
You Broke Me First. The Two Brothers.

WARNING: MATURED CONTENTS. "What.. what do you want?" Regina asked, moving backwards calculatingly from the predator whose eyes scanned her length like she was a prey about to be devoured completely. She kept stepping back but he grabbed her arms and yanked her over. "You're my wife and I have all the right to do whatever I want with you!" Daniel whispered harshly. He grasped her wrist, pulling her over to him. He swirled her around then he pushed her down on the bed. She gasped as her dress went up her thighs due to how hard he pushed her and pinned her hands above her head. Regina could only tear up when he hovered over her with his gaze dark and his face blank. What did she do to deserve such an ill-fated life?. ------ "Where do you think you're going?" A deep cold voice resounded behind her. "Far away from you," Rachael snapped, turning around to face him but instantly bit her tongue when she saw the deadly glare and his handsome expressionless face. "I just saved your life, you almost died," he pointed out like she was supposed to thank him. After everything he did to her, saving her was just not enough. she shivered and wrapped her arms around her wet body, her clothes drenched while she tried to cover herself like it'd take the cold and loneliness away. "Should I be thanking you?" she asked with a brow raised and she couldn't help but wonder where she got the courage from. "What else should I do then for you to know how I feel?" he asked, his voice gradually rising for the first time. "Nothing! why?! because I'll never forgive you. you killed my father and I hate you!" Rachael yelled, the cold giving her the courage and boldness she never had. Derek stood there with a surprised look she never thought he could make. slowly his eyes turned dark and cold, his jaw clenched as he walked closer to her. She moved against the wall in fright as he neared her, his face just an itch away from hers as he clenched his fists. "fuck!" he exclaimed unexpectedly, punching the wall behind her and it made her flinch back in shock and fear. He stared at her with his bloodshot eyes while he breathed heavily before he walked past her. She quickly fell down on the cold ground and sat on her legs, unable to keep herself up. She wept bitterly, she just missed her dad so much but he was gone, he killed her father. ___ The two stone-hearted brothers. One was a cold-hearted CEO who loved watching others suffer, especially his contracted wife, Regina, who became his prisoner as he made life miserable for her even after killing her father and uncle. And the other was a cold-blooded murderer and king of the underworld as they called him. He was known to be a stone hearted Mafia and the king of the assassins who abducted the innocent and cheerful Rachael just after killing her father before her eyes. He took her hostage as his slave and made her wish for death every single day. But what would happen when the two notorious brothers fall in love? Will the women they caused endless pain reciprocate their feelings or seek revenge for their loved ones that were brutally murdered by these two men?.

Daniel_grace · Urban
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45 Chs

Two Cockroaches

(Rachael POV)

I froze and tried catching my breath, but nothing was working, and I found it very hard to breathe. I rested my back on the door with my hand placed on my chest while I inhaled and exhaled repeatedly to calm my beating heart.

I could feel the danger around me, and my body could sense the alarm.

"What did I just do?" I asked myself as my head fell back on the door, exhausted.

"He would come for me, why did I do that? Was I wishing for death? Why did I kick him?" I kept asking myself. The more I remembered it and how it happened unexpectedly, out of instinct, made me tremble. I walked to the bed and sat down and kept my hands on my thighs.

I could hardly believe what I did, and I felt my hands trembling on my thighs. My body felt weak, but my heart was heavy with fear that filled my chest.

I laid down while looking at the door, waiting for it to get slammed open and for that man to do whatever he had in mind after what I just did. His presence still terrified me and everything about he scared me, the way he moved and the way he whispers with his deep voice. The look in his eyes wasn't exactly helpful, the way he leaned down with a dark gaze always raised an unsettling feeling within me.

Who exactly was he? And what did he want with me?

I was sure he was my owner, but I was still doubtful, but how come he hadn't denied any of my claims?

My head spun with different questions and thoughts. I suddenly felt sleepy and dozed off before I could notice.

When I woke up, I tensed immediately, realizing that I must've slept off. What if he had come, and I was fast asleep with nothing to protect me?

I felt like smacking my head. I was so careless most times.

I stood up and went to the door. I held the key ready to lock it when my eyes landed on a particular spot on the door that looked darker than the color of the door. I scrutinized my gaze and drew my face closer to take a better look.

My heart skipped a beat when the thing suddenly flew towards me.

"Cockroach!!" I gasped and bent down, and it flew right past my head. I sighed, thinking that I finally escaped it.

I searched around for what to use when it flew back in my direction. The cockroach didn't want to give up and in no time, I started throwing things at it.

It kept flying around, and I was running almost everywhere for safety until I became breathless and just right about that time, it rested on a table close to my bed.

I rushed to pick up a pillow and gave the cockroach all my attention. I stood my ground, but something hit me on my shoulder. I shrieked back and smacked that part without even caring to know what it was.

I looked at my palm and then my shoulder only to see a cockroach smashed to death.

How? I thought it was…

I trailed off when I saw the cockroach was still there on the table, looking like it was enjoying the luxurious room.

What the hell? Then there were two cockroaches in my room?!

Eww... I perceived the disgusting smell. My stomach twitched in disgust. I can't believe I just smashed a cockroach to death with my hand! On my body!.

I screamed and rushed towards the bathroom, caring less about the cockroach still resting on my table. I discarded my clothes and turned on the shower. The water fell heavily on me and I looked for where the soap was and when I spotted it, I rushed to get it, but I slipped in the process.

I yelped and waited for the pain, which I felt moments after. "Aww…" I cried in pain but struggled to stand up. The door to the bathroom slammed open, and my head snapped to the direction only to see the person I dreaded standing with a look of curiosity.

What was he doing here?

I gasped and tried to stand up hurriedly but tripped again, but this time I felt my strong hands in place, hands that made me gulp, and I was left in shock.

I lifted my gaze and was confused to see the look of surprise in his eyes. Then his eyes went down, and the surprised look turned to amusement.

What the heck? I immediately pushed myself away from his hand but almost fell again, however, he grabbed me again.

"Don't move," his voice was rather compelling before he picked me up, and I flinched in his arms. He took me out of the bathroom.

"What are you doing? Put me down!"

"Gladly," he muttered, and before I could get a grip of what was happening, he let go of me and I landed on my butt.

I stood quickly and opened my mouth to reprimand him, but he beat me to it.

"What's going on?"

"What… What do you mean?"

"I'm talking about the noise and everything."

"Oh, it was…" Wait, the cockroach. "There were two cockroaches here…" I looked around for the other cockroach. "There… There, it's over there." I pointed.

He moved his gaze to it before walking slowly to it. He picked up a plastic cup and covered the cockroach, caging the cockroach.

"What are you doing?"

"What do you see me doing?"

"Won't you kill it?"

"Why should I?"

What? I could barely believe what I was hearing.

"Why not?"

"I believe I have better things to do and something bigger than this to kill that really deserves it."

Something bigger? Like my father? But did my father really deserve it? That was the question I couldn't get the courage to ask no matter what.

"Where is the other one?" He asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Huh?" Other one? Which other one?.

"I thought you said they were two," he asked, raising a brow.

Oh, I almost forgot. "Yes, the other, I killed it on my body."

A line hitched on his forehead as a sign of utter confusion. "You did what?"

My hands flew to my mouth when I realized that I blurted the word out.