
You can´t die, if you are already dead.

A person has died, he does not know how or why, but after his death he meets a girl dressed in white. She is a superior entity that is obsessed with him, proposes a deal, in exchange for her soul she would make him immortal, eternal. The girl named Mor keeps his promise to him, but ... You cannot die if you are already dead. Our protagonist is nothing more than a miserable soul, a ghost. A playful and troublesome spirit. His story takes place in a fantasy world but I suppose this was a bit obvious if you read the labels, as I said, in this world there are both the demon king, as heroes and of course summoned heroes, but we do not follow any of them , our protagonist who has forgotten his own name and although he is not intrinsically evil, he is more attached to the side of an antagonist or an anti-hero.

JMore · Fantasy
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73 Chs

Riding a Black Chariot

A black carriage drawn by horses of the same color was moving at breakneck speed through Goblin village, yet the mysterious absence of the noise of the horses was evident.

In the driver's seat, an androgynous-looking young lady is sitting, her hair is black and long while her eyes give off a mystical crimson light, she wears an elegant black suit that fits perfectly to her body.

Many questions go through the minds of the people who watch this fantastic show.

However, I am only going to answer one of them.

That mysterious figure, driving like a crazy with a smile on his face, is me.


Yes, me, Rubí ...

Come on, laugh, that was supposed to be a joke.

{Imaginary laughs}

Thank you, thank you, now let's keep driving while I suppress my shame. (• ▽ •;)


Wow, look out, humans on the way!

What should meat carriage-san do with them?

Roll them, roll them all!

Well, i will do that...


Hmm ...

That girl is not running away ...

Girl run!

Everyone around you has already emptied the street!


Don't stare at me, react!

— Mommy ...

You're crying?!

I'm too close, handbrake, handbrake! USE THE HAND BRAKE DAMIT!


YES, the carriage is stopping.

A cloud of smoke rises at the sudden change in speed, however the girl is saved.

I feel an inner relief to see that the girl is safe, I would like to say that I am in the same condition.

Don't get me wrong. It's not like I'm in danger or anything like that, I just shot out of my seat, you see, it's what happens when you drive without a seat belt.

This space is sponsored by Rubí Seat Belts, you can die, so wear a seatbelt.ヾ (• ω • ')

Anyway, while we're at it let's try a superhero landing.


I think you will get used to the idea of ​​what happened when trying to land without having bones in the legs.


Opsi⁓ ♪

Let's take advantage of the cloud of dust that was raised by my fall and pretend that nothing happened.

Changing the subject, am I the only one who finds it strange that so much dust is raised in the middle of a paved city? That is, we are not in a desert for this kind of thing to happen.

Ahem, ahem.

Let's stand up and ride the carriage again, the illusory horses inevitably unraveled and my bone building paused, it's a bummer to keep a constant focus on both, next time I'll make sure I'm in a quiet place before trying to build something. as complex as a humanoid body.


The brat who made me dust me still standing in front of the carriage crying

Oh come on, don't look at me in terror, it's your fault for not getting out of the road in time. Do you know how furious I am right now? If you weren't a beautiful loli I would have hit you with a smile on my face.

A lady rushes in and hugs the girl covering her, is she her mother?


T-that gesture, YOU DAMN!

What about that gesture?

Hands open as if trying to protect the girl from me, you know, I still have time to kill you.



(* ^ - ^ *)

—Don't wory, I'm not going to hurt you

I'm smiling for the moment.

A macabre way? Nope, this time I am smiling in a kind way, it is not easy but I certainly know how to smile in an angelic way.

It is such an angelic smile that the lady has even stopped shaking ...


It actually looks like he passed out.

Seeee, I should be more objective with myself.

Anyway, what I said before was not a lie, it may not seem like it, but I am someone who is moved quite easily.

At this moment you will be like: "You, you are the last one I want to hear that from"

And if right now I am a shit of being that lacks humanity, but let's blame that on my current situation. That is!, I am not human, I don't need humanity, if I am totally honest, my morals tell me that almost everything is wrong of how I am, but since I'm a Ruby my mind is reeling all over the place. But I have no plans to change, I am having a lot of fun with the chaos of today, I need to do this, this way I will stay away from these idle lines of thought that make me feel so empty inside.

I'm going to live in today and no one can stop me!

Oh? when did it get dark?

oh ...

Ah ...

Ummm ...

Seeee, that's why I must stay away from these lines of thoughts, I must be especially careful since my will affects the outside of my head

For now, let's remove this dark mist and return to the carriage.

To all this, how is the girl?






I'm finally leaving Goblin Village.

In the last section I dedicated myself to driving with caution so it took a little longer than expected but at the end I crossed Goblin Village from end to end in less than 20 minutes.

I could probably calculate the size of Goblin Village based on the speed, it's a simple calculation: S = D / T, I have the speed and the time, I solve the equation and get the distance.



I inhale .....

I beat my leg.

I've finished building the bones for my legs, I'm still missing those for my arms and head, but for now let's start building a good pair of lungs.

That is, if I cannot vent my frustration through breathing, I will end up venting on other things, today it was my legs, tomorrow it will be the world.

Let's save the world by bulding my lungs.




Will Geron be okay?

When I checked in the last pause he was still asleep, that brat really sleeps like a log.

Will it really be okay?

What if he doesn't wake up?

So what will I do with the corpses of two children?


How is it possible that the sky is sunny at this moment?

I don't like it, cloud yourself, bend to my will and go black and stormy.

A drop of water hit my hand, soon a torrential storm caught me under a blast of violence.

The black clouds extinguished the natural light of the day making it difficult to guess the time of day.

Yup, these are the tears you deserve.

Tears that I am unable to produce naturally.

However, the lump that I have in my throat does not go away, that is, it is not even something physical that I can rescue.

I know exactly what it is, but I refuse to let that thought cross my mind.

I won't let it ...

Anyone will take away my second chance ...

No matter what, I will certainly fill my empty soul!

Kindness is painful and does not serve me.

The curiosity invisible.

And the bad, although funny ...


I must disconnect my mind.

I don't want to think anymore.

If I continues like this, I might even think I was better dead in complete darkness.

That's the last thing I want.

Right now I'm heading to the Imperial Capital of a different world, isn't that fantastic?

Apart from my own being, I have not seen much magic with my own eyes, is not that what everyone wants?

I really want to see my future, to explore every corner of this beautiful world, to experience everything this world has to offer.

That will be a great existence that will last as long as time lasts.

I will not let anything dominate me, I will enjoy every second of my existence and ultimately I will forget everything, just as I forgot my name.

If you are curious about what happened to the girl (despite making it very clear) she died of a heart attack. . . . or not?

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