
The Maiden and Five Brothers

**********Trigger Warning********* This novel is for adults only it has more than one partner, abuse, sexual violence and lots and lots and lots of sexy steamy scenes. ********************************* Sucking more deeply her back arches first from pain. So much burning pain. It was agony. And then pleasure. The bite had pleasure. Suck more she begged inside. Suck more please. "Please" she moans. And the brothers moan in response. Riley rips off her pantys and she whimpers. Trying to close her legs, but they won't let her. Each man pulling apart one leg. They takes turns touching her pussy. At first lightly just around the lips. Riley and Oliver look each other in the eye and nod. Riley lets go with a smack of his lips he moves down her body.

Devonany · Fantasy
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43 Chs

school part 2

Arriving to school it was huge. A prestigious private school, humans during the day, vampires at night. The school was an old castle, she couldn't help but smile thinking she can take some cute pictures in her new uniform at her fancy school. Starting to walk a little to far ahead Ash grabs her by her shoulder yanking her back some, "don't go to far until we get you to the office and get your credentials. You're a target until we can crown you the Queen of Vampires, so you need the schools protection while you're here."

"She's got us she's fine" Oliver said

"She should be more afraid of you breathing anywhere near her than she should most of this school" Jeremy muttered walking away.

Ash walks with Violet to the office and Oliver follows behind hands in his pocket. Watching her hips sway as she walks. Gazing at her figure like she was his prey.

Violet could feel him staring making the hairs stand up on the back of her neck. Struggling to keep a smile she makes it to the office safely.

She's given a pass and a special pin placed on her jacket for all to see she is an untouchable special guest under penalty of explosion, exile or even death.

"This only stops you from the other students. Not Oliver or Jeremy" Ash says to her glaring at Oliver who was standing behind her still eyeing her.

"Oliver get lost" Ash said to him

"Actually you get lost we have first period together" Oliver says wrapping his arms around her chest pulling her to him. His cold open hands pressing just above her nipples drawing her into him, restricting her arms to her side he traps her in his possessive embrace. She begins to tremble.

"Don't test me Oliver" Ash said with a rough deep growl.

"I won't fuck her first little brother. That sports for Gabriel." Oliver grinned showing a single fanged tooth.

Ash's fangs extended in respond as her sneered and growled at Oliver.

"You know you have no right to claim her as yours . She belongs to all of us." Oliver mockingly says "If you'll excuse us I have to get our dear Violet to class or we will be late." Olive said dismissing Ash's threats.

Oliver keeps on arm around Violet as they walk through the halls.

There's whispers and glances all around making comments about what they see. Master Oliver has a woman on his arm and not just any woman, a human girl under their protection. Violet clearly uncomfortable. Arriving at the class Oliver notices and he takes full advantage of that.

"She is my betrothed and we are to be wed!"

Oliver shots in his classroom.

"Here I'll show you."

Grabbing her by the wrists he holds her arms up biting onto her wrist and he drinks from. She winces with squeaks again at the sharp pain of his fangs piercing her skin.The thick aroma of her blood hitting the air set everyone in the classroom on edge. Everyone now wanted a taste of Violet. And she could see it in their eyes. She knew if anyone of them could get their hands on her they would despite the risks.

She doesn't think Oliver thought this through trying to ensure no one touches her. He just gave everyone in the room, he'll maybe even the school a good reason to risk death. The smell of her blood was intoxicating, it was hard for Pure Bloods to resist, it would be even harder for someone of lesser blood.

The teacher walks in and smells her immediately. He floats over to her and says

"Why don't you smell delicious, I can assume you are our special. We human transfer, yes?"

Violet nods yes, scared sinking closer to Oliver.

Feeling and smelling her fear coming from someone other than him pisses him off instead of exciting him as it usually does. Disturbing something inside him making him feel oddly protective and ready to shred his teachers face to shreds if he even looks at her wrong. Feeling confused by his reaction to this, he pulls Violet behind him tucking her in closer. "I would appreciate some distance, after smelling and tasting my lovely Violet, the smell of you is ruining it" Oliver began to growl "you can return to your desk Professor".

Flashing his elongated fangs as a reminder of who holds the power in this room.

"Now everyone questioning her worth and value to me may understand why I will kill who ever touches what is mine."

I’m feeling conflicted a bit with Oliver’s character. he’s such a scum bag. but not as bad as Riley.

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