and I wouldn't find a way out of this lybrith, but I eventually found a exit. I peered down into the room looking for any creatures as I saw none, I silently opened the vent it making the slightest squeal as I flinched waiting for something to run in but nothing came. I waited a little longer to be on the safe side but still nothing came. I let go of the vent and put my legs down on a desk holding onto the slick edge softly landing on the desk glancing left and right quickly. I went through every cabnit I found lucky the place hasn't been looted yet. I found a knife, bottled water, and a little bit of food that's not old, so far I might have a chance of making it through this, but highly unlikely now that I think about it. I looked out the windows my face turning a white pale I swear I could be made into a meme. I saw them creeping there waiting for their next meal, I went into another room holding the knife in a rather odd way. I sighed moving forward as I felt my foot pull something. I looked down to see a clear string my face loosing it's color once again immediately pulling my foot back I hear. tick, tick, tick, tick, toc. I froze in place not knowing what was going to happen. I quickly hid somewhere knowing the creatures could hear the ticks. something tore at the door as it was ripped apart the creature practically slithered in.

I sat under a desk holding my hand over my mouth tremmbling, I heard the click of the creatures claws as it walked on two feet the pitch black legs moving past me my eyes watching them so intently someone would think I had a thing for legs. And I don't. The ticking continued not sure what was going to happen as it quickened in pace realizing whoever placed that there wants me gone.

I slowly climbed out as silently as possible seeing the creatures alien like figure as I stood against the wall the ticking continued going faster and faster as I fretted and looked left to right moving towards the doorway as I saw the stairwell I was about to move over my foot stepping on a piece of wood as it creaked I froze and immediately ran up the stairs not knowing what to do having no survival instincts. As I heard it coming up behind faster than a normal human as there was a loud blast as it sent me flying against the wall, the ringing noise in my ears not allowing to stop as the creature cringed in pain as it screamed out their was a faint bang, but I kept my eyes closed as I didn't hear the screaming anymore someone grabbed me and pulled me up the stairs as clearly I fought back who wouldn't. The weird man tied me up in a chair and blindfolded me. as I sat there waiting for something to happen.

"So." I heard the man's voice strict and commanding clearly I could tell he was a officer of some sort.

" I want to know your name, how you got here, and how do I know you're not infected."

"well" I started to reply nervously as the man jumping in hissing.

" be quiet you moron! " I frowned as I started answering his questions.

" ok my name is Rin I'm a highschool student, and I was in a coma in one of the rooms up here, well I don't know how to explain that I'm not infected though. I haven't shown any symthoms."


" um excuse me? "

" I said strip you heard me I want to make sure your not infected."

" one problem im sorta tied up. " i frowned annoyed as this man wanted that much confirmation.

" ok I'll search you myself. " i heard someone walk over and lift up my shirt checking my back and stomach with no bites or cuts checking my legs as the man sighed.

" well your not infected I'm pretty sure. "

" then can you let me go? " i said biting my bottom lip nervously.

" no. "

" wait what? why not. "

" because I don't care for other people I'll let the aliens come up and get you. don't worry I'll make sure it's a quick death.

" w-wait don't leave me here. " i still said it quietly as the man was making another bomb. the man smiled at me softly as the man left the door open and the ticking started. it was only a matter of seconds until i was dead, i remembered my knife struggling to reach into my sleeve as I grabbed it and started moving it back and forth as fast as humanly possible. the ropes eventually snapped as I cut the ropes on my angles as I heard a creature I froze in the seat the ticking getting louder and faster once more I tremmbled wondering if I should just accept my death here and now.

Authors note: sorry for the short chapter today it's the first I've ever made, in my opinion it's not the best but enough to get me somewhere. so yeah I will be posting larger chapters once I get more ideas lol but see you next time!