
You can´t die, if you are already dead.

A person has died, he does not know how or why, but after his death he meets a girl dressed in white. She is a superior entity that is obsessed with him, proposes a deal, in exchange for her soul she would make him immortal, eternal. The girl named Mor keeps his promise to him, but ... You cannot die if you are already dead. Our protagonist is nothing more than a miserable soul, a ghost. A playful and troublesome spirit. His story takes place in a fantasy world but I suppose this was a bit obvious if you read the labels, as I said, in this world there are both the demon king, as heroes and of course summoned heroes, but we do not follow any of them , our protagonist who has forgotten his own name and although he is not intrinsically evil, he is more attached to the side of an antagonist or an anti-hero.

JMore · Fantasy
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73 Chs

I don't want to work

"I was taking a quick ride with my carriage nothing more" My broken voice, devoid of the slightest fault echoed through the office temporarily assigned to vice minister of the MSI.

"A QUICK RIDE ? ! WERE YOU RATHER FLEEING FROM A CRIME SCENE ?" The face of the newly renamed vice minister Ass Face was red and twisted, fuck, his face was so twisted it looked like it was straight out of a Junji Ito manga .

By the way I'm a Junji Ito fan .

"WE ARE BEING HAZED BY THE UN-DEAD AND YOU GET OUT FOR A RIDE !!! " Ass Face remarked each one his words with fury.

"H-Hey, cool down old man." His face is totally terrifying, his eyes have gone totally black, and his pupil is nothing more than a white dot in his eye.

I do not know the secrets of dopelgangers but ultimately one of those angry looks like this.


You remember that I was furious a few hours ago ... I already calm.

Thought this is my fault without a doubt. But ... I don't want to work ( 〒﹏〒)

When you do something of your own will you do it with pleasure, but when someone tells you to do the same thing you get angry and you don't want to do it anymore.

It's the same, I don't want to kill zombies because someone ordered me to ...

But let's make an exception for this time ... It's not that I was scared by his expression or anything, it's just that I changed my mind of my own accord, his threat has nothing related with it ...

To all this, I didn't tell you how I got is this. Ahem . Ahem .


I was furious.

When I got back to the hotel I was still furious.

I sat furiously on the couch reading a book.

And when I went up to my room I was still furious.

It was still dark when I heard a bell ringing frantically.

I heard rapid footsteps going up to my room. Seconds later the butler assigned to this room burst into my room.

His face reflected anguish.

Altered, he explained to me what was happening: apparently during the night the deads began to rise from their graves.

The cemeteries outside the city were taken over practically instantly and an army of undead that seemed to come out of nowhere began to march towards the city.

Between them and the constant waves of undead that rose non-stop, the Viceroy of Silitur hastened to declare the state of siege in the city, a state that prioritizes the defense of the city and its citizens before a counterattack.

In addition, the local authorities of each district of the City are ordered to mobilize all citizens to an emergency shelter.

The hotel we were staying in had its own underground bunker as well as a quick access tunnel to the empire's refuge.

Apparently this hotel is primarily intended for officials of the empire.

The butler insisted that I follow him to the basement for shelter.

All very nice and that but my legal flight was interrupted when the receptionist stopped us while going down the stairs.

Apparently he received a message from the deputy minister of the SMI, in other words, Assy was requesting my presence.

For what ? Probably to wonder why the sudden rise of the undead.

I was certain about that, not because I knew exactly what I was causing, it was more of a feeling, a premonition.

I quickly dragged Geron and Schuwi to the meat carriage with me.

Geron had a mixture of confusion and guilt on his face, while Schuwi followed us with the bouncy and happy steps typical of a normal child ...

It should be noted that Schuwi was terrifying as always, but somehow her movements looked a little more ... Elegant ?

The receptionist did not stop us, he surely thought we would use the carriage to meet Assy . He was wrong, once with children inside the careuaje and then secure them with a pair of belts I buy install yesterday, I paracer ghost horses and start so fast that the hat of receptionist flew.

His surprised face was exquisite.

The streets were almost empty, apparently, most of the movement in emergency situations takes place underground.

However, there is a problem .... I don't know how I'm going to get through the wall.

It wouldn't be a serious problem if it weren't for why I'm heading at 80 km / h towards it.

But don't panic, it's more than obvious that I got out somehow.

When you have something as convenient as Soul Will, the sky is the limit.

And it certainly is, that night I felt like I was touching the sky.

The sentinels of the walls had open mouths while they were overflown by a careuaje black.

You see what I did was change the carriage direction vector from a horizontal one to a diagonal one, basically I used soul will as a ramp to rip my carriage off the ground and send it flying over the wall.

And the higher I got, the slower I got until eventually I started to fall.

The landing was also simple, I just needed to do the negative of my previous action.

Transform the vertical vector into horizontal and voila, landing ramp ready !

It was so easy that I am surprised by the smoothness of the landing and takeoff, it almost seemed like magic. Although good, the ghoulish and dark effects of Will of Soul were certainly eye-catching .

Crack, crack, crack !

I forgot to mention that I smashed some skeletons while landing.

In this way, I accelerated unstoppably in a northeast direction.

Halfway there I accidentally ran over a couple of people who were running distractedly towards Silitur .

I don't know if it was because they were upset at something like that but I saw them chasing my carriage through the shadows.

When they caught up with me they both mounted on the roof, the hooded figure looked surprised at astronomical levels, that is, a huge exclamation mark appeared above his head, however the boy without a shirt with orange hair was more disgusted than surprised.

At that moment I thought that maybe I should apologize to them so they would stop chasing the carriage.

So I started to slow down, the orange haired boy almost flew off but he managed to grab a part of the roof ... Although I think he ripped part of the carriage.

When the carriage had almost stopped the hooded figure seemed to regain his composure and pulled a scroll from his tunic and tore it open.

In a moment the entire carriage was surrounded by a ring of light and in a second we made a pouf and appeared in the backyard of the government building where I was previously.

And in front of me was Ass face, Assy for friends, before I could think anything he dragged me to his office.

I would have been angry with him for dirtying my only suit but one look at his face made it clear to me.

I do not know how much is the authority of the SMI but I am sure that if I try to escape at this moment all the authority of the vice minister would fall on me .