
You Broke Me First. The Two Brothers.

WARNING: MATURED CONTENTS. "What.. what do you want?" Regina asked, moving backwards calculatingly from the predator whose eyes scanned her length like she was a prey about to be devoured completely. She kept stepping back but he grabbed her arms and yanked her over. "You're my wife and I have all the right to do whatever I want with you!" Daniel whispered harshly. He grasped her wrist, pulling her over to him. He swirled her around then he pushed her down on the bed. She gasped as her dress went up her thighs due to how hard he pushed her and pinned her hands above her head. Regina could only tear up when he hovered over her with his gaze dark and his face blank. What did she do to deserve such an ill-fated life?. ------ "Where do you think you're going?" A deep cold voice resounded behind her. "Far away from you," Rachael snapped, turning around to face him but instantly bit her tongue when she saw the deadly glare and his handsome expressionless face. "I just saved your life, you almost died," he pointed out like she was supposed to thank him. After everything he did to her, saving her was just not enough. she shivered and wrapped her arms around her wet body, her clothes drenched while she tried to cover herself like it'd take the cold and loneliness away. "Should I be thanking you?" she asked with a brow raised and she couldn't help but wonder where she got the courage from. "What else should I do then for you to know how I feel?" he asked, his voice gradually rising for the first time. "Nothing! why?! because I'll never forgive you. you killed my father and I hate you!" Rachael yelled, the cold giving her the courage and boldness she never had. Derek stood there with a surprised look she never thought he could make. slowly his eyes turned dark and cold, his jaw clenched as he walked closer to her. She moved against the wall in fright as he neared her, his face just an itch away from hers as he clenched his fists. "fuck!" he exclaimed unexpectedly, punching the wall behind her and it made her flinch back in shock and fear. He stared at her with his bloodshot eyes while he breathed heavily before he walked past her. She quickly fell down on the cold ground and sat on her legs, unable to keep herself up. She wept bitterly, she just missed her dad so much but he was gone, he killed her father. ___ The two stone-hearted brothers. One was a cold-hearted CEO who loved watching others suffer, especially his contracted wife, Regina, who became his prisoner as he made life miserable for her even after killing her father and uncle. And the other was a cold-blooded murderer and king of the underworld as they called him. He was known to be a stone hearted Mafia and the king of the assassins who abducted the innocent and cheerful Rachael just after killing her father before her eyes. He took her hostage as his slave and made her wish for death every single day. But what would happen when the two notorious brothers fall in love? Will the women they caused endless pain reciprocate their feelings or seek revenge for their loved ones that were brutally murdered by these two men?.

Daniel_grace · Urban
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45 Chs

Having A Bad Feeling

(Regina's POV.)

I stood stiff and unknowingly stood that way until my uncle pulled me back into the house. However, I was still tense throughout the whole day. Something kept telling me that I just made a mistake that I would regret, especially if that car was truly their boss's car.

I got inside and sat down, still absent-minded.

"Hey, are you okay?" My aunt asked with a creased face.

"I…I…" I glanced up and saw her curious face that had a frown. I swallowed back whatever I had to say and nodded my head. After saying no to her crazy request, I decided to lock up whatever that may concern about this issue, especially when it's about having a bad feeling that things might really not go well for us. I mean, those people were clearly wealthy and here we were trying to fight with them when there was a high possibility that things might end up just as bad as they started.

"Are you sure you are okay?" She asked, raising a brow. Maybe I hesitated a bit, so I nodded again, this time a bit unhesitatingly.

She sighed and looked away. "This fight is taking too long, and it just started. I'm scared," she said, wearing a questioning look on my face.


"I'm scared that things might actually go wrong. I mean, you saw what happened today, so you must know just what I mean. We have most of our homes gone, not precisely ours, but we're all together. We all take each other as a big family. I know you said no, but think about it. They destroyed quite a lot and ours was the next target. If not for the idea you brought earlier, we could've been homeless by now or even worse because your uncle will be the last to go down without a fight, Regina," she said desperately. I was starting to feel guilty. When she brought up what I did earlier, I wanted to correct her that I did it in a fit of anger and nothing more, beside I was starting to feel regretful about throwing the first stone, yet I waited for her to finish. "I know you'll dismiss whatever I have to say, but think about it carefully, if you rely on a miracle, then we would wait forever. Besides , what's the guarantee that what you did will help us again, instead of provoking them more." She voiced her fear.

"What do you think will happen now?" I asked her, unable to fathom what would actually happen after the stunt I pulled off.

"I don't know, and I also don't think it's something we should wait for."

She hesitated a little but spoke up after. "Have you thought about my request?"

"Yeah more like a suggestion and no, I can't give them that satisfaction." I quickly rejected it.

She looked disappointed and hurt but shook her head. I felt bad for bluntly saying no, but I had to tell my mind. She stood up and walked away and for the rest of the days, she entirely ignored me. I slept that night and was woken up early by my uncle and just when I thought she wouldn't bring up yesterday's discussion, she literally mentioned it and asked about my thoughts. She believed I was just stressed out yesterday because it was obvious, but a good sleep could've helped, but I still told her the same response. She should just drop it already.

Today I woke up with the feeling of yesterday intensified.

She grabbed my hand, but I pulled it back and walked past her only to see my uncle giving a very motivational speech. I mean the type they give before going to war. He turned over to me when he saw me from afar.

"Uncle, what's going on again?"

"It's just a verbal fight to negotiate and nothing more, so please don't be frightened. Now, I need you to go distribute the fruit we harvested, so we can use the money to buy more products." He said with his hand on my shoulder as he spoke to me gently like he was speaking to a kid. I nodded my head in understanding before going to ask the people that would join me to make the work easy and fast. But my uncle came to pick the people to follow me, and they were all children and women. He told my aunty to join, but she insisted on staying back for a reason which I couldn't comprehend. Something was off and I could sense it.

My uncle gave me a comforting hug and I couldn't help but sign in his arms before he pulled away gently and patted my hair tenderly with love gleaming in his eyes. Then he let me go. I looked around just to see my aunty giving me a look I tried to comprehend, nevertheless I walked away.

We reached the market and bought everything we needed and sold more of what we brought.

After the long period of time we took, we decided to go back, but it was already late and the way from the market to the village was considerably far, and it was late, and once it was late, there'll be no vehicle to drive you back.

I looked around and frowned. "So I guess we should stay," I suggested when we stood at the bus station for a while.

Looking over at the children, I frowned, wondering why my uncle would let children follow me to distribute today and now thinking about it, I found it rather strange that the father's or family never complained about it, instead they agreed to it. Strange indeed.

I shook my head. We should search for a place to sleep rather than standing there this late.

We slept at the market that night, though I wanted to go back to my uncle and show him the amount of money we made, maybe we could use it to negotiate a bit. Furthermore, we went back to the village later that day with happiness, but my mouth hung open when I laid eyes on the disaster. The whole buildings were gone, and I could hear sounds of people crying. I rushed over to my home, but there was nothing but a fallen building in front of me.

"Uncle? Uncle?" I called while looking around and searching around the place. I heard a loud cry and I rushed to check where it was coming from but paused when I saw my aunty sitting on the floor while holding someone in her arms as she wept. My heart slowed down as I stood there, frozen and unable to move.