
The Maiden and Five Brothers

**********Trigger Warning********* This novel is for adults only it has more than one partner, abuse, sexual violence and lots and lots and lots of sexy steamy scenes. ********************************* Sucking more deeply her back arches first from pain. So much burning pain. It was agony. And then pleasure. The bite had pleasure. Suck more she begged inside. Suck more please. "Please" she moans. And the brothers moan in response. Riley rips off her pantys and she whimpers. Trying to close her legs, but they won't let her. Each man pulling apart one leg. They takes turns touching her pussy. At first lightly just around the lips. Riley and Oliver look each other in the eye and nod. Riley lets go with a smack of his lips he moves down her body.

Devonany · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

the violets are for her

It was 2 days before the full moon. The last 2 days she hadn't been drank from. She was visited by Oliver and Alexander. But she mostly slept. Having lost so much blood she needed these days to fully replenish her blood supply. Grateful they had let her do so.

She was finally well enough and up early enough she was able to wander the grounds in the daylight.

She wandered into Jeremy's garden.

It really was beautiful.

And the. She saw freshly planted violets by the tree Jeremy had cornered her at.

Her flower.

He planted those for her.

The pathway shined like rainbows in the sunlight.

The garden filled with vibrant shades hues of all the colors ranging from the blush of roses to the softness of lilies. A fountain, adorned with climbing ivy and trailing vines. Butterflies danced in the fading sunlight.

The garden was more. So much more. She couldn't wait to tell Jeremy her favorite flower in his garden.

She skipped inside excited to see Jeremy. The sun had set but it was still light outside when she walked back in from the garden.

She walked up to the back yards double doors opening one. And there was Riley. Waiting for her behind the other door.

When she walked through he snatched her up by her waist. He slams the door behind, trapping her between him and the door.

"Stop it" she said wincing at the pain from hitting hardness of the door on her back.

Trying to push him off her "stop it"

"Now would would I do that. I haven't gotten to feel your flesh in days." Riley said leaning down to kiss her. She tries to turn her head from him but he forcefully grabs her chin. Pressing his lips to hers deeply. She thins her lips and tries to pull away but he grabs more of her face pushing her cheeks with his grip forcing her lips out and he presses harder into her mouth.

He was suffocating her with his kiss. She needed to get away from him. But she was trapped. Powerless. At his mercy again. He grabs a handful of her breast with his free hand squeezing it hard.

Pulling away from her Violet sucks in air breathing again.

Riley grabs a handful of her hair. "I caught a mouse in my trap. That means I get to play with it."