
You Can't NTR This Villain (Hiatus For A While)

I just became a man transmigrated in a ntr game I've once played, to make it worse I became a cuckold villain who will lose everything..... Do you think you can ntr me? Here take this Fireball!!! ---- If you don't want a vile mouthed mc then this novel wasn't for you, mc will be sarcastic as hell and also he will have the muscles to back it up.

Yorushin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

New Life? More like fuck my life.

Within a void like space there travels a huge ball of light. The ball of light appears to be in a rush as it was travelling in the speed no eye can follow.

[System Integration has begun!]

[Rewards has been in the progress of integration!! (Time: 59:59)]

[Host soul in process of travel.]

While all this events happens the soul is clueless on whatever is happening.


(1st pov: Desir)

The game [Ways of a Hero] is a rpg game released in the year 2045, a rpg game that let's you play the protagonist. The hero that was chosen to execute the all powerful heavenly demon.

And of course the game varies from the hero, his heroines, and the villains. It was a game depending on your choice, it's either your going to have a harem or the one girl ending if your choice.

The game starts at the world of Heilore, a world filled with magic and species of any kinds, that varies from elves, dwarfs, orcs, beastmen, humans, and the most notorious of them all the demons.

All races was led by at least one monarch that handles the balance of their species. The humans got the emperors, the elves got the supreme elder, the dwarves got the High Kings, the orcs got their chieftains, the beastmen got their own patriarchs and lastly the only species that was led by one monarch the demons and the heavenly demon that led the whole demons on delivering fear towards every single species living in Heilore.

Humans consists of kingdoms and empires, the same goes towards everyone except from the demons. And of course another species called mana beasts also exists, they can be companions or source of food and of course the dragons that led them also exists in this world.

Now back to the protagonist of the game. It starts with a cliche start like having your parents killed by the demons, plotting revenge towards the demons, gets blessed by huge luck, making the heroines fall for you easily, and lastly the thing that didn't happened...Defeating the source of fear and destruction.

Yet the hero miserably failed on doing it as he only got thrashed by the second in command of the demon army, The infamous Desir, no calling him Desir is incorrect. After becoming demonized he changed his name to, Agaroth.

Agaroth on the other hand is the protagonist of the sequel in which only showed his sufferings and cruelness, his cucked life, and miserable fate is for everyone's to see thus many didn't even bother to play the sequel.

Desir is a very talented boy as a mage. A boy that had the potential to be the next archmage and became the best archmage in the history of Heilore yet it all crumbled down when he met his ever trauma.....And that trauma is going to happen now a few minutes from now.... Fuck.


(3rd pov)

Unbeknownst towards Desir the game had a reboot that changed the ending and the world structure, the doesn't just end after The hero gets defeated, it also added different worlds in which the players can choose to play from

(A.N: I'm going to call him desir from here on point)

Heilore is only one of those worlds, the game adapted lots of elements like having some face slap scenes, accidentally attacked by aphrodisiac, and even some cliche damsel in distress, it even has the worst plot 'I need to have sex with you so that I can extend your life.' plots.

Back to the world of Heilore, the plot there didn't changed much apart from having the ending delayed. The secret boss will appear after the end credits and the hero will still gets Pummeled.

Thus the game still get lots of criticisms, yet they still play it. [Ways of Hero] is a very successful game if only your not going to include the Heilore world plot.

Now back to our protagonist.


(1st pov: Desir)

Currently in the carriage there stood motionlessly the boy that appears to have the age of 10, the boy is very cute. and will certified be a lady killer in the future.

The boy have black hair that is well groomed and a silverish blue eyes that seems to lost all will to live.

'Just how lucky am I?' He sarcastically thought as his eyes wandered in nowhere.

From time to time he looked at these busty maids right infront of him. The maids all varies and differs and styles when it comes to beauty. Yet they all paled a lit compared to the 'Not-So' perfect goddess known as Krishna.

'Dammit, how can I save them?' Currently the boy was in a huge dilemma on how can he deal against the bandits.

But suddenly...

Little by little a stream of memories cane rushing towards his head, as if it wants to fit in, blend in, and even consume some of his original memories.

'Why is this happening, in some isekai/transmigration/reincarnation/any kind of sort shits that always gets repeated themed cliche shits, devouring of memories didn't happen then why mind wants to devour my will.'

"Young master are you ok?" One of the maids asked, she got a tall figure alongside her voluptuous body trapped in her maid outfit.

She got a luscious black hair tied in a high ponytail, a pure black eyes that has a tinge of sharpness like a sword, a beautiful face bitt still paled compared with that goddess.

'She had an aura of discipline in her body. She seems like a traditional japanese woman way back on earth.....Agatha?' Desir thought as he gazed on the maid that seems to be the leader of the group.

"No..I'm fine (for now that is)" Desir replied with a forced smile on his face.

"Young master you should always smile and avoid being too stiff" Another maid came infront of Desir's line of vision, this one is different.

She seems like an older sister next door, an easygoing, cheerful and fun-loving personality.

She has a short hair that reacher her neck, a slightly colored hair that it appears to be dirty red and a big and energetic brown eyes.


"Gia was right young master...." Replied by the another maid. This one seems to be a silent type, a cool type girl to be precise.

She had a long brown hair and pinkish eyes to match her style, she also appears to be as voluptuous as the others.


"Young master, if you want I will cook food again."

"Yes young master, we will cook again"

The two women appears to be sisters, one is shy and the other is an outgoing one, the same as Gia. The shy one had a long black hair and eyes, to add on her buxom like beauty while the other seems to be like a gyaru type with her neck length hair and pierced ear.

'Lin and Lina?'

"Don't pressure young master, he seems stiffer than earlier." Said by a woman with yellowish eyes and brown hair, she looks like a typical model student that was friendly and positive on a lot of things.

'A typical highschool student that is curious about many things.....And Andrea?' Desir thought as he scanned the girl, she seems to be a cute type of only she doesn't have that huge weapon on her chests.

'And lastly, the silent of them all....Ada' Desir thought as he scanned the woman that is still silent, she had a violet-pink eyes and black hair she appears to be the same as the oldest of the maids.

'Maybe they are sisters?' Desir thought as his gaze came looking back and forth towards the two.

Noticing his wary gaze the oldest maid clarified his thoughts.

"Young master both Ada and I are sisters. Did you perhaps forget it" The oldest maid said while chuckling and looking her masters cute gaze.

"N-No.." Desir answered while the shake and flustered tone wasn't hiding anything that he feels.

"Greetings young master." Thus the silent maid finally spoke yet Desir only nodded at her.

In a span of few minutes all the maids observed him and only have one thing in mind.

'Master is so cuteee!!' Thought of all the maids within the Carriage.

'This...! Why does this memories keep coming at me!!' Due to such different yet helpful phenomena Desir's brain absorbed some helpful yet basic memories of the original owner of the body.

(A/N: I've based the maids from all the ntr hentais I've read, all of whom made a damaged on my 'Innocent' mind, Let this author saved them!!!)

Thus the carriage continued for a few minutes not until a commotion happened outside.



I've already added the pics of the maid in every paragraphs and ssadly no chaps this week thanksss for reading sheeeshhhh